
First Love - First Kiss

1. Rekha apologising Raman for her rude behaviour , she will tell him that day she just lashed out her anger on Raman as het father asked her to get married to a boy of his choosing right after her board exams.

2 . Raman & Rekha started sitting parllel to each other on different columns , they talked with each other and laugh on Raman joke , rekha shared her notes with Raman .

3. Raman will request rekha to teach him the subjects so that he didn't get failed in any of the subjects .

4. Romance will start prevail in between 2 of them , love me like you do types . Search for certain romance ideas took show actual situation between 2 of them .


Second Last - Raman cousin will visit his house, she will ask Raman to show her Raman city as she would be visiting his house for first time . Rekha will get jealous and will stop talking with Raman for long .

Last - Raman will be frustrated with Rekha's behaviour will ask her finally about her problem, Rekha after lot of resistance will tell Raman everything not about her feelings but her reason of anger and they will fight but after a min raman will realize why the hell she is angry and why she do care so much about whom should I talk and to whom I shouldn't and then her will ask her about all this .

First Love is always the most significant and most desirable and most of the time the two individuals who had fallen person in love with each other usually have long lasting impacts on each others life whether you fail or succeed . Love is always said to be a win or lose situation either you will be successfull in love and your relation will prevail ( long or short depends on the understanding , trust , compatibility and honesty ) or you will end up being a loser inviting pain, troubles , stress , hatred and other negative emotions , but I don't see failing in love as an end but to me failing is always a first attempt in learning , more you fail the more you learn and the more you learn the more you become aware of new beginnings/chapters in your life . New changes are always painful but are the most balanced , useful and valuable changes thay helps us to be better person but in totally it also helps or society to perceive the new values . The best thing about the destiny it brings you up and let you fly high above the horizon all of sudden when you had fallen badly and you never ever thought of even standing on your two feet , so sometimes ending something is not the dead end but it actually symbolizes the new and fresh beginning . I truly believe that when one door is slapped on your face hard then there is always ten other doors are opened in your welcome , sometimes our expectations from certain things promotes an invitation to various problems and when there's a mismatch of outcomes from our expectations we bolane God for being cruel or un un unsupportive but what we don't consider is expecting more and good intentions of God behind everything . When you let go things from your head you will see that those things or those desire of yours will come back to you in most unexpected ways ( I can say this because I have experienced it and most of the time what i had desired of came to me in the most unexpected way ) .

"Hi Raman! , How you doing? . I know its been a long time since we have talked! "- said Nadeem who saw Raman sitting quietly under a tree and Raman was thinking about something very deep that he reacted to the words of Nadeem very late

"Nadeem ! , I'm Good ! , How's you ?. I thought you will never talk with me again but I'm so happy that you came here to talk with me "- replied Raman who do smiled at Nadeem but didn't look happy at all .

"That's not happening in this life Raman , I know we had not been talking to each other but that doesn't mean that I will forget everything that we had done for each other, the kind of friendship we have , all the moments in which we have laughed together , we have played together and we have enjoyed together , we don't have not just shared those moment Raman we have lived in those moment and something which makes me alive I can't let go"- replied Nadeem who looked enthusiastic as he remembered all the moments he and Raman has spent together and he had wide smile on his face while moving into flashback

"I'm sorry for my words and the way I reacted over your emotions Nadeem . I shouldn't have done this with my best friend , please forgive me Nadeem !" - Raman became emotional listening to thoughts of Nadeem on their friendship and he requested Nadeem to forgive him for his mistake

"No Raman don't apologize please you have done nothing wrong ! , If I had been your place then I would done the same . It's not completely your mistake but I have equal share in it , I just lashed out my anger and frustration on you knowing that you are unaware of my feelings !" - replied Nadeem sweetly and tapped the shoulder of his best friend Raman

"I don't understand why you are making such statement when you know that I was sole responsible for fight between us , anyways but you have to accept my apology Nadeem !"- said Raman who don't agrees with Nadeem

"Ok Raman your apology will be granted but on one condition firstly you have to accept my apology as well for not being able to avoid conflict between us " - replied Nadeem and after that two freinds laughed together for few minutes . Raman told Nadeem about everything about Rekha , he also told Nadeem about whatever had happened till now between them and asked for his advice on this issue.

"Ahhaa! I knew something was burning between two of you but I didn't knew that this has reached this far that is beyond my expectations !"- replied Nadeem who was surprised by the fact that Raman and Rekha

"But tell me something Raman from post few days i have been noticing that Rekha is following you and sometimes I feel she is willing to say something to you but she is not able to express her feelings and something is really stopping her doing so " -added Nadeem

"I don't know about that but I don't want to talk to her anymore !"- shouted Raman trying to look angry but looked and sounded deeply hurt though he tried to fool Nadeem by reacting so harshly but Nadeem was Raman's best friend and he knew Raman was trying to fool him but the question was why he was doing so?

