
Chapter 11 Family tradition

“You need to work hard on him, he has come of age, he needs to drop this childish behavior and embrace Adulthood. His is going to enter the next phase of his life help him get ready”

“Yes Mum” Clara said and walked out on her mum.

 Clara is not a big fan of her mum because she was not always around and never takes care of them like a mother would.

 Although she makes sure they lack nothing but she was never there for them, Clara has assumed the position of a mother at an early age taking care of her brother Alex with the help of maids and nannies.

All her parents ever do is push them to be matured overnight and make her work hard getting ready to marry to the man they chose for her but thank goodness they both love each other.

“But what about Alex?, will he accept the girl they will choose for him?, Because they are going to introduce a girl to him when they arrive abroad.

 I feel for Alex, sometimes I just wish we are not rich” Clara Murmured.

She waited for Alex to come out of his room but he wasn't coming out, so she went to drag him out but met him on the floor rolling in pains.

“Alex what is going on? why are you rolling on the floor? Are you sick? Let me call mum”

“No..” Alex stopped her “Please don’t call her I will be fine”

 “No, you are not fine Alex you need to go to the hospital”

“No please, trust me on this one Clara. I will be fine”.

She was so amazed because Alex has never called her by her name before.

 “What is going on? are you sure?”

“Yes, just lift me up” she lift him up and help him to sit on his bed.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know I just felt pains here” pointing at his chest. “When you were saying that I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my heart.

“Are you ok now?”

“Yes thank you?”

“Is fine, but don’t you think you should go to the hospital?”

“No, please can you help me with something?” Alex ask as he started feeling emotional all of a sudden.

 “What do you want me to do for you?”

“Please Clara am in love with this girl, can you help me stop mum and dad?”

“What? Which girl? I have never seen you with any girl before”

“Yea, you’re right, how did she expect me to list all the girls for her?” Alex said under his breath.

“You don’t know her but please what do I do?”

“Hmmm, that will be very difficult one because I don’t think mum will take a no for an answer, she even told me to get you prepared, and that you should stop behaving like a kid. I guess she was talking about you getting ready to take whatever comes”

“Is it that serious?” Alex ask making a face.

“Yes, that is a family tradition, so I heard”

“So why didn't I know anything about this?”