
Love Or Deciet

BellazaDelFiori · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

Chapter 13


Where the hell is she!?Did she forget about my very special day,or she's planning something big.But this is unlike her to forget important dates/days.

📲"The number you trying to reach is unavailable."

"What the actual fuck!?"I screamed from the top of my lungs.

"Bitch what's wrong!?Why did you have to scream like that?"

"Eleanor I know my sister didn't not jus forgot about today.If she did I'll hate her for the rest of my life."I sometimes forget how dramatic I can be.

"We'll have you tried calling her?"typical El she also forgot about today.

"Girl check my damn phone if you don't believe me, oh and check yours too."

"Umm what's so special about today that you getting so furious!?"

*She can't be serious, and yet I call her my best friend.*


She really thinks I'm stupid if she knew what's actually happening she wouldn't be saying all this trash.😉

"Ella you've gotta tell me what's so special about today,please!?"

She gave me a sympathetic look, when she does that she's really hurt and doesn't want anything but her own space.

"Eleanor how could you!?And you call yourself my best friend."

You really thought I'd forget how important your b-day really is for you,😁bitch then guess again cause I got a surprise for you.Don't ask where, what time we gonna leave,theme and everything,okay?"

She nodded yes.Her eyes sparkled with joy, they weren't gloomy like before.


He hasn't said a word since we arrived to this beautiful house, I mean a place cause this place is bigger than a mansion.This place is the size of 12 mansions combined.

I see everyone bow their heads and I was kinda lost with everything happening.He acknowledges them with a nod and everyone continues with their duties.

"Ty could you please tell me what's actually happening here.I need answers to my questions."

This just keeps getting more and more confusing and also mysterious.