

As they approach the pool of acid, they heard a voice.

“Stop right there, what do you think you are doing Alex” they heard his voice, is Lincoln.

They turn to see him with almost twenty guards standing behind him.

Alex, Sandra and Jack stood still while Lincoln and his men approach them.

“Who ever told you that you can come here and go out as you wish? Huh…. You this little boy, you are underestimating me and I don’t like that huh… now come to me” he called on Sandra but she refuse, instead she hide behind Alex.

“Come to me and I might let them live” he told Sandra again but she refused.

“You are leaving me with no choice but to kill your boyfriend the monster and his stupid friend, get them.” He ordered and the guards went for them but Alex could do nothing because of Jack, he didn’t want to use his powers in front of Jack. The last time he did try to help Brian and Sandra are now calling him a monster.

So he fought them with his naturally strength and they over powered him. Taking them three back to cell but this time they put all three into one cell.

Blaze and Sandra stayed in Mr. Lincoln’s house but in a different quarter, they are not allow to come close to the factory building where all the weapons are been built.

What is going on at the other side if the building” Sandra ado Blaze who has been there before.

“That is where me Lincoln carry out all his evil” Blaze said.


“Yes, he’s building deadly weapons using humans as experiment.”

“Really?, I will love to see that, those humans has cost me my life, they all deserve to be use as experiment” she yell with so much excitement making Blaze think she deserve Lincoln as husband.

“You can’t go in there” Blaze told her.

“But why?”

“Mr. Lincoln instructed that you should not be allowed in there”

“Are you speaking for him or you just want to disrespect me!” she yell at Blaze but she bow to her in respect even though she sees no reason to respect her now.

She no longer has a house, her parents died in the fire, she lost everything because Alex took all from her and now she’s at the mercy of Mr. Lincoln so Blaze has no reason to be loyal to her anymore.

“Is fine, I understand if you no longer wants to serve me, you are free, you can go wherever you want to go” she told Blaze but she refused to leave her. She has been like the family she never had, she is like a sister to her, leaving her now is just default to do.

If you want to go in there, I will help you” Blaze told Sandra and her eyes lighted up.

“Really!, thanks, I will love to see what is going on in there”

Alex with Jack sat closer while Sandra sat a little distant from them looking at Alex as if she has seen a ghost.