
The Awakening

Chapter 7

Birds chirped, the autumn leaves fell, the sun shone intensely casting huge shadows, the bell rang at intervals signaling switch of periods. Other than that, Monday morning was like no other day in Willcox high. Word of the spine-freezing ordeal at the weekend had spread across the school and one could almost miss the giggling of girl groups as they chit-chat across the hallway, the youthful shenanigans of the boys that always kept teachers on their toes or even the inevitable bullying of geeks who only one desire was to survive high school. The entire school was in such a grim state after losing one of their own. Delilah wasn't by any means the kindest of persons to her peers or the sweetest in the eyes of her teachers but one thing she was was popular, particularly because she was a part of the school's cheerleading team and of course her beauty left her name not too far from the lips of the boys.

A figure that took the news of her death really hard was poor Ashley. She had heard the news during the Sunday sermon and stormed out the chapel in overwhelmed grief, abandoning her place in the choir. "Who could have done this and why?" these question troubled her mind.

She watched as the teachers' lips move period after period, without pay much attention, her mind constantly drifting afar. Why had she been dogged on school? she wondered. Ashley's mom had suggested she take the day to grieve but she insisted on going for reasons now a mystery to her. Even the words of the principal did not stray from her mom's.

A loud screeching noise drew the attention of the class to the announce speaker installed at the far corner.

"Good day Willcox high," a croaky voice said taking a brief pause.

"It really is a sad day for us as the death of one of our own has come to light, Miss Lilah Mayfair. We will never see her likes again."

This ushered in an abrupt wave of gloom, that triggered most to a sullen face.

Ashley's eyes in wide circles hearing those words quaked waywardly. How unreal it all was to her but sadly this was one nightmare she wouldn't be waking from.

"She was an ideal exemplar of the true spirit of Willcox," the voice continued. "I think on dark days such as this do we ache for more of that spirit in each and every one of you. I know we all grieve in different ways but suppressing hurt will prove detrimental. The councilor's office is very much open, it's best we communicate with someone, a close friend or family perhaps, so the healing process can begin in earnest. She will be greatly missed. Rest on Delilah and stay strong Willcox high. Godspeed."

Eyes burgeoning with tears and heart racing, Ashley stuffed her backpack and bolted out the doors as the bell went off forthwith the principal's address, foot tapping in a quick rhythm against the floor.

She breezed past where used to be Lilah's locker and was thrown aback by what she discerned. It had been garlanded. Adorned by wreaths of light-colored flowers, forming several arcs. Cutout photos of Delilah inundated It as lit candles and bouquet of flowers littered the base beneath. That which was undoubtedly profound were the little anonymous notes pinned alongside pictures of moments with Lilah that extended up to the next two Lockers. She stood a few feet from the handiwork of sympathizers, motionless. Her stare deep and a lump in her throat.

"Ash!" She heard a familiar voice call and turned briskly in startlement.

"Hi," Ashley uttered, with arms folded, swaying nervously and in a glance her brimmed eyes meet lovely's which she quickly broke off, returning her gaze to her shoes,

Lovely had followed her not long after she left the class in pressing fashion.

The girls stood right in front of each other, speechless, faces like a wet weekend. Neither wanting to let go the fleeting illusion of normalcy. The past 48 hours really had been ghastly for the pair, still shook and having the blues.

And simultaneously they both let out a shrill outburst and locked in each other's embrace, overran with emotions and reduced to tears. This fervid scene had baited the eyes of a few but it mattered not to them.

"You saw it.....I heard you saw the whole damn thing," Ashley's voice cracked still trying to control her sobbing as the pair returned their arms,

"Yes, Ch-charlie and I were at the lake," Lovely muttered. "And I found her body tangled up when I took a dive," She squealed, bursting into a brief but more intense cry. Her frame quivering as she uttered every word.


"Okay Sarah what do you have," McNeil voiced as he took one last drag before putting out the cigarette he was nursing.

In that Instant, the white sheet went down revealing the stiff corpse that laid on the long table.

"Victim's name.....Delilah Alexa Mayfair. Aged....17. Height...5 feet 6," the coroner annunciated, reading from the file that rested on her hand in an indifferent fashion.

She took a pause and examined McNeil only to find a bitter look on his face. Her brows drew closer in surprise.

"Did you know her?" Sarah questioned in intrigue.

