
Fight back

“You have to calm down,” the man said putting on his glasses again.

"You don’t understand, do you? we are still trying to kill Alex and another Alex is growing inside a mortal girl. Who knows if it will be more dangerous than what we are dealing with?.

I have to eliminate her at once

“No… or you can make use of it” the man smirked wickedly at Mr. Lincoln and he walked closer to him, whispering into the man’s ear.

“What do you mean exactly?”

“You can use the baby when it’s born for your good, think about it, you are a smart man, you will come up with an idea” hahaha they both laugh.

“You are a genius" Mr. Lincoln smiled and went to the wine bar to bring out red wine for them to toast to their new idea.

“Now tell me, how did you know she’s pregnant?” the man wants to know.

“My nurse, she’s not just an ordinary nurse, she’s way more than that and I  believe her completely.

“Hmmm, then we must keep her while still looking for ways to eliminate Alex for good” they drink and laugh and make plans.

Alex was restless because of Sandra, he needs her, he needs to explain things to her to make her see him as the Alex she has always known and to tell her nothing has changed.

"Maybe is time to send war to them” Clara brought him back from his thoughts.

“What do you mean?”

“Let's go to Sandra's house, burn it down, and kill everyone on sight. Then we look for the boxes and then go to rescue Jack and Sandra. You need to take over power now.” Clara said ferrous.

Alex did as Clara said, they went to Sandra and before they start destroying things lily the snake helped them retrieve the boxes and they burn the house down killing everyone.

But Blaze fled to Mr. Lincoln, with Sandra.

“I have to get my revenge!” Sandra cried while Blaze comfort her and Mr. Lincoln gave them a house to stay in.

Alex and Clara quickly went to the bank with the key his mother gave to him before her death.

The manager took them to a room and after retrieving the box.

"Wow….” Both Clara and Alex couldn’t believe their eyes.

“It contains lots of diamonds and some documents. Alex notices a small envelope inside the box and opens it to find a piece of paper directing him to a man called "Vampire." He quickly puts the paper in his pocket without letting Clara know about it.

The paper said he should go alone, so Clara mustn't see it.

 "We have to leave now?” Alex told the already excited Clara who puts everything into a bag and they left.

“Yeah, … we have everything we want now,” Clara said happily but Alex was not interested, he wants to see this vampire guy, maybe he’s the one who holds all the answers that he seek.