
Chapter 15 Funny moment

“Oh my God, she’s so funny” Alex said laughing and rolling on his bed while Sandra keep making him laugh the more.

Alex thought that Sandra was funny because he has been with so many girls but he has never seen one like Sandra, she is so naïve but Alex love everything about her. He forgot that he was supposed to do something with her. But Wait what was that?, “I think someone is coming over here” Alex listen.

“Oh shit ..shit… what is she coming here to do now?” he hurried Sandra into the bathroom and close the door ‘”Just wait here ok, is my sister I don’t know what she’s looking for”.

 He rushed to open door.

“Wow.. this first” she said and pushed past him into his room, Alex has never open his door for his sister to come in so she thought something must be wrong.

 “What are you looking for and why are you charging into my room just like that, can’t you knock?”

“Are you serious right now? When have I ever knocked on your door before coming in?, are you hiding something?, wait let me see” she start opening everywhere from the wardrobe, to the fridge, behind the doors and then went to the bathroom to open it but Alex blocked her.

 “What are you doing?, you can’t go in there” He rushed to block her from getting into the bathroom.

 “Move aside. What are you hiding there?”

 “I’m not hiding anything just go. I’m busy right now” he struggles to discharge his sister but all attempt to get her out failed.

 “What do you want from me?, you can’t keep entering my room like this, please go away". But Clara refuse to listen. She made sure to push Alex aside and open the bathroom door.

 “Oh my goodness Alex!, you hiding a girl inside your bathroom! Unbelievable, what can I do with you?" She ask looking at Sandra who was so scared to death.

“Hey come out” Clara call Sandra and she reluctantly came out of the bathroom. “What is your name? She ask the already scared Sandra. “my… my… my name is Sandra” she stammered and start moving backward.

 “Is okay, just relax ok, I don’t bite. Just come out of the bathroom.” Alex couldn’t believe what he was seeing, how can Sandra be so scared of Clara?,  he has never seen a girl like that before, all the girls he has dated are so bold to air their views, they are not timid and they’re not scared of anyone in fact they are all wild girls.

Sandra manage to come out of the bathroom but she was still scared of Clara.

“I’m Clara, Alex's sister, don’t be afraid ok, I’m not going to hurt you”

 Sandra only nod her head.

 “Alex do you have to hide her in the bathroom?” Clara ask

“I'm sorry”, he said to Sandra not wanting to show his weakness, after all he is still Alexander Wale. He is not suppose to show is weakness to the public not to talk of a girl.