
Love like petals, Chapter 5: Who is this Ivan guy?

Few months have passed and there were several class tests taken whose marks were to be added in the final report.

Liam was the topper of our class and after that it was me, Rachel was 6th. I was always stuck between 2nd and 3rd position, I rarely got the first position which sometimes disappoints me but I still try to do my best.

Currently a group project had been given to us based on 'Hitler's rise of power' and we were assigned into 4 people in each group by our history teacher.

My group consisted of me, Liam, Laura and Alex. Rachel was in a different group.

It was Monday that day and we had to submit the project on Thursday, So we assigned different people different parts of the project, which was like:

'Alex: information with pictures about countries under the control of Hitler and treatment of Jews under him.

Laura: Slides based on participation of hitler in world war ll

Daisy (xia): Slides based on the past of hilter

Liam: Speaker

Now we shall take vow that who ever will not complete his/her part in this presentation, shall provide $10 each to every group member.

Candidates sign:

Liam, Daisy, Laura, Alex'.

Alex and Laura were my classmates. They both are pretty lively. I never knew about them until today. The only people I know in my class are Rachel and Liam, others just come and go, so I don't focus on them.

A chat group was decided to made for presentation discussions. So all of us gave each other out numbers.

Currently I was making a to-do list for myself, when I started to feel vibrations from my bag's side chain where I use to keep my phone. When I am at school I keep my phone in silent mode, as I barely receive any messages. But this time my phone was vibrating non- stop, so I thought it might be an emergency.

I secretly took out my phone and saw it was Rachel who was texting me:

"Xiaa!! Why does this happens to meee?!"

" I wanted to do the project with youu!!"

" I am stuck in a group of pure DOG SHIT!!"


"Help meee (╥﹏╥)"

Emergency my ass, I thought to myself, and then replied to Rachel:

"Rachel its just a group project".

"Work is given to all the members".

"That's how you do it".

"BUT ITS UNFAIR!!!.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·." Replied Rachel.

"At least give me some advice!!" -rachel

"Rachel I have to close my phone now"

"We will talk about this during lunch ok?" I texted.

"Ok… You better help me.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·." Rachel texted.

After which I switched off my phone.

As soon as the bell rang for lunch break, I could see Rachel rushing towards me and before I could ask her , She exclaimed:

"Xia! XIA! Did you see my text??"

"I told you I was closing my phone, But why?" I replied.

"Arghhhh! Leave it! I'll tell you in person. So, the group in which I am currently a member, might not be so bad. When I was texting you, one of the member of the group was not there, and he came after you told me you were closing your phone." Rachel said and then she continued:

"You know that boy was sooo attractive, he had this black mask on his face so I couldn't see his face but he still looked so handsome. He had beautiful straight hair and bangs downwards. When I looked at him I totally thought that he could overtake Liam's popularity but I don't know why he still isn't famous."

" Well that's good, but we are getting late for lunch." I replied, and Rachel said:

" Ughhh! Why are you not listening to me! I am telling you he is more-"

I interrupted:

"I am hungry and so are you, So why don't we go to canteen first? You can tell me about him while we lunch."

"FINEEEE! Let's go! Quick!!" Rachel told me as we walked towards the canteen.

As soon as I purchased my lunch, Rachel started her speech on 'the so attractive mask guy' :

"Do you know what his name is?!? Its 'Ivan Roberts'!!" Rachel said this as she chewed her food.

She was still blabbering about this guy, as if she had a crush on him or something…

'WAIT! DOES SHE HAS A CRUSH ON HIM??' popped up in my mind which made me choke by my food and I started coughing.

Rachel exclaimed:

"Holy shit! You ok??" and then she bought me a glass of water.

After I drank the water, my eyes widened and I looked at Rachel, for which she asked me in confusion:

"Wh- What are you looking at?.... You ok there buddy?…"

I first said in low voice:

"Do you have a crush on him?"

"What?" Rachel replied

"I said, Do you have a crush on this guy or something!?" I replied.

Rachel remained silent for few minutes.

And the exclaimed:


I knew it I shouldn't have asked her about it, I thought to myself.

Now I guess she was head over heels for him, As she was chattering non-stop about him.

I was already tired but thankfully the bell rang on time and we returned to our classes.

Rachel usually doesn't talk much with me between any class, so I was relieved that it would be a bit peaceful for a while atleast or as I thought so, but Rachel was being crazy about him.

Currently I was in a bad mood and was eager to meet this perfectly handsome guy about whom Rachel was talking about and wanted to beat him into pulp, but I had to keep myself cool. So I told Rachel that I was going to restroom instead of which I just got out of the class to cool my head.

On the way back I saw Liam, who asked me:

"You ok?"

"Guess so" I replied.

"Wow, this is the first time you have replied me with your voice, you really must have been stressed out" Liam replied.

I wasn't stressed, but I also didn't realise that I never used my voice to reply him.

"I mean it's not bad to talk, I'd like it more if you talk with me for a while with your voice" Liam said in between.

I couldn't think of any reply for him, so I just nodded and went straight into the class where Rachel was waiting for me.

As soon as the school got over I hurried back to home, washed up and laid on the bed with my phone.

In these few months 'tteokbokki kun' had also got more famous and his song were also quite interesting.

So as soon as I switched on my phone to listen to his new song,

Thousands of notifications were popping in my home screen from Rachel.

All I did was to switch the phone off again, and went to sleep. Then I woke up around evening and completed my homework, ate dinner and slept.

Totally Drained! Hope you enjoy love like petals, please share your thoughts in comments.

Sam005_ncreators' thoughts