
Chapter 33

The next day their flight took off. When they landed Alex refused to call Sandra he didn't want her to see him like this, he is so heartbroken and devastated. The once mighty Alex has now become a shadow of himself.

They went home but he refused to talk to his parents.

 After two days his parents  left Clara and Alex and went back to the US.

 “I don’t like seeing you like this Alex, you  can’t continue like this, you need to eat something. you’ve been without food for two days, you’ve refused to eat, you can’t go on like this” Clara stood over him with the food in her hands.

“Take it away, I don't want to eat.”

“You have to eat, get up and eat”

“I said take it  away”. He push Clara with the food and everything went over.

“Are you serious right now?, what is wrong with you?”

“You know exactly what is wrong with me, so you better get out of my face”.

“Fine, suit yourself”. Clara left Alex alone and went back to her room.

 Calling his friend has now become a problem to him, he didn’t want to see them again, he felt like he doesn’t belongs to their world,

“Now what's the point of hanging out with Brian and Jack? what’s the point of loving Sandra?”

He knew that he will never see them the way he use to see them or they will look at him differently when they find out the truth about his family.

 he knew it,… He knew that he will never look at them the way he used to look at them because he now realize that they are world apart.

“ I heard Alex is back” Jack’s told Brian.

“I don't think so, if he’s back he will be the first to call us”.

“Yea, your right, but what is taking him so long, he told me he will be back two weeks back” Jack said worried.

“You know what?, someone told me that he saw Alex”

“Are you for real? then let's hit his unit”. They both went to see.

“ Alex.. hi Alex.. guy what is wrong with you?  you just came back and then you lock up just like that, what’s going on?”.

 “Guys nothing, I was just tired. I was thinking of coming to see you guys anyways. but since you’re here just have a seat”

They sat down and started telling him about their own experience, the places they went to and they want to hear more from Alex but he just kept quiet the whole time.

“What is wrong? are you sick or something, why are you so quiet?” Jack ask tapping him on his shoulder.

“ I'm fine no problem”

“Are you sure? Because you are scaring me” Jack said.

“Leave him alone, maybe he has seen some white chicks over there, he didn’t want to give us the gist” Brian said and both Jack and Brian laugh except Alex.

Alex just looked at his friends laughing, he wonders if they will be this happy if they find out about him.

“Guys we need to hang out at the club tonight” Jack said and Brian shouted yea… but Alex kept quiet.