
Love like petals, Chapter 6: A day without Rachel!?

These few days have been wild due to this Ivan guy, as Rachel is only talking about him since the day she saw him and I might have become a bit annoyed from her, so I spoke a bit angrily to her, which I shouldn't have as it might have made her sad or angry.

That's why, I was currently living a day WITHOUT RACHEL.

I woke up in the morning, brushed my teeth, wore my uniform and went to eat my breakfast. Usually at this time I'd receive a message from Rachel as a 'Good morning' or ' Wait for me near the bus stop', But I didn't receive any message today, which made me confirm that I had totally made her angry. I switched off my phone after that as there was no use of it now.

After I walked out of my home, I headed towards the park where we usually met for going to school together and she wasn't there, which was unexpected because even though we used to have any fight in past there wasn't a single day that we won't go to school together except today.

It made me feel a bit sad.

When I reached school, I rushed towards my class, and saw the empty seat next to me. It was Rachel's seat and she wasn't there.

I thought that maybe I needed to wait for her, she might have been late but 2 periods had passed and she still hasn't came yet.

During lunch break I saw a bag similar to Rachel's bag, but it was kept on the last bench in the corner of the class. Before I could get a closer look of the bag, Liam came from behind and asked:

"Are you searching something? Should I help?"

I was startled but then I replied,

"N-no, thank you"

I wanted to ask him about Rachel, if he had seen her anywhere but before I could ask him, he said:

"Oh! If you are looking for Rachel, I saw her going towards canteen."

I was so happy to hear that she was in the school, and was very thankful to Liam. So I bowed to Liam and went towards the canteen.

As I walked towards canteen, I thought to myself that, if Rachel was in school today, Why couldn't I see her anywhere? Was I overthinking too much?

As soon I reached the canteen the bell rang, and lunch break was over, as the children were returning back to their classes, it was getting too crowded to spot anyone, so I couldn't find rachel.

I was completely tired when I returned back to class, and waited in my seat for the teacher to come.

I was fine until 6th period, but after that I wasn't feeling well. I hadn't ate my breakfast properly in morning as I was in hurry and I couldn't purchase lunch as it was too late.

And currently I was suffering from stomach ache due to hunger and I wasn't able concentrate in class.

As I wasn't feeling well I kept my head down for a long time, and then walked out of the class at the end of 7th period for some air.

On my way back I drank a little water form school's water tank.

As I was returning to class I could feel someone rushing towards me, so I turned around and saw Liam coming towards me and said:

"D-daisy…." And he continued with a deep breath "You must be hungry as I saw you used you whole lunch break for finding Rachel. Here have these!"

And handed me a pack of bun and a box of milkshake and ran off towards the class before I could say him thank you and that I didn't needed them even though I did.

As I was walking towards I thought to myself if I was making it too obvious that I was struggling or something? And how did Liam figured out the exact reason?

'Wait Liam saw Rachel today, So he knows where she is right?' popped up in my mind.

I rushed towards my class and walked towards Liam, I also peeked at the desk where the bag same as Rachel's was kept but it was empty now.

Before I could ask Liam anything our maths teacher came and I had to return to my seat.

Maths was our last period and the school was over after it. As I was going out of school, I was feeling really lonely as Rachel and I would always go back to home together. Recently we were also listening to the songs of 'tteokbokki kun' on our way to home, but today she wasn't with me.

I thought to myself that had I made her that angry that she doesn't want to see me now? As I was walking on the pavement, I spotted someone who was wearing same bag as Rachel's.

He/she was wearing a hoodie so the face wasn't visible and when I got I closer look, I saw IT WAS RACHEL!!

I rushed towards her and screamed "RACHEELL!!" and she turned back, saw me, made a terrified face and started to run.

I screamed:


But she kept running until we both were out of breath and before she could have the time to run again I grabbed her arm so that she won't run away, and asked her:

"Wh- Why? *wheeze* Why are you running??"

And before I could ask her something else I saw her tearing up and I asked worriedly:

"W-why are you crying?? Did you hit yourself somewhere?? Where does it hurt?"

And then she replied:

"I was too embarrassed to speak to youu!"

And then she started crying and started to speak with a quavering voice:

" I tried to text you but you didn't replied!! WAHHHHHHH!!! I thought you have became very angry!!"

I tried to calm her down and replied:

"Rachel calm down, stop crying. Come lets sit in park's bench and I'll listen to whatever you'll say"

And then she said with a shaky voice:


We sat down on the bench and then Rachel started to speak:

"Yesterday, after you scolded me I thought to myself what would I have done if I were in your place, I would have beaten myself up for being so cringe and annoying, e-even though I can't.

I felt very embarrassed about myself at that time,

that I had been so annoying towards you, I tried to courage up myself and texted you today as I-I was walking towards the bus stop but then you didn't *sniffle* see my message *sniffle* n-neither you replied to me, wuuuuuu… *sniffle* and then I was trying to hide from you at school but I couldn't, waaaaaaaaaaa!!"

I hugged Rachel and replied:

"Aww Rachel, you are not annoying to me I mean you can be sometimes but it make me feel that I am in a lively surrounding without being ignored and stop crying, it makes me feel like I am comforting a child, you haven't done anything *stomach growling*"

"You're hungry? Me too. I couldn't eat lunch during Lunch break *sniffle*" replied Rachel.

I didn't wanted to ask why because I already knew she used her whole lunch break hiding from me.

I still had the bun and the milkshake that Liam gave me so I took it out and shared it with Rachel who replied:

"Thank you mommy!"

"What the- you don't actually have to act like a child…" I replied.

"Ok, mommy" Rachel replied and continued:

"Oh! by the way, where did you get this bun from? Its good!"

"I didn't purchased it, Liam gave it to me with the milkshake…"

Rachel remained silent for a few seconds and replied:

"Don't worry! I am rooting for you mommy!!"

"What the hell are you saying, stop."

And then we both laughed, after sometime we returned to our homes. I was very happy that our friendship reunited! As Rachel is the only person I know since childhood so she is like a family to me.

I am happy that at the end everything ended well.