

A chance meeting between a Titan and an unidentified, after her escape from the lab which she was stuck in for almost a year brings the two together for a mutual relationship making them work together after discovering something no one expected they would find. "I'm afraid if I take you with me I might hurt you", he his eyes turning darker said her eyes widened but she was determined. "It's either I get hurt of I get killed... I promise I'll do anything", she hurriedly said desperation evident in her voice despite it coming out weak feeling her strength drain from her she had fought for too long and now her body couldn't take it anymore, and she fell unconscious but he caught her and laid be gently on the ground. "Ainep scan her", he said nonchalantly but a hint of curiosity could be heard in his voice. Then a blue web like beam appeared and scanned her and in less than a second the results showed up. "Danbers Roseline Age twenty one years old, test subject 40665432 of Main Lab Corp, recently escaped", replied Ainep stating all the necessary information. "So you're a runaway lab rat huhn, little Earthling", he said and pinched his brows, since she was desperate she could be useful. "Fine you can tag along but you will have to work for me and help me figure out this planet" he said and carried her on his back and covered her face properly with the cloak and sped away completely ignoring his friend who gave him a don't do it look.

Clix_Erika_D · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Rebel Alien

In the dead of night, the violent rustling of leaves could be heard and the shouting of two men. A cloaked girl ran through the woods some men in lab coats were chasing her but they were no match for her speed, her hazel eyes scanned the area and her legs moving as fast as possible she ran until she found a nearby city, the lights made the city feel alive and cars still sped around despite the fact that it was really late. She breathed in the night air and looked up at the stars in the sky and she almost teared up, she quickly muttered something but she knew she had to keep going if she didn't want to be caught, how long had it been since she last tasted this freedom, she couldn't let it go, it couldn't have been a year already right?

She walked aimlessly on the street she couldn't think of any destination, there were a few people who looked at her strangely, she looked like someone who'd gone crazy and she knew it. Her feet were bare and full of bruises but they still looked delicate and fair and her messy red hair which had a silvery glow could still be seen even with the fact that the cloak was over it she wore a red pendant with gold threads and she was wearing a patients dress, she looked like someone who just got out of the mental hospital.

She looked incredibly vulnerable right now, like one who could easily be attacked, but her guard was up and her eyes were sharp scanning everywhere around her. She took steady movements trying to be aware of her environment, when someone bumped into her and out of reflex she tried to attack sending a powerful kick to the person despite being injured but he caught her leg just in time.

"What the hell!"

A few hours earlier...

"Stop right there!" said one of the guards tired of the heated chase which had been going on in an incredibly inhumane speed but the man seemed not to have any reason to listen to them, they were rank 4 guards and well respected but at this moment they were being toyed with and he and his colleagues had no choice, they had to get the prince. The prince, Damian turned around with a smug smile on his face his sapphire blue eyes which looked like they had hundreds of stars twinkling in them stared at them mockingly his silver hair was rough but he hadn't broken a sweat, he had expected more from his father's men but seems they had been going easy on them, well that just makes his escape easier, he jumped down the cliff and walked towards a space shuttle he had smuggled away from the hanger a few days back. He walked towards it, his dad wasn't going to be able to find him, at least not for awhile, he hoped his buddy would be able to find him soon though.

Getting to the space shuttle he looked excited finally he was going to be away from the watchful eyes of the people his father set up around him, not like they were able to stop him, they were like annoying flies hovering around him, they were always buzzing in his ears reminding him of the responsibilities which he never asked for to be on his shoulders, everyone around him was a pretentious friend sent by his father to watch him, please, the old man was going to have to do better than that, he just beat two of his best guards maybe his Dad wouldn't underestimate him next time.

"Ainep open the shuttle", he said to the special designed artificial intelligence watch on his hand and the shuttle immediately opened and he jumped in, it was like a key to almost everything in the whole land. Being a tracker he reprogrammed the A.I to be his personal assistant and hacked all the technology in Titan to be under his control, what could he say, he was a born genius.

"Set course for...", before he could complete his sentence he was interrupted by the artificial intelligence called Ainep.

"Master Damian I just scanned through the update on the blueprint search plan for you, after they've looked through Titan planet, A46 is next, Earth is the last on the list so that is the most suitable planet for you to go to for now", said Ainep and Damian groaned rubbing his forehead, he wanted his father to take him seriously but that only shortened the amount of free time he had they'd already drafted up a search plan, well he was going to make the most of it.

"Set a course for Earth", he immediately ordered as time was ticking, the estimated time for his father to find him was three weeks and every second was going to count.

After a few hours he landed on Earth in record time, creating the fastest space shuttle the universe had ever known the shuttle immediately shrinked down to the size of a key, landing on Earth he felt something explode within him an unexplainable surge of energy something was different about this planet and he knew it, he had studied a little about humans but not their planet, which was why he didn't understand what was going on but he didn't care about anything related to the planet, just that he wasn't under the watchful eyes of anyone, he immediately changed his appearance, his face and build changed hiding all his tattoos and his hair color except for the color of his eyes, he put on a pair of sunglasses, so no one could recognize him, he followed his tracker walking towards a building, his Dad was a very proud man because he owned properties all over the discovered planets, there was probably a mansion nearby, his Dad wouldn't mind if he borrowed it, he clicked his tongue and walked towards the direction, he wondered what Earth would have in store for him.

When he got there he was more than happy to see it was still well maintained, the scanned the QR code and walked in though the workers didn't recognize him they didn't dare say a word so as not to anger their master's guest.

They walked in not caring about the stares he was getting, he walked into the room and wore more earthly clothes, he was surprised how well taken care of the house was, it was almost like his father knew he was going to stay here, he wore a hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans he decided to tour round the city.

"Ainep what fun thing can I do now?" he said walking down.

"In the day time study has shown that people engage in a walk around the park or watch television", replied Ainep and Damian frowned at how with how far behind Earth was, who still watched television, he groaned what if this turned out to be less interesting than he thought it would be, he'd rather be stuck on Titan than die of boredom.

"Do they at least have an Neon board zone?" he asked not wanting to be cooped inside all day.

"No, but there is a skate park, but you're going to need to get a skate board", replied Ainep never tired of how arrogantly his creator spoke, well he couldn't. Damian just sighed and walked towards the park after taking some money from his dad's wardrobe, he'd just buy one off someone how he wished his friend was here he'd probably cook something up but he knew he'd find him soon no one knew him better than Allen, Allen where are you?