
Chapter 41

“You are missing the point, Alex is just playing with Sandra” Brian said.

“Now you’re talking” Jack said. “So just let him play ok”.

 They were still arguing when Alex arrive with Sandra.

“Shit..shit… what the f*ck is this?, so it’s true?” Brian said under his breath. He never expected Alex to go out with Sandra, he has been Sandra friend for a long time but she refused to understand that he wants something more then just been friends with her, he wanted to feel her, he wanted to know how she teste but all Sandra does is play it safe. so when Kathrine came along he has to go for her.

But now seeing Alex with Sandra is making him uncomfortable.

“Hi guys”, Alex greeted them with a smile on his face.

“Come sit here,” he made Sandra sat beside him.

“Guys this is Sandra my best friend” he said smiling at them. Brian turned to look at Jack who say.

“Hi Sandra how are you?”

“I’m fine thank you” she said and turns to Brian and said “hi Brian.” He just nods looking at her with a look that says “ what the hot hell are you doing with Alex?”.

But she look away quickly.

“What will you like to drink?” Alex ask Sandra whispering in her ears. They keep talking and laughing while Alex ignore Jack and Brian because he was busy discussing with Sandra as they keeps whispering to each other and laughing.

 Jack couldn't believe his eyes, he turned to look at Brian who is already angry.

“Guys I'll be outside” Brian said. “Oh I’m coming with you”

“Ok, I will see you guys, Alex said and continue with his conversation with Sandra.

Once outside Jack said to Brian. “Can you imagine Alex? He is ignoring us because of that girl” But Brian said nothing,.

“Are you listening to me? and why is your face like this?”

“Look, I don't like what Alex is doing”

“What do you mean?”

 “Is that why he was asking me about Sandra that day”

“Maybe” jack said still not getting it.

“But this is not right, do you know that I have a thing for Sandra?, it just that I didn’t show it”.

“Are you for real?, so you're jealous now”

“Who wouldn't be?”

“But why were you bullying her?”

“I wasn't bullying her; I only asked her to go home, it was Katherine who pushed her down”.

“But you were standing there doing nothing”

“Yes because I don't want them to laugh at me.”

“Hmm, Story for the gods” Jack said “you don't treat people badly simply because you think that they are not at your level” Jack said.

“Look, you are not in any better position to lecture me, because you guys were the ones who made it that way, you guys created this class thing in school, so don't blame me, you can't make the rules and break it. Alex made the rules, he was the one who made the rules, we're not supposed to go out with girls who has no level. He can’t just turn around and break it”. Brian said so angry.