
Love Was Not The Reason

Hailey, the orphan, who still dosen't know her true worth, agrees to marry the son of her late mother's best friend, after her twenty first birthday. At first she agrees, believing that she would finally belong in a family. As she contemplates signing the marriage certificate, she hears a voice around the table calling her name. A voice that was present when her world collapse. A voice that has been haunting her since she was five. Rushing to the bathroom, breaking down as unclear visions started flowing again. Would this marriage help her remember? Returning to the table composed., instantly signing the certificate without a second thought. Adian, the wealthy twenty five year old son amd heir to the Knights foundation. Deception and Heartbreak have turned him into a heartless man who believes that all women are gold diggers with the exception of his mother. His flings are comfortable and casual. He unwillingly agrees to marry because of his mother, but he promises to make the life of his future wife a living hell. What he did not expect was the fire running through her veins plus his growing attraction and admiration for her, which he fights with hurtful words he dosen't mean. As his new wife digs into information concerning her past, his world will be rocked as the dead rises to break the only bond he holds dear. He agrees to help her unravel her past, with her promise to release him from this marriage. Would he want to release her from the agreement when the lies are out in the open? As his orphan wife slowly penetrates the iron walls around his heart, the one who broke him returns.

Sabry_Singh · perkotaan
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270 Chs

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty - Bathroom Sex

As the four of us walked away, Mr. Gussippie was holding an impromptu press conference on the steps of the City's Courthouse but none of us remained to listen because he's best suited to deal with the crowd and nothing can be worse than what Amelia and Adana did.

With Basil aggressively pushing against the crowds gathered around us, we made the long walk to the carpark and Ryan's Benz, in total silence.

Pulling out my phone I made a quick decision and message Mr. Gussippie without consulting Adian concerning Adana's temporary placement and messaged Sister Ally, about her hopefully coming there without my involvement.

Since Adian had gone into the school to pickup, Emmy, I used that opportunity to send my messages, having to spend a few extra minutes explaining what is going on and keeping Adian and I out of it until I can speaking privately to Sister Ally.

I smiled as Emmy came skipping, staring adoringly up at Adian and his deep smiles as he listen to another one of her adventurers for today.

Opening the backdoor, she came in first to sit in the middle of Adian and I greeting and chatting with Ryan and Basil, livening up the vehicle for the first time since we left home this morning.

As I listen to Emmy, my thoughts started wandering to places I always thought of but was never brave enough to ask since Mr. Knox years ago, he shut me down when I first ask him, years ago.

Other than Emmy's constant chatter, I think that we were all lost in our own thoughts as we drove to Adian's penthouse, our home.

"Do you still want to go out this evening?" Adian gives me a weary sigh, while tugging at his tie, as if it is choking him.

We need to talk about so much but I'm not incline to push him right now.

Shaking my head, "it's okay," I whispered softly, averting my eyes from his to concentrate on my thumbs as I twiddle it.

Adian made quick strides to my side, "hey, I'm sorry" apologizing quickly, he draws me into a light embrace. "Let me go to the office for a few hours with dad and we'll go out, after." Adian coaxes me with his captivating smirk that always make my knees weak.

Nodding, "okay, " I agreed but I'm not hopeful for anything happening this evening, although I do need the privacy to speak to Mr. Knox and Sister Ally.

Dipping his head, Adian captures my upturned lips in a deep kiss, tilting his head to the bathroom as we broke apart.

"Join me?" His eyes grew dark with passion, his lips slightly parted as he leaned down again, only to devour my neck.

We finished undressing in the bathroom, with Adian literally ripping my underwear off me as he shove me roughly against the bathroom tiles.

Staring me directly in the eyes, while lifting my legs around his waist, Adian plunged into me without warning, pulling back just as quickly to plunge into me again and again.

With one hand on my upper thighs, he pushed my neck back and started sucking as he f**ked me hard.

The pain I felt was also mixed with undeniable pleasure and for the first time ever, I gave as much as he wanted, panting as we came together, with me still pinned against the tiles with the hard wall of Adian's body leaning heavily against me.

When I thought Adian was done, he loosen his hold on my body, turning me around when my feet touch the floor, with one leg, he parted my legs and pulled my lower body back against him before plunging into me again, pushing my neck downwards while groaning and grunting as he kept quickening his pace even without me asking.

This is the first time Adian has taken me this way and because it's him, I'm not uncomfortable with the pleasure he was giving me.

This is so much better than any date night!

Again, Adian emptied himself in me as we both came together once again, with our cum running down my legs and Adian leaving small bites on my naked back, whilst holding me from falling.

The only reason I went downstairs when Adian was leaving with his father is because Emmy was home otherwise I could have slept after an exhausting workout in the shower.

Tugging Adian's hand as we walked into the kitchen, "aren't you tired?" I mummer, smiling shyly at him.

Turning, he hugged me, "yeah but I've still got some energy to work out when I get home." He chuckles at my flushed cheeks.

"So when you guys are done with all this googly eye thing, I'm ready," Ryan says from the kitchen entrance.

I instinctively pulled away, blushing even more when Ryan winks at me, walking in the corridor.

"Wait," I stopped him from following his father. "Let me get something for you guys." I pushed him aside to see what's prepared to give them lunches but he stopped me.

"We'll get something on the way," Adian promised, kissing my nose and the frown on my forehead.

"Me too," Emmy said from beside us.

Lifting her off the ground, Adian kissed her cheeks.

"Is that good?" He chuckles at her but she turns to smile at me.

Touching my cheek, "mommy too," she tells Adian who nods, giving me a mischievous smirk.

Grabbing my chin, he pulls me forward and kisses me hard on my lips while Emmy cheered us on.

"ADIAN GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" Ryan bellowed from the corridor.

Jumping, I pulled away, reaching to take Emmy from his arm but he pulled me into the corridor instead, sending Ryan a mocking glare.

"I've got to kiss my girls" he tells his father who along with Basil, was just grinning from ear to ear.

As soon as the guys left, I left Emmy to watch TV, while making calls.