
Chapter 28

It was so real that Alex began to shake once he got up from sleep, he thought of calling Sandra but it was too late. Is about midnight so he sent her a text instead. Sandra reply almost immediately.

“Wow.. are you awake by this time of the night?” he texted her back.

“Yes, I was waiting for your call”



“Ok so how are you?”

“ I'm fine but I'm not fine” Sandra said making Alex sat upright in his bed “Is anything the matter! what happened?”

“I'm missing you that's all”

“Ah thank goodness, I am missing you too” he said before realizing he’s not supposed to say that, he is looking for a way to make her think less about him but he finds himself drawing closer to her.

Each time he tries to tell Sandra to not wait for him he find himself saying the opposite, he has totally forgotten that he was introduced to his wife to be just today and here he is, telling Sandra that he misses her so much and that she should wait for him.

“Are you coming back tomorrow” Sandra ask with a cracking voice.

“Yes my love. I will be there tomorrow to see you”.

“Ok, I’ll be waiting for you, sleep tight.” she sent and hang up the phone.

Alex keeps staring and smiling at the phone. He never wanted this moment to end is as if he should disappear to where Sandra is. He misses her so much, he wanted to grab her and kiss her and tell her how much she meant to him. Because to Alex Sandra is the only family that he's got, he felt everyone in his family has disappointed him but Sandra keep bringing happiness to his heart.

The next day Alex was so disappointed because instead of heading home he was told that they were traveling to New York for another meeting. He couldn't complain because he didn't want to appear weak to his mother again, so he just went with them but needless to say Alex couldn't call Sandra and she was waiting for his arrival.

Getting to New York, Alex’s father start showing him all his companies and his businesses associates.

They spend the whole day visiting officers and factories.

 “Tomorrow we are going to meet some of my business partners, they are going to renew some of their contracts and they're going to be talking business with you. I need to introduce you to them”.

 Alex keep nodding and following his father wherever he went. It now became clear to Alex that his father is extremely rich and it made him so scared.

The next day they walk into this office and a woman welcome them.

“This way sir” they follow her and the woman led them into and inner room where they met some men doing some dirty business. they were busy beating up another man and when Alex and his father got there they stop what they were doing and they all bow to his father.