
Need you

“Thank you, do I know you?” he asked because he has never seen that face in his life.

"Yeah, I mean no, let’s say I know you, I’m one of your staff”

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that, you are welcome, make yourself comfortable,” Alex told him but he insist Alex come with him outside,

“I want to show you something in my car.”

“Okay” Alex went with him but the drink he gave him was drugged already.

“Where are you taking me?” Alex could still see but his eyes were becoming dim, and he starts hearing faint voices.

“ Hurry up, move this car fast!” The leader ordered and they took Alex to Evelyn.

“Put him in my room” she ordered and the men did as she requested.

Evelyn, tied Alex to her bed, waiting for him to wake up.

"How long will that drug last in his body?” she remembered asking the men

“Two hours at most” she sat down beside him waiting for him to wake up.

Zack still couldn’t find Pat, he was forced to ask Brian about Pat.

“I don’t think she’s coming?”

“Why?” Brian looked at him kind of suspicious, “She’s not feeling well”

“What! And she didn’t tell me?” Zack muttered but Brian walked away.

“What is wrong with him, why is he looking for Pat?” he keeps murmuring as he went to look for Jack and Alex.

Within minutes Zack is in Pat's house.

“I. I want to see Pat ma” he told her mother.

The woman looked at Zack carefully, “hmm, he’s handsome, Pat didn’t tell her she has a handsome young man like Zack as a friend.

“Come, she’s in her room” the woman took Zack straight to Pat's room.

“Knock on the door, she will open up”

“Okay, thank you ma” Zack bowed to her and she walks back to the living room smiling.

Zack hesitated, what will he tell her? What excuse did he have to give for being here? He thought of turning back and going to the party, but part of him wants to see her.

He knock and waited, but no answer.

“Pat open the door is me” still no answer.

“Pat are you in there?” still no answer.

“Of course, she’s not at home, wrong timing I guess” he turned back to leave but is like he heard a voice inside, not sure but he pushed the door anyways and say Pat rolling on the bed.

“Pat!.. What is Panic? you should have called your mother!” Zack panicked and hurried to her.

Pat was rolling in pain and Zack wanted to dash out of the room to call for help, but Pat held his hand and pulled him so he sat on the bed.

“Where are you going?” she asks with so much difficulty.

“To call for help, you need to go to the hospital”.

“No! I will be fine, is just a women's thing"

“Oh..” Zack lowers his head, and now he understands “but you are in pain, don’t you think you should take some drugs?