
love of a singer

here we have a regular male who helps out his sick grandmother to keep her shop running, soon to meet his new found enemy to be one of his friend's favorite band. having been drug to the concert and drug backstage for autographs, this relationship with his enemy has turned into something a bit more intimate. take a seat and join this fateful encounter of love. have fun!.

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1 Chs

chapter one, the band

He walks to the back room of the cafe he works at and sits down taking a sip of his water "rin!" He looks over to see his friend jumping up and down excitedly "ah! What is it megame?!" She tackles him and pulls out two tickets "come to the concert with me please!" She pleaded as rin was thinking of an excuse "umm, megame. I can't, I have to g-" megame cut of rin's sentence "dont give me those excuses again!" She groaned, rin looked lost now and the finally succumbed to his pleading friend "fine fine, I'll go" she got up and started jumping again "yay! Its after work!" She left to the front of the cafe after telling him.


"Time to go rin!" Megame said as she was dragging rin by his arm to her car "but I have to change!!" Rin pleaded at his friend and she stopped, she looked at him with an evil look 'shit...' rin thought to himself as she then pushed him in the car "I've got ya covered" she said and got in the driver seat, she drove to her house and drug rin to her room "wait here!" Megame then walked in her closet and came back after about five minutes, she had already changed her clothes, she was wearing a blue crop sweater, a navy blue skirt, baby blue heals, sky blue earrings and had her hair pulled back in a high pony.

She was holding a black oversized hoodie and some blue jeggings, rin looked at the clothes she had gotten for him "well come on! Change into these" she said and tossed the clothes over to rin and he caught them "fine..." rin said reluctantly went to the bathroom to change.

Rin came out of the bathroom and megame immediately handed him some white converses "you know, why did you have to get me a hoodie that said "im a lover for you" on it?" Rin said and looked at megame who just gave him a smirk "because~" megame took his hand again and drug him to her car.

After about thirty minutes of driving megame finally stopped the car and got out, she opened the passenger side and drug rin to the concert.

"I can walk by myself megame!" Rin protested being drug but megame didnt care, and continued to drag rin to the stage.

"Are you ready to rock!" The singer said into the mic, the crowd screamed "yes!" Rin just stood there looking up on stage, watching the drummer tap the sticks together and then on the third tap the guitarist started to play, then about forty seconds of instrumental the singer started singing.

Megame was jumping with the crowd and screaming, then she looked at rin with a huge smile "come on! Have fun!" Rin could barley hear her scream but he understood her words, he didnt know how to have fun at a concert, he'd never been to one before this one. So rin just stood still and kept looking at the stage. "Thank you all for coming!" the singer said in the mic as the last sound was done by the guitar "people with vip tickets please come back stage!" The singer than left with the others to the back.

The people with vip tickets started to move to the back of the stage "we can leave now right?" Rin asked as he looked to megame, who had grasped his wrist and pulled him with her to the back of the stage with the rest of them

"Oh, theres a minimum amount of people this time, I guess there weren't many vip tickets" megame whispered to herself and stood in line.

Minutes later, it was megame and rin's turn to speak with them. Rin didnt realize this at the time and started to sneak away, but megame caught him by the hood and pulled him backwards while speaking to the band "sorry about him, my short bean here is shy around people" megame said and rin looked up at her "I'm not short!" He protested, megame started to giggle "ha! Your like five one and I'm five five! How is that not short!" Megame continued to giggle as rin kept protesting, looking like a kid.

The lead singer chuckled and looked at the two, as his eyes met with rin's, they both realize each other and in unison say "you!"

Megame looked very confused at their words "how do you know each other?" She asked as her head was tilted to the side

They both look at her and then back to each other "he called me a jerk!" The singer said as he stood up and looked down at rin, "well I wouldnt have if you didnt come barging in my grandma's book store screaming at the top of your lungs that you needed a nap! To whom you were talking to I dont know! But that doesnt give you a single reason to be so loud in a book store!" Rin screamed in the singers face, megame was looking from rin to the singer as they continued to bicker "well maybe you should've not been there!" Rin had this horrific look on his pretty face and retaliated "not been there!? My grandma fell sick and she refused to close the shop till she got better so I was helping her out! She refuses to stay home so i have to come to the store after work to help her!" Megame finally understood the situation and cupped a hand on rin's mouth "ok, that's enough fighting..." the singer looked at megame who had just cupped rin's mouth and then back to rin "he is pretty short to be honest" he said, rin tore megame's hand off his mouth "I'm not short!! Your just tall!!" The singer started to laugh a little "and cute~" he said as he placed a hand on rin's head.

Rin stopped fusing and looked very confused at the mans words and actions "why did you put your hand on my head?" Rin asked, looking like a lost kitten 'oops!' The singer thought to himself and his face turned red, he looked away after removing his hand from rin's head and turned to look away, covering his mouth with his other hand "ahem!...so what did you guys want?" The drummer broke the silence and stepped up to rin and megame "well, right now I want to see leo and rin kiss~" megame said as she gave the two a look "m-megame!" Rin said as his face reddens, leo just blushed even more, looked around to make sure no one other than the band and megame was there, after he checked and made sure it was clear he bent down and lifted rin's chin, megame fangirling like crazy at the site took her phone out and as soon as rin and Leo's lips touched she snapped a photo.

Rin's eyes widened as he processed what just happened, when leo slowly parted there lips, rin blushed even more as soon as he noticed megame took the photo.

"M-MEGAME!!" he screeched "uh oh!" Megame ran and hid behind the drummer "get back here!" Rin screeched again, he started to take off but leo grabbed rin's hand in a heartbeat.

Rin realized this and blushed even harder than before, his tan face covered in a red hue, leo picked rin up and put him over his shoulder "wha! Put me down!" Rin protested and started kicking his legs.

To be Continued~