
Chapter 1 Maximiliano; Dear Inamorata

6 months pregnant

1 month After the wedding

I was completely uncomfortable as she lay on her back on the Persian rug in my office. She held the Mac book in her elevated hands as she dipped her hand into the now empty popcorn bowl.

I didn't want her lying on a Persian rug, she wasn't complaining but there was a huge spring bed in the en suite bedroom

"Stop lying on the floor Cara, there's a reason I have a room in my office, for you" she rolled her eyes and tried to stand up but she couldn't.

"Just ask for my help, Inamorata" I exhaled, still sitting down and she glared at me.

"You didn't care when you were watching that woman's ass shake yesterday" she frowned and slammed the Mac book unto the floor.

"I wasn't looking at h-" her fierce glare shut me up and I stood up from my chair and crouched beside her.

"I only have eyes for you, Inamorata..." I caressed her cheeks and I couldn't help the beam that appeared on my face when she grinned.

Her smile still did things to my breathing, her voice was still as seductive as ever. She was even more beautiful than ever before.

"Will you help me up now?" She pouted and I lifted her into my arms and walked to the bedroom.

"Exactly where I want you" I placed her in bed, falling in after her but I held myself up with my elbows till her stomach was the only thing separating me from her lips.

Her large brown eyes blinked like a deer caught in headlights, her eyelids wore a single stroke of mascara, a black dot sat at the edge of her hairline but it wasn't too obvious, she usually referred to it as a sign of God. Her pouty lips were painted a teasing dark shade of matte red.

"I love you" I whispered as loudly as possible and her short eyelashes kissed lower lashes a few times.

"You have no idea-" I was distracted when her tongue swept against her lips and then slid back into her mouth

"- no idea, the amount of happiness you've brought into my life"

I focused my weight on my right arm and caressed her soft and painted bottom lip.

"You're my woman, Cara...you're all mine" I didn't watch her smile stretch as I pressed my lips unto hers, claiming her breath and I pulled back, not willing to stress her.

"Do you want to go out?" She nodded furiously.

"I'm bored" her left hand strung along my tie.

I admired the stacked rings on her hands and the silver bracelet hanging onto her wrist, it was filled with Swarovski crystals and pearls, a gift I got her.

"I didn't realize I was boring you, Bambino" she giggled and I watched as her gaze flickered to my light blue button up shirt. Her blood red painted nails fiddled with my buttons and she unbuttoned the first button successfully and looked into my eyes teasingly, biting her lip like a child caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"Won't you say anything?" She asked and unbuttoned the second button from the top.

She looked down at my shirt again and unbuttoned the third one, exposing a few inches below my chest.

Her nails scratched my chest lightly and I basked in her soft and warm touch. I wanted more but I couldn't get anymore.

"I love you more" she whispered in my ear and I exhaled, I don't need to hear it to know but hearing it just made my heart race.

"I warned you not to say that anymore..." I opened my eyes and the happiness in her smile caused me to stop my original plan of tickling her to oblivion.

I pushed myself off her and helped her up, enjoying her closeness and her scent.

Vanilla and lavender, a scent she had begun to build up since I figured out she was pregnant.

"Where are we going?" She asked, fixing my shirt, buttoning every other button but the first two.

"We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she gave a cheesy smile, a smile for me.

"Let's go then" she jumped excitedly and I intertwined her fingers in mine.

"Your over coat" I reminded her since it was kind of chilly, just the weather acting up.

"Sí, Papi" she grumbled and i exhaled.

"Its for your own-"

"-good, I know" she finished and rolled her eyes.

I held her hand and shoved my phone into my pocket, leaving my hand inside my pocket as I walked out of the office.

"Lunch date?" I asked to break the silence. I could tell she was angry.

"Where?" She asked as I pressed the elevator button.

"Definitely not Fiorelli's" I told her and she grinned. She claimed she was tired of the cliché rich peoples food

The golden doors of the elevator split open and I walked in after her, my eyes drifted to her backside.

I pressed the button that led to the ground floor and watched the door close shut. Kemi hummed, pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened her Camera app, making me groan.

She giggled and took a picture from the mirror doors of the elevator.

I stood with my back resting against the wall of the elevator, my right hand was deep in my pocket while she turned to the side, her hand still held very tightly in mine.

Her purple hair was my highlight of the day.

"Beautiful" she giggled and wrapped her arms around me for a few seconds before pulling away.

I watched her pull out her phone before opening her Snapchat and I sighed.

She made a video, staring at me the whole while, trying not to smile but she was unsuccessful, I pulled her into my arms and pressed my lips unto hers.

"I love you" I whispered and she jumped excitedly before pulling away.

"I got it on camera! I got it on camera and now I don't wanna post it cause of all those hungry ass chicks thirsty for you" she growled before saving the video to her phone.

"Oh! And I love you too" she kissed.