
Chapter 73

Sandra stop at her track, it was like a thousand knives has been stab through her heart, she feels her breathing evaporating from her, she thought she didn’t hear that very well.

“You are married?” Sandra didn’t know when the words escape from her lips.

She tries turning around to face Alex but is like she’s going to bust open.

“Am sorry Sandra, but you must know that I don’t love her, is you I love”

“What?” She ask finally turning around to face him.

“Did you just say you love me?, Oh my goodness, Brian was right, am the bigger fool”

She starts running home crying as she run.

Alex couldn’t go after her, because she was running very fast.

“Let her go?” Clara said and Alex turned back real quick, he was surprised to see Clara there.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came to call you, I just covered for you back there, so let’s go”

“What do you mean cover for me?”

Sandra was about telling mum and dad about your girl but I stopped her.

“Thank you Clara” Alex thanked her for the first time in so many years.

He went back inside but his wife was very angry. She wanted tell his parents about that girl by all means but Clara keeps shooting a look at her.

After eating his father announce that they are going back the next day because they have a lot to do.

 They ask Sandra if everything is alright between she and Alex she only nods and say everything is alright. But they could see on her face that she’s not telling the truth but they let them be so that they can settle their issues between them.

Sandra went home and refused to do anything, she locked herself inside her room and cry her heart out.

She refused to eat or do anything, her mother keep asking what was the problem but she refused to talk.

She only managed to follow her mum to the market and do things around the house but she refused to talk anyone.

 At night she will cry through out and then in the morning she will go with her mum to the market. Her eyes were swollen from her crying.

She saw Brian one day as she was going to the market and she hurried to meet him “Brian please wait”.

He turned and was surprise that Sandra was calling him.

“Sandra, How are you?”

“ I’m fine, I want to ask you something”


When you said you guys were playboy were you referring to the fact that Alex was married.

“What?,… No.. Alex is not married.”

“I see, all if you are liars, Alex just told me he is married, and you told me the other day that you guys are Playboys, now I know better, thanks for informing me” she said and start walking away.

“Sandra… wait, what are you talking about, Alex is not married” he tries explaining to her that Alex has never been married but she didn’t want to listen.