
The plan

*Jessica's pov*

Noah gave me all the information he could get about James but he couldn't give me information about why William and his wife divorced. Still it's fine.

By the data he gave me I can conclude he is a nice guy though not my type. I have to make a proper plan and make a lot of arrangements.

"Noah, help me with a thing."

*Few days later*

*James's pov*

The concert was tiring man. I'm exhausted!


*His car crashes with Jessica's.*

What shall I do. She seems severely injured because of me. Fuck..!

*He takes her to the hospital.*

"Doc! Is she fine?"

"Unfortunately.... She survived but lost her memory."


"Yeah! I think since you crashed with her, you should take the responsibility.


"A man doesn't escape his responsibilities."

"K fine.."

"There are too many patients. Once she recovers enough please take her home."

"But I don't know her home."

"Take her to yours."

Fuck. I shouldn't had drove so fast. Now I'm stuck in a mess.

Doc said she'd probably need time to regain her memory. Till then unfortunately I have to look after her. My days are getting worse, I swear. But it's weird he could have transferred her to another hospital if there were too many patients in that one. I'll talk with him.


"You came at the right time. She's awake."

"Dr Smith!! There's an emergency."

"I shall go."

Shall I go meet her or not. Fuck it. I'm meeting her no matter what.

"Heyy. What's your name?"


"It's fine. By the way, I am James."

"Hi. Can you say where I am right now?"

"In the hospital. You got into a car crash."

"Oh. But can I not stay here I hate this place. It kinda creeps me out."

"I was thinking of transferring your hospital anyways."

"I meant all this dangerous stuff, white walls and those scary people."

"Do you hate doctors?"

"Nope. I hate seeing too many people. It makes me anxious. But who are you anyways are you my family?"

"Nope. I am sorry I was the one who crashed your car."

"It's fine but can you please take me away from here."


I immediately regretted it when I said ok but she just hates the hospital and has anxiety and was helpless. She doesn't even remember her name. All because of me. But as a man I'll keep my promise.