"Why are you doing this Raman I know you are not that kind of person who loves to see everyone in trouble and wants to see bleed thousand cuts every moment , Raman I know this and you know this that you love her and you want to tell her, talk to her all night , make her laugh on silly jokes and stand with her in the situation when ever she wants you but you are skeptical about the fact how she will react listening to all this due to this fight between two of you and due to this reason only you don't want to talk her because you think she will never except you as her boyfriend or lover , Am I Right Raman ? " - sensed Nadeem what Raman was feeling inside and what he was not ready to except at all

"No.. Nadeem you are getting me wrong! , Yes I agree to the fact that I wanted to be her and fill every moment of her life with happiness but I don't think I should imagine anything like that , Nadeem she only sees me as her friend and a well wisher that's it !"- stated Raman very clearly to Nadeem

"I agree with you Raman that you don't want to break this friendship of yours with her but avoiding her or not talking to her is not going to do good for you , you must talk to her atleast you will arrive at some conclusion and most importantly you will get to know about her and her feelings . Explain Rekha in detail ankit your feelings towards her , if she say that she has no problem loving you tegen BOOM ! and if she di "- Suggested Nadeem to Raman to open up , talk to her and stop this ignore game forever

Raman understand what Nadeem was trying to say and he agreed to talk to Rekha and listen to her views as well

"Bhaiya do bade glass dena !-" - asked Rekha for two big glass of sugarcane juice from a local vendor selling sugarcane juice , after a long discussion with Nadeem Raman has made his mind to talk with Rekha and to understand her feelings as well and also not to impose his feelings on Rekha

"Raman you are just too much , I just can't understand what is going inside in your head , when I was trying to talk to you then you were not ready to even look at me like as if you don't know who I am and even if you know you don't care about me "- said Rekha while transferring glass of sugarcane juice to Raman which she had ordered and she was going to pay for it

"I am sorry Raman , I know I should have not said that and trust me i can ever think of talking you or anyone like the way I talked with you , now it's your time to say everything and anything that you want Raman and I will listen whatever you want to say to me because i desrve it Raman "-added Rekha looking at the intended look on Raman's face

"Please Raman don't do that , shot at me, say whatever you want to say , punish me for my mistake and I will not all for any mercy but don't be silent , say something ! , Your silence is really killing me Raman !"-continued Rekha begging and pleading Raman to forgive her

"Rekha it isn't that simple you think , to hurt someone with your words and then just say sorry as if you have done nothing wrong , you don't know rekha how bad I felt when you said that I have some thing in mind , yes i had something in mind but it wasn't not the way you thought my concern for you was real and why i would I pretend to be concern for you . You wanted to know my intensions why I was doing this so I will tell you why I was acting in such a way because I had some feelings for you ! , I feel so much for you that my feelings drive me to do such idiotic things not knowing how it will make you feel . I don't know why all this happened with me I had never felt something like this before for anyone and it was completely a different thing for me , this feeling within me will last until my last breath and nothing can change this . Rekha the only thing I had in my mind was to make you happy and I be the reason you smile and that's the reason when you used to smile over my some silly jokes or comments then I used to smile more than you and I had this feeling all my happiness are being delivered to mere securely and thereby satisfying me a deep inside ! . For the first time I was attentive during the class lectures because you had interest in it , yes I used to follow you but not to tease you or distrub you but to make you feel secure so that none can dare to do anything bad with you "-  exploded Raman after a long control and he expressed his emotions clearly whatever he was feeling for her and what he has in his mind , while talking with Rekha the level of frustration can be seen on his face and his voice .

"Yes I wanted to be in and around you and that's why I was doing all those silky things and it was the only reason that I keep appearing inferring of you time and time again by  making one after another excuses . You know Rekha football is my passion and not just passion it means life to me and just being around you I merely get the time to think about football and other related stuffs (also because I have been banned from playing football )

These day I am doing just two things one is to help you out with  something or everything and the other is to find mysterious ways in which I can help you ! , But it is completely fine if you don't like me or you have no other feelings for me , I know I am the one who choose this way not you and it's  completely justified for me !"- added Raman

"My God!! , Raman that means I was right and I juged you correctly that you really started liking me . You know for all these days during which we were not in talking terms with each other I kept on blaming myself for all these shit but you are the one to be blamed for all what happened and whatever is going to happen . Raman not done !!"- replied Rekha fiercely , after seeing Rekha freaked out so loud on him , Raman decided to walk away from her and he even started walking . Seeing Raman walking away Rekha shouted again

"Stop Raman !! , I'm not done yet let me complete "- added Rekha and she completed her sentence so fast as if these words were her last words

"Raman I respect your feelings but it is not as simple as you think ! , I'm not saying to not to feel like something for me but Raman I don't have feelings  for anyone not you nor anyone else at this stage I just want to focus on my studies Raman ! . I have some dreams and desire Raman , I don't want to be in this trouble . Raman I see you as the most honest and most caring human being , your the nicest person that I've ever met in my life and that's why I don't want to lose you and your friendship and i will do whatever it will require me to save it and make it more stronger than ever . Raman let's leave all other feelings in our heart out and let's just focus on our friendship , God will take care of everything else , You know Raman God has planned everything for us in right manner and at right moment we get to know about his plan whatever is destined between us will happen , if he wants us to Fall in love then we will be in Love with each other and if he doesn't than definitely it will never happen . I know Raman you don't trust Good much but for me for last time in your life trust him just for me ! "- said Rekha

"What is in your mind ? what are you thinking right now ?"- asked Nadeem