
She was tricked

Sandra and Alex settled down but she is still not happy with the kind of look that Adora gave to her, she decide to keep quiet since she has no choice but to stay here.

Jack and Brian came to visit Alex but finds no one “Alex is gone again!, they call him on phone and he ask them not to look for him or Sandra that they are doing just fine. “What is going on?” Jack ask “And this time he took Sandra with him” Brian added.

“I’m no longer getting comfortable with this, Sandra has been my friend since childhood, and her mother would want nothing else than for me to protect her now that that she’s dead.”

“And what do you mean by that?” Jack could not understand him, the way he sound like he wants to take  Sandra away from Alex.

“I mean Alex is not stable, he could hurt Sandra you know”

“Jack got thinking, “I think you are making some sense, but Alex would never hurt Sandra trust me”

“How do you know?”

“I know him very well, he has never been in love before, Sandra is the first, so I think he will not hurt her.”

They went home but Brian was still not comfortable considering the stories that Alex told them about those people.

Blaze was receiving the punishment of her life from Sandra and her parents for being so foolish enough to trust someone she didn't know. They threw her to the dungeon where Lily the Snake is. But she never crawled out to talk to Blaze, she hid from her and Blaze didn’t know that Lily the snake is in that same room with her.

“Alex is alive and we need to find him, he can't stay alive, he needs to die. That is the only way we can preserve the clan to ourselves” Sandra's father said holding a little meeting within his household.

“ I suspected it” said Sandra “and this has just confirmed that Alex is still Alex, I know the people that helped him, they’re his friends and I'm going after them”

“You have to be careful out there, you know you can't go there without Blaze”. her mother told her.

“I don't think I need Blaze, she betrayed me!” she yell angrily and went to the storehouse to drag her out. She hit her so badly that Lily has to cover her eyes with her tail.

“Oh…No!, what a horrible girl she is?” Lily yell out, she thought it was Sandra, she has forgotten that Sandra has been rescue and so she speaks out.

“Who’s there?,” Sandra ask as she heard Lily’s voice. she search everywhere but couldn't find anything, so she turned to Blaze, “Now tell me, what’s the name of the guy that ask you to  release her?”

Blaze for the first time realize how stupid she has been, allowing that guy  trick her. She didn’t  even know his name, but she was going to ask him!, is just that things happen so fast that she didn’t get the time to ask.

But why did she feel this way?, that guy has tricked her but she wasn’t even angry at him, she feels so relax and happy helping him, the torture she's going through now cannot be compared with the torture of she not been with that guy.