
Love without blemish

She was the last alternative for him...He had to put aside all the bad-blood he held towards her and allow the 'demi-devil' to be his rescuer. For so many years he had felt resentment towards his little sister, neither did he want to associate himself with anything that involved her. Finding peace and a heart to forgive almost seemed as a mirage because all efforts were like chasing the winds. As to why his sister had her life perfectly laid out with not much difficulties was something he failed to understand for so many years. The 'demi-devil' as he puts it, had everything in track, from finances to relationships, she seemed to be on top of her world. One thing he failed to understand was why the bad guy was being blessed by mother nature when him the' trying to be a good guy' was on the verge of breaking apart, surely no bad deed goes punished.

Frank Styne had always been the black sheep of the family. Nothing ever went right with him except for having looks that only his family commented about. He was starting to think he was a cursed man. He had no luck with women, money and even making relationships with people work. Unlike his sister who was mother nature's best friend, he had difficulties with everything and was always in trouble with everyone. Seeing that nothing ever worked out for him, Frank never took the time to upgrade his life or pursue any dreams like his sister. He had accepted defeat and failure as part of his life. Frank's mother never understood why her son was not good at anything and why he was never motivated to make something out of his life like his sibling was doing.

The only person who understood him and was not so hard with him being such a failure was his sister. Her name was Kaitline. She was endowed with beauty that mesmerized even the dead. Being such a beauty that took the breathe of many, she was blessed with brains. In her family no one was learned as her and Frank dared not to compete with her. Growing up in a poverty stricken family, Kait had made an oath to become successful against all odds. She could not imagine living in poverty when she grew up or having her children live the same life she had when she was young. She was determined to make a change for the sake of her future children.

The path to being successful was not as easy as she expected. Having to dealt with family criticism and the urge to break free from the chains of poverty was as exhaustive as anything could be. Either way, she had to become rich come what may because being poor was not how she pictured her life in the future. She had studied mechanical engineering when she was in College. Being a female engineer motivated her to compete with men who were known to be good at their jobs. After years and years of toiling hard, she found herself at her dream work-place. Ever since she was in school she fancied Shayne Corporations and she promised herself to work there when she had finished school.

Kaitline knew that her brother resented her, she did not know why. Being a good person she was, she decided not to focus on her brother's hatred. She helped her family along with the ungrateful chap of a brother. She had vowed to herself that she would never let family suffer when she could help, even if it meant that she was thanked with ungratefulness. Family was on top of her priorities.

Frank tried to make all the bad-blood he held towards his sister disappear but hatred had taken the hold of him. It was of no use, he always saw a 'demi-devil before him. To him, Kait was the reason behind the death of his beloved father that passed away a few years ago. His justification for the claim was his father died toiling to send Kait to school. He held the memory within his heart and he remembered it so vividly.

It was a winter season and Kait was just about to finish her High School Education and finances were not stable at their house. Kait had to finish school and money was needed for that to happen. Unfortunately money was not their greatest friend. Life was hard for the Styne family. Their father had to do many part-time jobs for them to eke out a living for the wife was unable to help because she was bed-ridden. Mr Styne's job would have been suffice to provide for the family without school tuition included. Leaving the family in search of money to cater for their needs, but mostly to send young Kait to school, the old man came back as a corpse. Frank did not handle the passing of his father well and he put the blame on his sister. From then, Kait was the last person Frank wanted to see neither did he want to hear about her.

For years, Frank had carried the weight of his father's death while blaming his sister for it. The pain turned to guilt, the guilt caused him to be a vagabond of a son. He landed in jail for so many times, the only person patient to put up with his wayward behaviour, Kait, would come to his rescue. He would refuse her help, but Kait would do it anyway. The last time she bailed him out of jail, she had the worst drama of her life. Frank finally poured out his heart throwing strings of tantrums at her. She was not surprised by the behaviour of her brother for she felt and saw the resentment he held towards her, so insults were nothing new. Kait kept quiet all the the time her brother humiliated her in front of people. She was hurt by what her brother said but she took an oath with her heart not to cry. She tried to remain as calm and unaffected as possible even though she was broken into pieces deep down.

Frank could see that Kait was on the verge of breaking but it made him felt good so he continued. He pressed the wrong button when he told Kait to her face that she was responsible for the death of their father. This came as a shock to Kait. She became speechless. She had had enough of the insults and humiliation. Frank had crossed the line. How could he blame her for the death of their father. Kait could not believe her ears, what nonsense was this ungrateful chap of a brother blabbering. She was hurt to the bone. Not only did her blood accuse her of murder but brought back painful memories she had struggled for so long to forget.

