
Love Was Not The Reason

Hailey, the orphan, who still dosen't know her true worth, agrees to marry the son of her late mother's best friend, after her twenty first birthday. At first she agrees, believing that she would finally belong in a family. As she contemplates signing the marriage certificate, she hears a voice around the table calling her name. A voice that was present when her world collapse. A voice that has been haunting her since she was five. Rushing to the bathroom, breaking down as unclear visions started flowing again. Would this marriage help her remember? Returning to the table composed., instantly signing the certificate without a second thought. Adian, the wealthy twenty five year old son amd heir to the Knights foundation. Deception and Heartbreak have turned him into a heartless man who believes that all women are gold diggers with the exception of his mother. His flings are comfortable and casual. He unwillingly agrees to marry because of his mother, but he promises to make the life of his future wife a living hell. What he did not expect was the fire running through her veins plus his growing attraction and admiration for her, which he fights with hurtful words he dosen't mean. As his new wife digs into information concerning her past, his world will be rocked as the dead rises to break the only bond he holds dear. He agrees to help her unravel her past, with her promise to release him from this marriage. Would he want to release her from the agreement when the lies are out in the open? As his orphan wife slowly penetrates the iron walls around his heart, the one who broke him returns.

Sabry_Singh · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
270 Chs

Chapter Fourteen - The Voice


Smiling, I greeted and acknowledge Amelia Knights and her husband, Ryan Knights. Amelia's brother Jerry and his wife, Celeste.

I already met Adana. who hurriedly introduce herself when she approach me at the bar.

Last, but not least, Adian Tyler James Knights, Mr. Knox stressed on all his names.

Turning to greet Adian, the mischievous grin on my face disappeared as I met his icy blues.

instead of acknowledging me, he focused on pouring himself another drink, totally ignoring me.

"Uh em" Jerry clears his throat trying to get his attention.

Again, he seemed oblivious to everyone around him.

I leaned behind him, asking Adana to exchange seats with Mr. Knox. She stood instantly, as I also stood up, moving to Mr. Knox's vacated chair causing Adana to sit between Adian and I.

Glancing to see the different types of food laid out on the table, my eyes fell on two bottles of champagne in ice. Sweet, I thought.

Reaching across the table, I lifted the sealed bottle as the waiter who was standing by, immediately came to my assistance.

"Allow me Miss" the waiter said kindly with a big smile friendly smile.

"Thank you" I said blushing.

"No, allow me" Adian sarcastically, stretching out a hand waiting for the waiter to give it to him.

The waiter looks between us apparently contemplating what to do.

"It's our wedding so hand it over pal" Adian says impatiently.

Blushing, even though Adian seemed upset about marrying me, because he became hostile when he realize who I am.

Did he know who I was when we first met? He did approach my table and my table only. Maybe he knew?

"Hailey, Hailey" Amelia's voice brought me out of my thoughts. With wide fearful eyes and trembling lips feeling a panic attack coming on.

"She's having a panic attack" I heard a faint voice.

When I stopped shaking, Adian's arms were around me. Vulnerable and uncomfortable, I started wriggling out of his hold.

"Thank you" I mumbled, not looking at him.

He loosen his grip on me but did not let me go.

"Are you okay now" Jerry asks anxiously.

"Yes, thank you" I said softy.

"What happened" Adana asked as someone shoos her.

"I'm not sure" I said shaking my head in wonder. "it's like I remember something bad" I said as someone gasps rather loudly.

"Do you remember what it is?" Jerry asks.

Shaking my head, in denial, because I remember hearing that same voice when mom died. If I tell them, they would send me back to the doctor and he will force me to take the pills.

I turned to my left, meeting Adian's gaze. I saw the Adian from two weeks ago. The soft, kind blues.

"You good?" Adian asks, I didn't want him to let me go but he did.

I nodded.

Adian went back to his seat without uttering another word, reaching for a drink.

Everyone around the table slowly got back in irrelevant conversations as Jerry started asking me about my education and type of training I had at college.

An hour later with lunch over, and me barely touching anything on the table.

leaning over, I whispered into Jerry's ear, " can you pour me some champagne please?"

Smiling, he took the open bottle, pouring some in my glass as Adian glares at him. Ignoring him, Jerry stands raising his glass.

"Hailey, it's a pleasure to have you join our family today and if this guy" points at Adian, " mistreats you in anyway, do not hesitate to call me, because from now on, you're a daughter to us!" he completes his toast, as glasses started clinking, with laughter and chattering all around.

Is this family safe? I heard that voice before, I recognized it, but I can't let anyone know. If I'm in this family, then I can find out more. I have too know and I trust Mr. Knox. He got my back.

"Come with me to the bathroom" Adana whispers in my ear. Nodding. we both stood up as Adana leads us to the bathroom this time.

Celeste gets up, 'I should accompany you guys. before they send a search party out for you this time" she giggles.

In the bathroom they both started touching up my make-up.

"Hey, no need for this, maybe at the actual ceremony" I promise them. They stared at each other confused, then Adana continued what she was doing.

"I don't much makeup" I said timidly. They both seemed so sure and confident on themselves.

"Hmm you don't really need much" Adana says turning to Celeste. "What do you think aunty?' she asks for a second opinion.

" She's gorgeous, Adian seems smitten, don't you think so?" she asks Adana.

"Oh yeah! Big brother wasn't expecting this or should I say her." Adana giggles, like the teenage she is.

Flustered, "he don't know me, we don't know each other" I said shyly.

"Don't worry the Adian, the kind and caring Adian, is the one who rushed over to your side. If he didn't care, he would not have grab you before you fell" Celeste clarifies.

The shock I felt was clearly evident on my face.

Celeste smiles knowingly. "Do you think Jerry and I are a good natch?" she asks curiously.

Grinning, "yes, he seems, smitten. He'll do anything for you right?" I asks.

Smiling with a far off look, "I hated him initially, but now, if he's not within my grasp or sight, I panic and miss him like crazy.

" That's deep" I say.

",They are an arrange marriage" Adana fills me in.

stunned, I could only smile in wonderment.

"I like Adian already. I hope he likes me one day" I say dreamingly.

Hearing the burst of laughter, I clasps my hands over my mouth.

"Did I just blurt that out?" I asks

"Yep!, "Uh huh" they both responded as I reddened.

Dragging me along, " they're waiting " she says, Forcefully taking me into another direction.