"No, not personally. But I did know her mother before she pasted. We schooled together, she and I," McNeil voiced as he stared sternly at the cadaver, gutted to his core.

All these years in the force, you'd think a sheriff would be used to the horrors of death, to the cruel and to the undeserving all alike," she thought, taking a deep sigh and continued.

"Weight, 20Ib.Hair, blonde. Eye color, ocean blue," she another pause, adjusting her lens.

"Cause of death, brain hemorrhage and concussion caused by multiple blows to the back of the head," Sarah said as her gloved hands dug through Lilah's hair, revealing a nasty head wound. and C-shaped cuts on her scalp. She was hit so hard, her skull started to cave with hair partly pulling off on impact

"What!?The water didn't kill her?"

"No. She was long dead before hitting the waters It's hard to say how long though. Maybe an hour, maybe two before whoever did this dumped her body in the lake," Retreat her arms from the corpse.

What I find a little odd is that she wasn't found afloat but down the lake. What do you make of that?" She asked in a manner that would suggest she was getting quite fascinated with the murder.

"Yeah, that's true. Very odd. Unless--"

"Unless what?" Turning her gaze to the sheriff.

"Unless there was a storm! I can recall there was a heavy pour down the night before her disappearance was reported at the precinct"

"Well....must have been one hell of a storm.

Dragging the surgeon lamp nearer she continued.

"You see this marks on her limbs? Fish bites. If she stayed any longer down there we wouldn't have been able to identify her in any short time and whoever did this wasn't no expert and with multiple hits on the head, this was definitely a crime of passion. Hit repeatedly with a mug, a vase, something pretty hard. Really shabby work."

"Thank you—Sarah," he retorted cutting off the talkative coroner

McNeil moved his hat from his head to chest, a grim stare in his eyes.

"is that all?"

"We still have to run a few more tests. If anything pops up, you'll be the first to know." covering the body once again with a tarp.

He placed his left hand his sidearm, scoffed and walked away as he returned his hat back to its place.

"Where to now sheriff," Sheriff-deputy Gregory echoed as his superior highlighted the car.

"The Abrams."

And the engine ignites.


Lovely stood, facing the vending machine. Her gaze fixed aimlessly at the see-through glass that reflected her slender frame. She had been standing for some minutes and had spaced out into a rather deep thought but was pulled back by passing footsteps, though forgetting briefly her purpose for being there.

She slotted a few quarters in that made clinking sound. She wanted to get a soda for Ashley who sparingly conceded to being thirsty.

For some reason, it didn't dispense as it should and this made her grunt in frustration

"Please let me," a voice said.

She hadn't thought anyone would be watching and come to her aid.

"Cranky old bucket," he said, before ramming into the vending machine from the side and almost immediately, a can dropped down the receiver.

"the name's Rhys and her? she's Betty," he introduced once lovely was upright after picking up the soda.

Lovely's gaze turned to a red-haired girl that cowered behind the books in her arms, a foot from Rhys and simpered a smile.

"Thanks for the hand. It's nice to meet you. I'm lovely."

"Yes. The new girl. We've heard quite a lot."

"All good I hope?" she chipped

"Mm...Of course" turning to his companion. "When we heard the new girl looked a lot like bitch Delil--" he blurted but left his words unfinished as he discerned how awkward the atmosphere was going to be if he hadn't.

"Well.....By now, you know who. We found it hard to believe. Until now."

Lovely's countenance changed so much that so, she started moving away from the pair slowly.

"you'll have to excuse me now," she said. This little bit seemed to have rattled Rhys, who had hoped for a more appealing scene after helping a gorgeous face.

"What!? It's not like you knew her" he snickered and gripped her wrist, stopping her dead In her tracks.

"I didn't but my friend did." Turning her gaze towards Ashley who sat across the cafeteria. "Now can you let go of my hand?" she voiced assertively

He scoffed, Infuriated and walked away.

"To hell with your pity! The whore got just what she got what she deserved!" The once coy Betty lashed out venomously, firing a menacing stare before bolting away.

Lovely stood alone once again, in startlement. Her fingers looking to pierce through the can her held. How did the conversation turn so sore?" she pondered and what had Betty meant by her final remark? It dawned on her that surely a girl as beautiful as Lilah was would have a few who didn't fancy her much but what could be another utter such dreadful words? What could a high-schooler have done to deserve such a cruel fate?