
The News

Chapter 108


A delicious aroma engulfed my nostrils as I stepped out of the bedroom one evening after taking a warm bath.

With my robe on, I treaded the way to the kitchen while tying the lace of my robe.

A smile curved up my lips as I saw my girlfriend humming a song and swaying her hips as she cook.

Her back was on me, so I have the luxury to watch her lovingly as I leaned my shoulder on the wall with cross arms.

It has been forty five days when we haven't spend dinner together because of her job in the restaurant. And now it's finally over and my longing would finally be quenched.


Look at her, oblivious of her surroundings— just being herself.

I really missed her.

Nah, missing her is even an understatement.

Though, we were together at school it's just not enough. I want every second of everyday with her especially my nights.