
Love like the wind

"I can't see it but i can feel it"

Fluverys · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Dex Reynolds

Zaylee stared at Lev. She had never seen him this gloomy before, he had this dark and dangerous aura that oozed from him. She felt frightened a bit but recomposed her self.

"No Lev am not running anymore"

Lev glared at her

"Okay Mrs Reynolds" he said and left.

Zaylee became startled knowing that lev had never called her any other name than her original name and to think of the fact that the name sounded familiar in a way. He even hated the fact that she was married to his demon brother, Dex.

She sighed. She knew this might be the last time she might ever see Lev again, but she wondered what had made him change so much. True she was annoyed with him because he tried to make love to her but he had been of great help and comfort to her. But she needed to fight on her, she was tired of running. She walked into the house and went straight up to her room.

She saw Cordelia still cuddling her self and crying in pains.

"Get out!" she yelled at her.

Cordelia didn't wait for another yell coming at her before she could stand up and leave the house immediately.

Zaylee searched through her room and found her husbands laptop. He had warned her previously not to touch it or even go through it and she obeyed but that was when she lived in fear of him

"Not anymore Dex!"

She opened the laptop

"Password?" she yelled. She thought of a lot of names he could use but all fe through and this was her last attempt.

A thought popped in her head. She smiled victoriously but her smile faded away

"His real name is Dex Reynolds?" she asked herself.

Even though they had been married for five years she hadn't gotten a chance to know his first name and he never even allowed her to call him by his name 'dex' reasons best known to him.

"Yes i am" a voice answered behind her. Before she could turn to see who was that her vision blurred and she passes out.

Dex glared at his wife that laid unconscious on the floor. He took the laptop and smashed it on the ground he stepped on it breaking it into countless pieces. He took out his phone

"Armani come here now!"

"What happened this time?" Armani asked as he stepped into the dark room Dex invited him to.

The lights came on and a woman laying on the floor with her face covered up came in view

"Whose our new prey? Do i get to have her before you do?"

Dex glared at Armani before landing his fist on his.

"Its my wife!" he yelled

Armani retraced his steps

"Why did you bring her here?!" he asked tending to his bleeding lips.

"She almost found out!"

"Are we going to kill her or...?" Armani immediately stopped talking when she sensed Dex was going to kill him at this instant.

"Why are you so upset?"

"She can never find out Armani never!!!!" he yelled louder.

Zaylee woke up on hearing the loud yells from her husband. She struggled to free herself but to no avail.

"Get out" Dex ordered Armani.

Dex walked up to his wife and removed the sheets that covered her face.

"Happy to see me?"

Zaylee glared at the monster she called her husband.

"Don't worry wife. I won't kill you yet. I'll take it slowly" he said in a menacing tone.

"Your about to see a new version of Dex Reynolds!" he laughed.