
Love me anyway, ok ?

Clark didn't expect to be a wizard "Is magic real ? Is that a joke ?" after all, a giant dude with an umbrella and a letter doesn't prove much "....are you trying to abduct me and sell my organs?" he was even on the verge of refusing to join this so-called school of magic, but after seeing the giant use his umbrella to set his stepmother's hair on fire, filled with fear and curiosity, he resigned himself without asking for more... a moment later, an accident at ollivenders awakens something in him, while he was holding his first wand... ( wont be harem or anything like that, he might have a crush on bellatrix tho ) --- ( about the title, if you have any suggestions go ahead, I took this one just to be able to put the abbreviation LMAO ) Sadly i don't own harry potter or anything related, i just own clark and stuff like this it's a try so comments are ok i guess, not like i would read them ( ok maybe i would ) joke aside let a comment i need advise on it oh i almost forgot thanks for loosing ur time reading me ^^

wisemonde · Derivasi dari karya
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34 Chs

Hogwarts for mudblood - part 1 - trapped memory

Getting off the train, and following the crowd clark couldn't appreciate the magical environment that lay before him. He was to busy trying to contain the growing headache, he barely had time to see hagrid leading the crowd, they were heading to boats in order to cross what seemed to him to be a lake. But he felt the world turn more faster, his nose began to bleed so he tried to hold on to what he could... a young platinum blond standing just in front of him, this one surprised barely had time to react "hey ! what is it this-" he fell with clark forward, his blood running down the pissed blonde's face who yelled "Crabs, Goyles what the hell are you doing? help me ! that filthy little mudblood is spilling his blood all over my face ! Just look at him there's no way a proper pureblood would act like this ! ". Helped by two boys who looked more like mini-trolls than anything else to Clark, the young boy with the stained face was picked up and Clark barely heard him say "my father will hear-" than he fainted saying with a disgusted expression " you sounded like a girl...i though you were one ".

Waking up on board of one of the boats with the sight of Hagrid he couldn't help but frown. He pushed Hagrid, who was surprised at the strength of the young man who seemed to hold a strangely familiar coldness to the half-giant " Are we soon to arrive at Hogwarts ? " he asked in a voice just as cold as his eyes, the giant wanted to answer but his throat contracted and a young redhead exclaimed then before he could recover " not bad the joke on malfoy ! he and his family deserved it so much ! just once to be put in their place ahahaha " the young clark then looked at the redhead like one looks at a gnat on the screen of a computer, such a nuisance that one would smash but messing up the screen doesn't seem worth it...He then turned his attention to the other child reeking of his magic, after a closer look he noticed a scar oozing black magic, even though this one shone green in his eyes. The redhead noticing the look of young clark then said with some pride "it's Harry Potter ! and he's my new friend, don't be too shy the boy who lived is not as pompous as Malfoy ! ahahah ". Hagrid finally came to his senses and then said "we're almost there" in a voice almost extinguished at the end feeling the coldness of clark seeping into him, clark then reached out his hand off the boat, sliding it into the water as if he wanted to feel the water brushing his hand, but he seemed to be enjoying the moment almost as much as one enjoys an ice cream on an abnormally hot summer. He proceeded to ignore Hagrid and the young redhead who seemed to have introduced himself as ron willy wonka or something like this, he barely even answered "clark", he was taken out of his thoughts when the boat docked on the other side of the lake with the others, they walked to the imposing castle of Hogwarts, unlike the other children who marveled at the sight he seemed annoyed by the slowness of the crowd.

Suddenly his face revealed a certain pain and before he could even pull himself together the young blond arrived in front of him with his two mini-trolls resembling to some extremely ugly humans

"hey you ! Yes you ! the filthy mudblood ! How dare you dirty my face with your filthy blood ! It's so disgusting ! My father will hear about this ! You just made yourself a powerful enemy ! Filthy mudblood ! and-"

clark then stared at him icily and announced in an entertained voice

"I see no power in you, I find it hard to believe that you could represent a danger for anyone except your two pets, maybe if you lose their leash ? Usually I don't lower myself to this level but as it is a new life I will make an exception for you. You will be the weakest of my enemies ! rejoice in this honor that I offer you, little inferior being. Maybe one day I will do you the honor of drinking your blood in your skull after i-"

he was interrupted by a tall woman with a bun and a stern expression

"I advise you to stop this right now young man. We don't tolerate threats like that here, consider yourself lucky to not having joined any house yet or you would have been worth a loss of 50 points to your house, same for you mister Malfoy i presume " seeing the lack of reaction from clark she tried another approach" but it is not impossible to inflict a punishment on you now, like patrolling the forbidden forest at night in company of Rubeus for a week might be suitable". Clark then looked at her face for the first time wondering why wizards kept deficient eyes in this era, is it a fashion effect like the dandies ? Maybe he should get some glasses too, about the punishment, this forbidden forest seemed more appealing than the school itself but he needed to get it over with the other before he could fully enjoy his long-awaited new life.

