
Chapter 36

“You can go inside, he is waiting for you”. They told Sandra who was hesitating to go in. and she walk right into the house but since she knows where to find Alex she just walk straight to Alex's room and knock the door.

“Who could that be?”. Alex wondered because he knows that his sister can never knock at his door before coming in, she only bashed in without knocking.

He went to open the door he was surprised to see Sandra.

“Sandra!..” he called so surprised to see her.

“What brought you here?”

“I…I.. she stammered and look back if Brian and Jack are following her but she couldn't see them.

 “I was told you are looking for me”

“Who told you?”

“Your friend”

“My friend! which of my friend?”.

“I've forgotten his name, he came with Brian and he said that you want him to bring me to you”

“Come, sit” she went in and sat down.

“Wait here, I will be right back”

 Sandra went into his room and sat down but Alex rush outside to see if is Brian and Jack she is talking about but they are long gone.

He went back inside and don’t know how to explain to Sandra that he came back since three days ago. What is  worst  is that he didn’t know how to tell her that they won’t be seeing each other again.

Alex sat on the other end looking at Sandra without saying anything.

“Alex, is everything ok?, Why are you not saying anything?”

But he still won’t say anything.

Sandra got up and went to him.

“You can back but you didn’t call me, instead you send your friend to pick me up and yet you are not talking to me. What is wrong?”

Instead of answering her question Alex put his face down.

“Fine, I understand you don’t like me, maybe I should go” she makes to leave but Alex stopped her.

“Please don’t go” he held her hand and drag her closer to himself.

“Alex are you crying?”

“No, am not”

“Don’t lie to me you are cry”.

“I love you Sandra, I love you so much, please don’t leave me no matter what”.

Sandra couldn’t understand anything, she was wondering what could make the mighty Alex cry.

“Stay with me” he hug Sandra so tightly.

“Promise you stay with me” Sandra nod without saying yes.

She could feel that he was crying over her shoulder. But doubt if Alex could really cry because that is not the way she  knows him.

He wipes his tear and face Sandra.

“Stay with me today, and I will let you go tomorrow.”

Sandra did not think twice before saying yes, she didn’t think of her parents, all she wanted right now is to be with Alex. She notes

“ I will stay”, she said smiling at Alex and he was relieve forgotten that he is not supposed to have anything to do with Sandra.

He simply don’t know how to say no to her.