
Chapter 6

The body lying on the metal table - still, stiff, with an earthy blue tint, was surprisingly small. Filigree, you could say. However, it did not resemble a doll, except one that had been thrown in the garbage, where she had spent several days in the rain and rubbish.

No, Mężyński's body was not dirty, it was carefully prepared for examination, which was carried out with great precision, but the bruises on his small hands on his thin face and torso deprived him of something valuable. Without an autopsy, Deputy Commissioner Lila Andryszek could say that she had before her eyes a victim of a violent death, a brutal beating. The deceased was young, he was only eighteen years old, and even in his frozen face you could read that he was a pretty boy in life. He reminded her a bit of the famous actor, Dominik Śliwiński, whose films she loved before the police academy. However, it was enough to look at him for a long moment to notice significant differences in their appearance.