
Soon to be

 After weeks of trying, Pat finally brought a file, but it was not the right one, the file she brought was an oil well contract file, but the funny part is, the documents in the file bear Alex’s name.

"What?” Alex quickly went to Vampire with the file.

“Shit, this man is crazy, I know what they are doing, do you know what?”

Alex said no. “They are using your name and signature, but what I can’t get is how they manage to do it.

"But I have never been there before, how did they get my signature?”

"We are talking about Lincoln here, the truth is Lincoln and your father were good friends, your father shares a lot of secrets with him, they only turned enemies when your father was made head of the clan and then he became against Lincoln’s project. So getting your signature is not a big deal to him.”

Pat went back and stole another file, this time he got it. The file is titled Board Of Directors. And precisely, Alex is the CEO.

"Why didn’t they change it,” he asked.

“Maybe they couldn’t, so with this, you have a case,” Zack said.

“We are going there tomorrow," he said and Zack agreed.

Jack tilted his head looking at Alex in wonder and awe, he just couldn’t bring himself to think that Alex is this rich, he hung his mouth when Pat told them about the two files.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Alex asks Jack when he entered the house.

Brains home is their meeting place and they are all gathered here to talk about their next move.

“I know your parents had money, but I never thought you are this rich?”

“You can only call me rich if I know what I have, and this is all my father’s fault, he never talks to me about anything”

“You can’t blame him much, he didn’t know he will die the way he did”, Zack said.

“So what now?” Sandra ask, she was eager to get started immediately.

“We head to the office tomorrow, I have to call a board meeting, I need to know the people that made up the board,” Alex told them.

"That’s fine by me,” Sandra said and Zack cut her a glance,

“What?” she asked him but Zack said nothing, instead his eyes began to search for Pat, and he is now noticing that Pat was missing.

He couldn’t ask anyone about her, he didn’t want them to start suspecting him of anything, but damn, he needs to see her before he goes home.

They concluded their meeting and Alex need to talk to Zack but he was distracted. “Where could she be?”

"I thought you can use your powers to find her” Zack heard a voice behind him, Alex.

“And why will I do that?”

“I don’t know, maybe you missed her so much”

“What do you want? I thought we just had a meeting, tomorrow we are going there, so please let me look for her”

“Hey, hey, calm down,” Alex said smiling, he has never seen Zack this serious about a woman.

"You have yours, everyone here theirs, I expect you to help me get her,” Zack said.

“Okay, calm down, I will help you”

“Then let’s look for her” Zack said as he can’t bring himself to ask Brian where his sister is, Zack is beginning to be humble towards Brian, who knows, he may soon be his in-law.