
Chapter 14 Pity him

"If you ask me, who will I ask? He ran off telling me to call you and I should order anything he will pay”

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Lets order, or wait let me call Ella.

"No, don’t, Alex didn’t ask me to call Ella, and I personally think is a bad idea."

“Why? Are you the one to tell me what to do?”

“Oh.. sorry.. go ahead and call”

Jack called Ella and she was there in a second.

“Where is my home boy?” Ella ask.

“He will be here soon, just order anything he will pay.” Jack said.

“Ok” and they start ordering.

"Look, am going to miss you, and I don’t know when am coming back that is why I want you to spend the night with me, beside am not feeling well”

"What? Are you ok?” Sandra felt Alex neck, “ But your temperature is ok”

"What’s she doing?” Alex ask himself.

“Yea, my temperature may look ok but am not, just spend the night with me and I will be fine wherever I go” he said almost to cry.

“Is he seriously going to cry?” Sandra ask herself taking pity on him.

“Ok, I will” she said looking down and playing with her toe.

“Thank you” He said happily and took Sandra home.

“Come let’s go inside” he told Sandra as she stood in front of the mansion looking at it like is the first time she’s seeing this kind of place.

“What are you looking at?”

"What about your parents?” she ask.

“They should be somewhere, this house is very big, they won’t see you in case you are bother” Sandra just smile and follow Alex in side the house.

“Wow… this place is so beautiful…” she didn’t have time to look around the first day she was here, Brian and his friends made her leave without taking a good look, now she can feed her eyes anyhow she wants.

“Come let’s go to my unit, I don’t want my sister   disturbing us” he knew that Clara could be out of her room any moment.

“Ok” she gave her hand to Alex who was straching his hand for her.

"That is my sister’s unit, if you walk that way you will see my parents unit, and this is mine”

“Hmmm, I see, all this place is just for you?” Sandra ask because she was wondering why Alex will be living alone in a big space like this. In her house Alex unit is bigger than where all her family live.

“Is nothing, is just a small space” he said inviting her into his room.

“Come in”

“Yea” she went into the room and wow…, your room looks like a refrigerator, so beautiful”

“What?.. hahaha Alex could not help but laugh and throw himself on the bed.

“A refrigerator? You're funny”

“Yes, is very cool” she said demonstrating as she speak and Alex could only sat on the bed looking at her.

“What!” He ask laughing all the time because Sandra was saying things Alex has never Heard before.