
Social Worker

Like a roller coaster ride,Xaio Ai dragged Yang Mei alongwith her,straight to a restaurant's private room. Once seated,Yang Mei,who had been dying to talk to her little sister for so many years was at a loss on what to say

 She had imagined so many scenarios ever since she found her but this was not that most certainly. However Shi Ai had no such qualms and was already getting comfortable to Yang Mei as she thanled her once again. Grasping Yang Mei's hands across the table, Shi Ai once again solemnly thanked Yang Mei.

Embarrassed at this,Yang Mei gave a small smile and said,"Please don't be so formal Madam.. I mean Xaio Ai..As I said,it is my duty.."

But Shi Ai interrupted her in a serious tone as she said,"Thank you for volunteering to take my place in that dangerous operation."