

A chance meeting between a Titan and an unidentified, after her escape from the lab which she was stuck in for almost a year brings the two together for a mutual relationship making them work together after discovering something no one expected they would find. "I'm afraid if I take you with me I might hurt you", he his eyes turning darker said her eyes widened but she was determined. "It's either I get hurt of I get killed... I promise I'll do anything", she hurriedly said desperation evident in her voice despite it coming out weak feeling her strength drain from her she had fought for too long and now her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell unconscious but he caught her and laid be gently on the ground. "Ainep scan her", he said nonchalantly but a hint of curiosity could be heard in his voice. Then a blue web like beam appeared and scanned her and in less than a second the results showed up. "Danbers Roseline Age twenty one years old, test subject 40665432 of Main Lab Corp, recently escaped", replied Ainep stating all the necessary information. "So you're a runaway lab rat huhn, little Earthling", he said and pinched his brows, since she was desperate she could be useful. "Fine you can tag along but you will have to work for me and help me figure out this planet" he said and carried her on his back and covered her face properly with the cloak and sped away completely ignoring his friend who gave him a don't do it look.

Clix_Erika_D · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Runaway Lab rat

He walked outside towards the garage where a collection of cars were parked, he picked a Tesla despite knowing the fact that him walking out of one would draw a lot of attention, his dad was going to be so mad at him, perfect. The driver immediately came and drove him to the park on his command. It was the top skate park in the Los Angeles as it was more advanced than the rest but the sight that many would have awed at didn't even elicit a reaction from the Titanian, he walked in nonchalantly. The sight of him caused the whole parks attention to be on him, it was as if time paused at that moment, despite changing his appearance he looked breathtaking and he knew it. He searched for the best skateboard and bought it off the very satisfied owner and walked towards the ramp, on his was he met a blonde haired man with green eyes dressed casually his eyes looked bored the man wore a black face mask, he just smirked and continued walking.

He got to the ramp and executed his moves so elegantly all eyes were on him, he continued doing complex moves showing the humans they were no match for him, the people stared at him in awe, they were impressed except for the man in the mask whose expression didn't change, he looked like he was used to this. When he was done he grabbed his board and walked towards the man and people couldn't help but face him, he gave a smug smile and continued walking nonchalantly.

"I almost thought I was wrong but I can't miss that arrogance anywhere", he said and gave out a sigh removing the face mask revealing his angel like perfectly chiseled face and Damien chuckled.

"And I can't miss that annoying nagging aura... anyways how's the search for the handsome prince going", he asked and this assured his friend that he was with the right guy, how narcissist.

"It's probably going to take two to three weeks before they find him so I'll have to babysit until then", Allen replied promptly not hiding the displeasure in friend running away again.

"Allen sometimes I wonder if you're my best friend or a secret babysitter hired by my dad", he replied rolling his eyes and walking towards the car while some people wondered whether to approach the rich skateboarder.

"A bit of both", he replied following him, on Titan they weren't regarded as friends but master and servant, his father asked Allen to keep an eye on him and reporting his every move not knowing that he would become his partner in crime and help him hide most of his messes, but making sure he doesn't step out of line, most times... No one could have complete control over this devil prince. They were about to leave when a black haired human in a leather jacket jogged towards them waving at them to wait, he looked about their age or the age they looked liked early twenties.

"Hey, I'm Brian", he said with a big grin on his face he held a high aura not as powerful as the ones around them but one could guess he was someone important.

"Hi I'm Allen this is Damian", he said since Damian just rested on the car staring at the boy scanning him, on Titan no one dared to approach him and anyone who tried to wouldn't be able to put a sentence together, that's why most people referred to the ruler's right hand man, but here this human was talking to him without stuttering, he was slightly impressed. It was either this human was very brave or Earthlings were very stupid. "Well I was hoping maybe one day you could teach me your tricks, that is if we ever see each other again", he said cheekily and Damian nodded and entered the car while Allen politely waved at the human and joined him.

It was about a few minutes past midnight when Damien decided to go nitro boarding and it left Allen dumbfounded, his friend had no limits did he, he didn't even care about getting caught but Allen agreed in the end the humans outside would be very few right now and if anyone happened to see them it just be a blur, plus he wanted to do something fun too he wasn't tired at all, a day on Titan equalled two days on Earth. When both boys got set to ride from the gate of the mansion the old man couldn't help but sigh, his master said they might be dealing with a rebellious young Titanian but this was a miscreant!

Damian and Allen where riding in high-speed in sync trying to outride one another, Damian was focusing on his riding when he felt something push him, everything was happening in slow motion but he couldn't stop it, his damn powers weren't working, he just shrinked the nitro board and bumped into a cloaked girl.

"What the hell", he cursed and the girl immediately tried to send him a flying kick but he immediately grabbed her leg and pushed it away and she smiled sheepishly dusting his jacket, he pursed his lips and looked at the girl his powerful vision could see himself in her eyes, he's decietful form was gone, that was going to be a problem and her hazel eyes turned purple ruby like while stared at him curiously and it was as if she could see into the depths of his sinful soul making him stumble backwards.

'Instinct, stick with the dominant male' she suddenly heard in her head, she looked at the guy standing in front of her, he had a cold and annoyed but dominant aura and she couldn't deny that he reeked of power, she didn't want to be around him because she couldn't help but be wary of him but when the memories of her being in the lab flashed in her mind, she realized she had to trust her survival instincts on this one.

"Take me with you!" he suddenly heard her say and Allen silently watched in the background he wanted to go over there but his powers were fluctuating like someone had planned this, Damian stared at the girl dumbfounded he wanted to beat some sense into the Earthling and maybe he would have done it if she was male, he'd been itching for a fight and he'd surely get one when he got back home.

"Take you with me I don't even know you", he mumbled walking away but she heard him and followed him.

"I'm sorry, my name is Roseline", she said and he stopped and turned back to face her, he was just going to have to scare the human off, that would be an easy feat.

"I'm afraid if I take you with me I might hurt you", he his eyes turning darker said her eyes widened but she was determined.

"It's either I get hurt or I get killed... I promise I'll do anything", she hurriedly said desperation evident in her voice despite it coming out weak feeling her strength drain from her she had fought for too long and now her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell unconscious but he caught her and laid be gently on the ground.

"Ainep scan her", he said nonchalantly but a hint of curiosity could be heard in his voice. Then a blue web like beam appeared and scanned her and in less than a second the results showed up.

"Danbers Roseline Age twenty one years old, test subject 40665432 of Main Lab Corp, recently escaped", replied Ainep stating all the necessary information.

"So you're a runaway lab rat huhn, little Earthling", he said and pinched his brows, since she was desperate she could be useful.

"Fine you can tag along but you will have to work for me and help me figure out this planet" he said and carried her on his back and covered her face properly with the cloak and sped away completely ignoring his friend who gave him a don't do it look. Allen sighed and sped after him.