
Loveful Heart

We've all had childhood crushes, right? Some turned out well, while others did not. Unfortunately, in this story, things don't work out so well; it starts out great, but the end... well, you'll see for yourself. This story begins with Childhood friends, who soon turns into a crush. (Based on a true story)

Miaarora_1216 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

New Start

Chapter 2

THE PRESENT.. To be honest she never really forgot him. It was just the memory of him that she kept locked up deep inside and hidden from everyone, before it was finally unlocked. Nisya and her family also moved out of that building eventually when she got into grade 5. It was of course heartbreaking to say goodbye to all her friends. Especially because she was leaving on her birthday and had to quit the dance team, tears were shed and a lot of cards and gifts were given that day. But she had to move one and start fresh once again. She started going to a new school near her house, made new friends, and started adjusting to the new environment. Time went on and before she knew it she was already graduating from middle school. Which brings us back to where we started…

Soon enough she figured out that the reason Aayan was brought up was because he was going to be attending the same school as her. She was surprised because she thought she would never see him again.. After 2 weeks passed, it was her first day of high school (freshman year). As she was getting dressed into her uniform, she tried to shake the thought of Aayan from her head and focus on herself. After all she was in a new school, with new people, and was starting a new chapter of her life. She didn't want any distractions and wanted this experience to be the most memorable. When she arrived at school and took her first step in through the doors, she was overwhelmed by the amount of students. She was really nervous, especially because the school was much bigger than she imagined. She didn't want to end up going to the wrong class, so to save herself the embarrassment she printed out a map of all 3 floors. That way she knew how to get around, first class was Business.

She was ranting thoughts in her head "Ugh I really hope this year goes well for me. I can't mess things up for myself on the first day. Omg I seriously hope I have someone I know in my class." She kept going on and on about how this day was going to play out.

When she was finally sitting in class, she started looking around to see if there were any familiar faces she recognized. There were 2 guys that she recognized, "Siraj" and "Matthew" the 'goofy' people as she liked to refer to it. Unfortunately she didn't have any of her friends in her class, and the same went for all her other classes that she was in (Math, Geography, and Religion). This means that she would have to meet new people and make new friends. Which is exactly what she tried to do. On the first day she did manage to make one new friend who was in her business class "Myra". Who was really nice and friendly. Nisya continued to make more and more friends and eventually she had made friends with almost every girl in her business class. Some of her friends were also in her geography and religion class, which made things a lot better. Things were going amazing for the first month and a half, that is until one fine day during lunch break at school. Nisya was with her friends at Tim Hortons, getting something to eat. As they were going back into the school, Nisya thought she saw Aayan but it just turned out to be someone else who kinda looked like him. Now she couldn't stop thinking about him and he was in her head the whole day. When it was finally the last class of the day she had the urge to tell her friend Lydia about this because she couldn't keep it to herself any longer. Lydia was one of her closest friends. They knew each other ever since grade 5 and have been besties ever since. So Lydia was the first person she thought of to talk about all of this. Nisya started texting her and told her all about Aayan, about how he was her childhood friend/crush, and how they haven't seen or heard from each other in 6 years. She told her everything.