
Searching for sandra

Everything is going to be fine, Sandra said to her baby as they go about their business for the day.

The little girl could only giggle at Sandra since she’s yet to speak.

But Sandra can’t stop thinking of the possibility of her daughter been like Alex, “maybe, just maybe she’s like Alex, I don’t understand,” sometimes Sandra finds her playing with a mouse and is as if they are discussing.

She wasn’t sure, something about the little girl peeved her in a very bad way.

She’s afraid her daughter might be like her father and people will call her a monster, how is she going to deal with that?

She will often sit next to the baby crying silently while the little girl smile and sometimes wave her tiny hands at her.

Is as if she’s telling her not to cry.

Alex and Clara exhausted all their ideas of where Sandra might likely be. “Let's go home, we continue tomorrow,” Clara said.

“You can go without me, I have to find her, how is she going to survive out there without me?” he asks almost in tears.

“You should have thought about that before sleeping in that bitches house” Clara yelled at him.

“I don’t know, I don’t know what came over me,” he said pulling the car over near a small supermarket and climb’s down, he took off his suit and hold it in his hand, he was so exhausted, he bends over and lets the tears out.

Clara pat's him on the back. “We should get some ice cream, who knows, it will calm you down a bit."

Alex wipe the tears and went with Clara.

They sat on a small bench by the walkway and help themselves with the ice cream.

“This is yummy,” Clara said.

“Stop patronizing me, is not helping,” Alex said with a sad face.

“Sandra where are you? Just forgive me already and come back home” he muttered but Clara heard him and she looked at him surprised if he was okay.

“If you love her that much, you shouldn’t be doing things that drives her crazy.”


Sandra was so disappointed, she has thought that once she put up something to sell, she will immediately have a lot of customers to buy, but no, is different now, she finds it hard to get customers for her petty business so she always comes back home frustrated and tired that she thinks of going home sometimes.

“No, I’m not going back, I have to learn to take care of myself,” but then he turned and looked at the little girl, she appears very happy but what does she know? If only she knows that her life will be more better living with her father then staying with her in this dirty place, she will curse Sandra to her very face.

Alex and Clara went home to meet Pat and Brian waiting for them.

“Did you find her?” they ask so worriedly, it bothers Brian the most because whatever Sandra is going through right now is because of him.

He was the reason Sandra met Alex, he was the reason she started dating him, and he felt responsible for all of this.