
Get a room

“What are you thinking, I thought you were happy just know?” Sandra asks Clara.

"Yes, and I’m still happy, is just that I’m planning to go by the house, there is something I want to find.”

“But you know is dangerous, they might be there waiting for any of us”

I know, and that is why it bothers me, but I needed to find this thing, is important I find it” Clara said so seriously, she just can’t keep doing this to Jack and she wonders where Alex might have kept it.

She wanted to ask Sandra if by mistake she has seen Alex putting on a bracelet but No!, is of no use, she might not know.

“You just have to be careful when you go there, you know they can trace you down here, and remember we don’t have anywhere else to go” Sandra advised.

“I will be careful don’t worry” Clara needed that bangle right now more than anything.

“Hey... You’re out?” she turn to face Jack as he came out to meet the two ladies talking.

“Yeah, I’m out” he gave her a look that says “Thanks to you, I’m not dead” Clara just smirk, and they talk with their eyes because Sandra is there with them.

Is just like they can hear each other with their eyes.

Sandra cleared her throat seeing the way they looked at each other.

"Can you two just get a room?” said asked making Jack and Clara laugh so hard, it reminds them of the driver and now Sandra is saying the same thing.

Sandra left them and they started talking.

“Why are you doing this to me? You heard the driver, and now Sandra, let's get a room!”

Clara just laughs while Jack keeps biting his lower lips while smiling at her.

“This babe! she’s driving me crazy” Jack muttered watching her as she laughs.  He has never had to wait on a woman for so long, why is she different? I wonder what I will do to her the day she finally says yes to me” Jack keeps thinking he’s going to build a house inside of her that day so he can live there forever.

“I want to go by the house this evening, will you like to come with me?” Clara ask Jack and he was shocked.

“What do you want to do there? We need to stay low for now”.

“I know, but is important I go there, I’m looking for something”.

“fine, if that something is important then I will go with you”

“Thank you” Clara can’t wait for the evening to come, she needed to find that bangle, and this time she’s going to look for it all over Alex's stuff, she’s not going to leave anything unturned. She needs to find it.

She can’t take this anymore, the heat is killing her slowly, she didn’t know how long she can stay strong before she gives in to Jack.

She wanted him as badly as he does want her.