She found her hand on the face of Frank. She had slapped him. Where she got the strength neither the nerves to do that was a mystery to solve another day. For the moment, Kait had to show Frank that she did not like how he treated her, considering she was the only person who stood by his side, bailing him out of problems every now and then. Kait reached home and she could not hold it any more...she broke the oath she had taken with her heart and cried till she was tired of crying. She was sure she cried a river of tears that day. She took her purse and bade goodbye to her mom and went off to her house without saying a word for she did not have the strength to speak to anyone. That day was the day she took another oath not to help Frank come what may and she promised herself not to break the oath.

Months passed by, and Kait dared not to step her feet at her mother's house for she did not want to cross paths with Frank. She just sent money to her mother and phoned her whenever she got the chance. She had found it in her heart to forgive Frank, but the young miss was not ready to have another drama of her life. The last drama she had was traumatising and not even Frank would have survived it if he had been in his sister's shoes. Frank seemed to be quiet a disciplined man with his sister out of his life. He was pleased with himself. Not seeing his sister anywhere near his life gave him motivation to do something with his life.

Frank got himself a job at a bar that was close to his homestead. All was going pretty fine, but Frank being a trouble magnet he failed to stay away from trouble. He got involved in a disagreement with one of the customers and it ended physical. Frank gave the customer a heavy beating, the customer in shame of being beaten by a man as Frank who was skinny, tall yet endowed with devilish handsome, he took a knife that was on the table and stabbed Frank in the stomach.

Frank felt his life vanishing right in front of his eyes. This was the last of his breathe, he thought. This time his 'demi-devil' Kaitline was nowhere around to be of his rescue. His relatives wanted nothing to do with him. That's what being a black-sheep of the family meant for ungrateful chaps like Frank. While he was still thinking of his miserable life and worst family, Frank fell to the ground. People in the bar rushed to where he was calling for help. An ambulance arrived at the bar after so many minutes, and the nurses knew that he was not gonna make it.

Frank was taken to the hospital. His mother, Mrs Styne was informed about the accident and rushed to the hospital to see her son. The young chap had fallen unconscious and was not aware of what was happening in the real world. Mrs Styne reached the hospital and was calm before seeing her son. There was something about the Styne women that made them to be calm during difficulty times. She could not believe her eyes when she saw her only son on the old hospital bed, lying so helpless. She wanted to remain strong but she found herself crying. Her son was not the best son but seeing him like this broke her into pieces. She was shattered.

The Doctor, Mrs Rayne, came to meet Mrs Styne. Unfortunately she came bearing bad news for the old woman. Mrs Styne was told her son had had both his kidneys damaged and a kidney transplant was immediately needed. Mrs Rayne was saddened by Mrs Styne's situation but still had to inform her that the hospital did not have kidneys to transplant to patients, and to make matters worse there were a long list of patients who were desperately in need of kidney transplant. What this meant for Frank was that he was going to die long before a kidney was found for him. The thought of Mrs Styne losing her only Frank was unbearable so she offered to give one of hers. The doctor did the tests required but was not so lucky because Mrs Styne was not a match. The day kept getting gloomier and gloomier for the poor old woman. She wished her husband was around to console her during this difficult time.

Mrs Styne had to inform her relatives about the tragedy that had befallen her. She was convinced that her relatives would not budge even if her son was on death-bed, she informed them anyway only to receive a positive response. Unfortunately none of the relatives was a match. Mrs Styne was running out of time, she was either going to keep looking for a kidney match or dig her son six feet under. She did not have any hope left but she still had Kait, her only daughter, to try. The last time she saw her daughter was when she was on the verge of breaking and she knew Frank was behind it. She never took time to ask her what had transpired that day for she felt she would anger her more so she decided to let sleeping dogs lie. With this in mind she did not want to tell Kait in fear of receiving a negative response from her. The situation at hand did not require fear, she had to set aside her fear and try her daughter anyway. She embraced herself for the worst.

Kait almost collapsed when her mother informed her about Frank. She loved her brother, he was all she had. The news made her numb, but she found strength to drive all the way to her hometown. She drove as fast she could possibly do and reached the hospital without further delay. She went through the tests and she was a match. She did not hesitate to have one of her kidneys given to the worst brother of her entire life. Blood is thicker than water indeed. Kait went through the operations required and it was a success. This news made her mother and all other relatives happy. Mrs Styne was surprised her relatives cared about her son, she wondered if it was just an act for a dying man is loved by many.

She had breathed life unto him and he was made whole again. The 'demi-devil' became a 'demi-god'.

When Frank woke up, he was astonished that Kait had done this for him. He was ashamed to even look her in the eyes. That day he realised his sister loved him without blemish.