
Lovelorn Tie Lassie

the boy i loved saved me and my friend from an accident but nearly died . losing him , triggered my past life memories to return . as soon as i digested what entered my head i saw a cold body covered in red no , not red but blood !! the face which was covered in blood still couldn't hide his beauty but that didn't matter now . i realized at the sight of the face . he was my lover in all those lifes ! we died together every time . i immediatedly checked his pulse . he was barely alive ! he survived but way too much things about him changed . to make matters worse me and 3 more girls were dragged into a game to get his love !? we all compete together to get his love while fighting the dark figures that lurk in the shadow who want to erase love !! and why do all these beautiful boys around us ? geez, too much to receive love. who are they ? what do they want ? why is my beloved in the centre of all of it ? why do we play this game ? what is the ulitimate outcome ? and other millions of questions n my head . will i be able to solve this web of twisted love ! will we escape this game or not and have a happy ending ? i will change the future !! ------------------------------------------------------------------- welcome to the game of Lovelorn Tie Lassie . in short LTL . i am Danielle . your commenter in the game , let's see who receives the love of the heavenly boy . Rules :- 1) cannot use underhanded methods to get love 2) respect the heavenly boy's decisions 3) cannot harm the heavenly boy 4) use of magic and potions is prohibited on the heavenly boy. if you don't break these rules then everything is fair ! after all there are needed some shackles to make the game interesting ! not everything is fair in love and war , and these is both !! now let's see who are the contestants :- Camilia Wixx Ishtar Moyon Juliane Coraline Annalise Lorelie Bithiah now, let's see the judge :- the heavenly boy , Zane Adonai and ( the author ) now let's meet the audience :- The God (people reading the novel ) i Danielle will give you updates about the game so let the game , begin !! i wish the contestants the worst luck and hope that you all lose !! after all tragic is the best ........

Athena_Amor · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 5

we kept walking until we were just across the school . the only thing to do was cross the road . while i and liliana were crossing the road , mr. crush and edwin were in the nearby shop , purchasing snacks . all most everytime we see mr. crush he is eating something or more like chewing something . like before , he was eating chocolate . the traffic light turned green so, we started crossing the road while chatting . this was a choice i would come to regret in the near future but will also find it lucky " edwin is twisted , isn't he ?" i replied " sure " liliana then said " both of us are the line of defences for our BFF . it makes me feel like fate " i replied " hmm ..." liliana was a girl who experienced love for the first time so , it was best to let her keep blabbering but ignore her . we suddenly heard people around us screaming and shouting . when i looked towards them , they all looked scared ? why ? i then saw towards the direction where they were looking . maybe i should have looked towards there earlier . it was a car rushing towards us without stopping . the driver screamed that the car's break had failed and told everyone to move . we who were busy chatting didn't notice the commotion . is this where we die ? both me and liliana . no , if i die it's alright but i can't let liliana die . my legs got paralzed . i couldn't move them at all . maybe due to shock and scaredness . i collected all my strength and pushed liliana . liliana who still hadn't noticed the commotion and was thinking about her crush snapped back to reality . at first she annalzed the situation and immediatedly realized what had happened . liliana screamed at the top of her voice " no callie ! you can't..you can't do this to me !! you can't give up your life for me . " i on the other hand smiled and said in a really low voice which only i could hear " so, this is where i die ? " i started counting 10.., 9.., 8.., 7.., and suddenly the world around me stopped ? i saw a weird girl standing mid air . but what shocked me more was that she had darkest black hair color i had ever seen with ruby red eyes . she had a grin on her face . she wore a dungarees shorts of magenta color with white t-shirt inside . she wore black sports shoes with white knee high socks . she did look adorable while a lollipop in her mouth but the aura around her was way too omnious . she then took the lollipop out of her mouth and came near me and patted my head . i couldn't move my body but ? i then felt a sudden jolt in my head and some unknown memeories welled up inside my head . they were of different girls . they felt like me but not me at the same time . the girl looked at me with amusement and disappeared . as soon as she disappeared the time went back to normal ...


meet the cute lady . she may seem omnious but is very cute . i hope you all like this chapter as well !!

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