

“I'm here” Blaze responded and Sandra breathed a sigh of relief.

Alex called Brain and Jack and they report to his house with the few weapons they have and Pat was with them.

“We all stay here tonight, in case Lincoln's men come here,” Alex told them and they all agree that they have to put an end to all of this.

They stay there for two days but no one came.

"I guess he’s not coming,” Jack said.

“We have to go home to our parents,” Brian said.

“Okay guys, thanks always” Alex thank them and they went home only to find out that Lincoln has abducted their parents.

Rushing back to Alex's house they find Lincoln and his men inside, Clara and Alex standing at each other's back pointing their guns at Lincoln and his men.

“We don’t have to go inside” Pat suggested. “We stay here and when they come out we take them down one after the other,” she said and Brian agree.

“I have to call Jack.”


Brain called jack and he reported back in minutes.

“What happened?”  he asks surprised.

“They are one step ahead of us, my parents has be taken and this...this” he pointed from their hiding place and Jack could see Lincoln and his men inside Alex’s house.

“I am not here for trouble, give me the girl and go free,” Lincoln told Alex in a cool but harsh tone.

Alex said nothing, he and Clara keeps their guns pointed at them and sometimes they rotate to get a better view of their target.

“There is no need for all of this, look at your face, you now look like a King Kong, and all because of what?” Lincoln said trying to provoke Alex.

“You could live a peaceful happy life if you just hand the girl over to me” he keeps preaching to him.

“What is keeping them?” Pat ask. “We need to go in”

“No, let’s wait outside we can’t all be captured at once,” Jack said.

"But they are taking too long to come out,” Pat said and move close. Before Brian could stop her she was already at the door.

She snakes in and points the gun at Lincoln's head. “Let them go” she yells but no one cares about her.

“Pat, what are doing?” Alex asks surprised that she came back.

“I said let them go or I blow up your fucking head.” She yells once more and two of Lincoln's men point their guns at Pat.

“Is okay, I will go” Lincoln said but before he could ask his men to kill her she shot him in the leg.

“Shit!..” Jack and Brian rushed in and bullets were flying all over the place.

One of Lincoln’s men succeeded in whisking him away and into the car leaving three of his men behind. Two went down and one escape.

“Thanks, man, how did you guys know?” Alex asks them breathing heavily.

“They too our parents and we came back to inform you”

What? let's go now, we need to recuse them.
