
Love or hatred

it's a story about young General who is as cold as ice and young surgeon who like to spread love around everyone.... will they fall for each other or will hate it.

impink_7985 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


This story is about a strange world where only male is there, no female is present. Everyone is male only male... strange na. Now you may be thinking if everyone is male than how do they give birth to a child or how they get offspring. how?? Why?? how can be?? how would become like that.

this story is just a fiction... since I so opssesed with bl. I like to write them.. even though my grammar, story lines maybe not like the professional.. like just like to write them. which is in my mind.

Hope this doesn't disappoint you.

So it's about a strange world where the second Gender is born who can give birth to a child that is empty man who had has uterus just like female. Means they are not female but male with penis, it's unique that they have womb which they carry offspring.

Now it's a love between at Empty man and young Military General who is very cold and stone hearted.

Note: Empty man has a very fragile and weak heart just like female. They are kind hearted and beautiful like a white rose which can't even compared with beautiful female.

In ancient times, their is outbreak of world who changed the world completely... now it's a modern technology advance.

Empty man is young man who is surgeon and therapists of animals and young Military General but not younger than Empty man. They meet when the Surgeon is kidnapped by the enemy in order to blackmail for kore purpose. After meeting there, it something happened that....

which will you know it slowly.. will they fall in love or they will hate each other.

Will the cold hearted bloody general fall in love or hatred.