
Chapter 4

  Elena's POV

  I woke up in a bed, a massive bed that definitely wasn't mine. The room was too big to be mine too. It was a beautiful room with white and black theme. I sat up in the bed and my head ached badly. I winced and placed my hand on it. Looking around the room, I became worried. All I remembered was that I was at the scouting venue. I didn't even remember what happened there.

  “This must have been Jack. He probably brought me here. But why?”, I asked myself inwardly. I pulled the blanket off me and stepped out of the bed. My head was pounding and my vision blurred as dizziness hit me. I almost fell down but I managed to regain my stand. I saw a door in the wall right in front of me.

  “That most be the bathroom”, I whispered. After heaving a very deep sigh, I walked to the door and pushed it open. It was truly a bathroom. I walked inside and shut the door. There was a large mirror in front of two sinks. I hurriedly walked there and looked myself in the mirror. My face was puffy and red, my hair too, was a mess.

  “What in the world happened?”, I asked myself as I looked at my very ugly face.

  I washed my face with water from the faucet, and a soap I found. I then arranged my hair and took a piss. Afterwards, I returned to the room and sat on the bed. The headache got accompanied with a terrible hunger, and I felt so miserable. Fortunately, the door opened and a young man entered. He saw me, gasped, then bowed.

  “Good morning, Miss”, he greeted.

  “Oh, good morning”, I greeted back, totally surprised by the way he acted when he saw me. And why did he bow? Did Jack arrange all these too?

  “Mr Radcliffe asked me to come and check up on you. I didn't know you were already awake. I am sorry for intruding”, he apologized and bowed again. I got on my feet and walked a little closer to him.

  “Mr Radcliffe?” I asked.

  “Yes. May I tell him you're awake? He has been waiting for you to wake up”, the man stated.

  “Tell him I am awake. But say I do not want to come down”, I said firmly.

  “Yes, Miss”, he bowed then left. I began to pace around the room, with my right hand over my mouth and the left hand over my belly. I began to remember the events of the scouting. Juliette, and that weird CEO that kept glaring at me. I remembered leaving the building and trying to call my Uber driver.

  “Oh my God!”, I exclaimed aloud after I remembered what had occurred. It was that CEO. He approached me with his car and said something to me. That was when I lost consciousness. And that young man, called 'Mr Radcliffe' in his sentence. What was I doing with this Mr Radcliffe in the same building? Wait, what if he spent the night with me? Is he just like the other CEOs that ask for sex and I don't give? What if he doesn't ask but just takes?

  No. Daniel would kill me if he finds out.

  “Wait! Come back! Hey!”, I screamed and ran out the door. I looked at the hallway, both left and right but didn't see the young man. I returned to the room and palmed my forehead.

  “Gosh, this isn't happening to me”, I muttered and sat on the bed again. The headache was slowly turning into a terrible migraine, and I had the impression that he had drugged me.

  After sitting in silence for close to five minutes, a knock came on the door. I stood up immediately and rushed to it. It was the young man again.

  “Miss, he insists you follow me downstairs now for breakfast”, he stated and I nodded. What I needed the most was breakfast and painkillers. Then I could kill that son of a bitvh next.

  “Let's go then”, I said and he stepped aside.

  “After you, Miss”, he said and I walked past him. He directed me to take the left hallway and I did. We kept moving until we reached a balcony and a flight of spiral staircases. It was sparkling white with tiny dots of glitter.

  “Wow,” I almost muttered out loud as we walked down the stairs. I looked down at the massive living room and my jaw dropped. I also, almost stopped walking. The living room was extravagantly beautiful. The pure white sofas were huge and looked soft. The floor was the same as the stairs. A black rug was in the middle of the living room, right underneath the glass table.

  I reached the bottom of the stairs and placed my bare foot on the floor. It was so cool and felt soft under my foot.

  “This Mr Radcliffe, is this his house? Or this place is rented?” I asked the young man.

  “It is his house. Whenever he comes from Italy, he always stays here”, he answered.

  I marveled at the beauty of the whole place. So this was what it felt like to move in a mansion? I liked the feeling.

  “This way, please”, he said and pointed towards a narrow way. We walked through and entered a dining area. It was medium sized and the table was glass. Only the chairs were pure white. The weird CEO was sitting there and eating gently. He wore a white dress shirt and a black tie. His pants were neat black. Even his hair was jet black. Why did he like the color black so much?

  “Sir, here she is”, the man announced. But, the weird CEO didn't even look at us or acknowledge our presence at all. He didn't even nod. I looked at the young man and he bowed then left. I stood there looking at this weird guy, not knowing what to do or to say.

  “Are you going to keep standing or sit and start eating? Because I know you are starving, and you have a pounding headache”, he stated in a smooth accent, still without looking at me. I heaved a deep sigh and walked to the table. I pulled a chair and sat down, right opposite him. He took another clean, white plate and dished in some steak. He began to cut it into smaller pieces and added a few vegetables to the plate. Then he poured a little gravy on it and finally, he looked at me. With the anger I felt towards him, I thought I would glare at him if our eyes met. But it was quite the opposite when he looked me in the eye. I felt a cold wind blow over my face and I got goosebumps. My heart began to race again. Looking into those grey eyes, I felt I was being swallowed deep inside. I immediately looked away and exhaled. He was still looking at me and I tried hard to not make even the slightest eye contact with him.

  “What in the world is wrong with me?”, I asked myself. The weird CEO chuckled as if he heard my voice. He got on his feet with the plate in his hand and walked round the table to my side. He leaned over and dropped the plate in front of me gently.

  “I hope you can eat steak for breakfast. I didn't feel like eating waffles, or pancakes or all that. So, eat up”, he stated and went back to his seat. I stared at the plate for a few seconds then I looked back at him.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  “Just a random guy who needs your help with something”, he answered without looking at me.

  “Is that why you had me here? What did you do with me?”

  “What do you think?”

  “Look at me and answer me”, I said between gritted teeth. He smirked evilly and looked at me. Those terrible goosebumps rose on my skin again. He took a sip of water and relaxed on his chair, then he began to check me out. Was that idiot going to tell me what he did to me or not? I was losing patience already, especially with those piercing eyes of his.