
Love You to the Moon and Back

Fate brought two hearts together. He saved her once and she too, saved him once. Through the unexpected meeting after meeting, the two became closer to each other. Together they uncovered the secrets that might caused them their lives. Could love prevail between the love birds? Does it strong enough for them to go through the turbulent and chaos?

NateJac · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs

What Did She Mean By It?

It was lunch hour and the three of them walked leisurely towards a Chinese restaurant on the next block of building. They chose a secluded table and sat while waiting for their orders that they had ordered through a phone call earlier on. That was the best thing about this restaurant as they would take orders via telephone call and even made reservation for them. Shortly after that, a waiter came and served them their drinks – watermelon juice, lime juice and a jasmine tea.

"Spill it! Quick!Quick! Oh my gossipy heart can't wait any longer." Leah quickly urged Rose to tell them the truth right after the waiter left them alone. Rose was speechless with the way Leah reacted to the issue at hand. Jeremy who sat next to her sipped his juice quietly.

"Oh, anyway... Do you remember you have forcefully kissed him in front of Blue Moon Bar?" This time Rose completely stunned. Her cheeks began to turn fuchsia pink as she faked her smile.

Gosh! That shouldn't be a big deal, should it? She forcefully kissed him? Really? Not the other way round? Is it possible? She looked at Jeremy to confirm whatever accusation of assault posed by Leah to her. Jeremy eagerly nodded his head before he put aside his glass and leaned forward.

"Not only that, lady boss, you even gave him a nice kick when he nicely tried to bring you out of the car last night." he said.

Rose bit her lip in embarrassment. Oh my! But he sure have a good stamina then to be able to... Uhh... She instinctively covered her face with both of her palms.

" What's wrong, Rose? " Leah asked her worriedly, out of concern. She patted her hand gently.

" I have no recollection of what had happened in front of Blue Moon Bar." she muttered embarrassedly. The only thing that flashed in her head at the moment was his seductive face - his kisses, his gentle touch and his intoxicated lips.

"It's fine if you don't remember about it. But, what happened next? Did you manage to go back? But the most important question is, who sent you back?" Leah couldn't help but to bug her, question after question but somehow Rose was kept quiet all the time.

There were thousand thoughts running wild in her head that she didn't know which should be her priority. The most distinguished thought was when she made it with Jude. It was then it suddenly dawned to her.

" Oh my! Leah! We didn't use any protections!" she exclaimed all of sudden then abruptly stood and grabbed her handbag before turned to Leah and Jeremy who were taken aback slightly with her sudden outburst.

The two of them had their mouth opened wide, stunned and clueless.

"The meals are on me. Enjoy it! I need to go to somewhere. See you later!" she dashed out of the restaurant, leaving the petrified friends alone in the restaurant.

Leah and Jeremy exchanged glances with each other, still clueless to the situation at hand.

"What did she mean by not using any protectio..." the word hung in the mid of her speech before the two of them had they eyes widen in shock when it dawned on them the meaning behind Rose's words earlier.

"Did they do it? When did this happen? Oh my God!" Leah exclaimed in shock. She was unknowingly had clutched Jeremy's arm that made Jeremy grimaced in pain and shock.

Gosh! I shouldn't sit next to this lady. He lamented inwardly. He tried to retrieve his arm from the clutch but it seemed like Leah had exerted too much force that he in the end could only watched on how his arm swollen due to the impact.

"They most probably did it last night. So, what? They are both adults. Let them settle their own affair and right now..." he looked at her hand that clutching his arm and sighed before continued his next line, "let go of my arm. I'm famished! I want to eat." he grumbled dissatisfiedly.

Leah quickly let go his arm as she realized that she was indeed clutched onto his arm, a little bit to tight, maybe? Judging the way it swollen a little. Then, she inched closer to Jeremy, she really couldn't control her gossipy-natured heart and nudged him slightly.

"Do you think they will ended in real love? Ah… The two of them actually look perfect together. It was as if belong to each other." Leah marveled dreamily. Jeremy was speechless listening to her words. He ignored her and quickly fished out his Samsung S10 Plus from his pocket. Swiftly types 'Uncle, what exactly happened to both you and my lady boss? We were perfectly fine while having our lunch together when she suddenly rushed out leaving me and Leah, saying about something going somewhere.' Sent. Then, he continued to munch his food while listening to Leah's gossip without a change of expression.

His phone beeped as a new message arrived in his inbox. He casually opened it and was choked suddenly by the words appeared in his line of sight. Leah who was still gossiping quickly offered him a glass of juice while patted his back, shocked by the sudden turn of event. She peeked at his message and her face instantly reddened. Damn! Can this person be a little bit secretive? Wait! Leah took a second look at the message and the sender's ID – Uncle Jude. Uncle Jude? She quickly looked at Jeremy, her eyes sharp.

"Uncle Jude. Is he the same one that I thought he is? Jude Townshend?" Jeremy didn't deny her. Instead he nodded his head while asked her back, "So what?"

"So what?! You didn't tell me you're Jude Townshend's nephew! Now tell me, what is your motive to work in Queenie Majectic Gallery? Is it for Jude Townshend?" She demanded. Jeremy slowly took a sip of his watermelon juice before turned to her, his expression stern.

"Leah dear. I work at Queennie doesn't have anything to do with my uncle. I work there as I found it suit my qualifications and taste. And for me to be to escape from my family. Is that clear enough?" Leah leaned against her seat. She was in a deep thinking.

"Then, what do you think, will they able to make out? I mean, they are a match made in heaven!" Leah girlishly giggled that made Jeremy a little bit exhausted to entertain her dreamy thoughts.

"And oh, don't forget. They had did what can be undone. Oh my! This is so exciting!!!" She had unknowingly slapped his back with excitement that caused Jeremy to be speechless, yet for another time.