
Are you impotent?

“But why are we running again?” Sandra could not understand why they are leaving in a hurry.

“I think this Blaze was here” Alex said looking at the scattered room.

“I know they were here looking you, we can’t stay here, they will find us and they will kill us.  So you just have to come with me.”

“But I don't want to go to that place again, I can stay with Brian” she said and on hearing the name Brian Alex turn in a flash to face Sandra.

“Listen to me Sandra, Brian cannot protect you, so please come with me. I'll protect you and this time, I'm not  letting anyone take you away from me. From today you are my responsibility. I will take care of you, it is my responsibility to take care of you”. He told Sandra and she stood still looking at him and wondering if he's going to keep to his word.

“Please you just have to trust me” Alex said walking to her back and hugging her from behind. “If you love me Sandra you will stay with me. I need you now more than ever before”. He whispers in her ear making her heart to melt .

She has earlier hated him for been the reason her family is no more, for making her suffer like this. But now he's right here and hugging her, she could feel the heat emanating from him, she could feel his broad chest against her, it just made her remember how much she has missed him.

She just wanted him so badly, she has miss him a lot, she  wanted to kiss him and tell him how much she wants to be with him.

Alex leaned forward and kiss her, she kissed him back and they start kissing. Sandra was so hungry for him she wanted it so badly but Alex put a stop to it again making her angry.

“Look, I'm done. I'm not coming with you, I'm staying with Brian”

“I'm sorry, please I can explain. But it's just complicated”. Sandra looked at Alex and was so disappointed, she never knew that Alex is not man enough, she has been wasting her time on him.

She got angry I start walking towards the door but Alex stopped her.

“Look I can explain, the problem is if you will still to see me the way you See me now”

“What!.. Are you impotent! Or are you gay?” she ask almost trembling because she can't imagine that she has lose so much for a gay!,  she just can't forgive herself if it turns out that he is a gay or impotent.

“No I'm not impotent and I'm not gay, but it's just complicated.

Sandra breathe a sigh of relief, at least she still have hope that she has not lose all those things for nothing.

“So what is it?, you can talk to me, is it because of her?”

Alex scoffed. “Is not because of her, is you I love and that marriage was all a set up, my parents didn’t see it coming, but am glad I didn’t give my heart to her.

Relief to hear that Sandra ask Alex what is going on?.