Not wanting to be discovered, he replied in a voice so cold that it seemed to be mechanical to the tall woman with the severe appearance and the square glasses "understood, I take note of it I will no longer take seriously the little blond who sounds like a girl and behave properly".

Professor McGonnagal wanted to say something but looking at the young Malfoy's expression she restrained herself not wanting to restart the disturbing argument between the two children in front of her, who a few minutes earlier were talking about drinking the blood of one in his own skull...but holding back couldn't prevent the young malfoy from saying one last time as he hurriedly left "my father will hear about this ! ".

Clark then moved to follow the crowd as they slowly entered the castle, pausing outside Hogwarts Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony, he seemed eager to be confronted with what the young Ron Willy Wonka mistakenly assumed, because of his brothers, being a fight against a troll... looking at him as one looks at an insect wondering if this one is capable of being at least aware of existing he wondered when the wizarding world began to decline to such an extent.

The young malfoy appeared to argue with the young ron for Harry Potter oozing the same dark magic, the mere sight of it infuriated clark, entering the great hall soon after that he noticed a young girl talking about the ceiling of the great hall quoting the book she had read "pitiful" Clark commented unconsciously, a Muggle-born, a Mudblood seemed to have more brains and knowledge about the wizarding world than the young wizards and witches who grew up surrounded by it...another consequence of a world so long stripped of its greatness...

Taking his pain in patience, while ignoring his surroundings, the ceremony finally began, he just waited his turn without paying attention to the students sorted before him, when his turn came he heard the tall woman calling for him "Clark Pierce" he could feel the young malfoy's look filled of hatred towards him, which made him wear a rare smile as he settled down, the sorting hat on his head started talking to him, very confused he wondered "I can't read you...what the-" Clark found himself in that damn white room again, but his smile only grew to almost carnivorous as he stared at another him on the floor who watched him helplessly as a black snake crushed him slowly.

The Clark on the ground then shoot at him a look filled with hate and said in an equally hateful voice "You didn't respect our deal! You had to-" a laugh full of madness rang out as he replied "I know, we often say to be wary of your friends but that doesn't mean that you have to foolishly believe your enemies, I just didn't wanted to waste my chance erasing you and retaining the remains of my former partner, I can't help it if you're just a naive and pathetic mudblood". Clark's anger grew as he felt a power awaken within him like an echo echoing through time the black serpent slowly transformed into the white snake and the false Clark then said "finally ! I thought I was going to have to spend the night there so that you would wake up the gift ! ". His carnivorous smile giving way to the black smoke which had smothered him a few days before, although he wasn't sure how much time had elapsed since the incident...the white snake turned into white smoke and shielded clark from the fake clark's smoke. He still heard the fake clark's voice " you won't last long against my power ! The control of the gift is not within the reach of any mudblood ! And yet you seem to have awakened the gift of time...what a waste...you don't even understand a single part of it..." At this moment Clark felt another echo ring out and saw a talking hat between him and the fake Clark. The Sorting Hat said in a extremely disturbing voice "you again?! It's the sixth time ! Can't you stay dead ! " the fake Clark answered in a quiet fake voice that betrayed his resentment despite him trying so hard to hide it to Clark " Shut up or I'll burn you after taking what is rightfully mine! ". The Sorting Hat then replied "Yes and I'm Godric Gryffindor in person, wake up you old skin, even for a Dementor you're getting old" at the same time Clark heard the voice of the Sorting Hat in his head "I usually don't do that.. .but this one hits me on the nerves. So listen carefully, it may look powerful but it's only a specter, a simple spell can repel him and here this same spell can kill it, the patronus charm". Clark's expression betrayed the sorting hat's intentions to the fake clark who unexpectedly casts the patronus charm himself.

His patronus had the form of a dementor, a dementor made of light that pushes the sorting hat out of the white room and mingles with the white smoke of Clark, before exploding in an all-consuming light, almost a living one that didn't hesitate for a moment to engulf the two clarks, mixing them together like two puzzles forced together by damaging pieces in an attempt to form a new monster-looking puzzle, when the light gradually gave way to darkness Clark found himself changed, in this white room which he could now call his unconscious he instinctively took the form of a dementor and he felt a certain consuming madness in him, his anger disappeared but replaced by a contagious, overwhelming, almost living coldness that seemed to claim the joy of others...