
Chapter 23 Heartbeat

"Dominik..." said Andrzej quietly, lowering his camera. All that is tempting nudity, the sensual act that is the subject of the photos, is another thing, but this is another. Nowicki could not take pictures when Śliwiński...

The young actor looked up and smiled warmly.

Sex was a pleasure, sometimes a fun or a game, but never something to cause any discomfort to either party.

Andrzej fell to his knees. His heart pounded alarmingly. His head bowed slightly and the photographer found the man's sweet mouth. His passion grew so intense that he suddenly found himself lying on top of Dominik, whose bare back was on the brown skin of a bear.

'My, God, I love him so much, I want him so much,' thought Andrzej, still kissing. Śliwiński's hand wandered freely around the regions of Nowicki's crotch, caressing and teasing him. 'I love him so much I'm going crazy!'