
Love like an open wound

Raised by werewolves, Oliver has only ever known pack law. When it just so happens that his pack pissed off the prince of the vampires, he is taken as colateral to keep the pack in line. You would think a werewolf would have no struggle in a castle full of bloodsuckers, but Oliver is only human… The prince of Vampires father is ruthless, and cruel, being in his 300’s Prince August is expected to marry a vampire of royal blood to take over as king until his own heir is old enough to take the throne. There’s just one issue, Prince August is gay, and not at all attracted to women. When a young man with hair the color of a sunset is brought to him, he can not help but to be taken with the first eyed boy. Will Oliver fall for him or will the Prince marry a suitor of his fathers choosing?

_Forget_Me_Not_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

I Hate Cats

Augusts POV:

I still had work to do when Oliver fell asleep, so quietly as I could I made my way to my desk to file my new pet's paperwork. I had to write down age, height, weight, blood type, and other bullshit. I didn't know much about him so I figured I would do some of it whenever I had time to ask him about himself. Rather than do pet paperwork I should probably fill out invitations to my fathers birthday ball. I fucking hate doing this. Every year he makes a huge deal, and invited people over a month in advance. I mean I understand he is the king, but how narcissistic can one get? The ball was always a huge event, especially seeing as how all the high ranked vampires would be there so perfect timing to find a wife right? Note my sarcasm.

My thoughts were interrupted by the stirring of Oliver. He seemed to be having a nightmare. He looked so... weak. Like he was running from someone. His face contorted in pain as tears started to glisten down his pale skin. I felt a pang of guilt. It was probably ultimately my fault he was in anguish. All's well that ends well I guess... I mean it's not like I would actually have him for all that long.

I figured I would at least go give him the relief of consciousness. I put my hand on his shoulder, and shook him lightly. His eyes shot open, still full of tears. His emerald orbs met my eyes in a panic. His nose was red from crying. I must have shown confusion because he realized after the look I gave him that he was crying. He wiped his tears with the sleeve of his shirt, that might I add still had a bit of blood on it. His mothers I assumed. "Are you alright kitten?" After wiping his tears he looked at me with a disgusted face.

"No, I am not fucking alright. I was just dreaming of Compton murdering my mother on a continuous loop. And stop with that annoying ass nickname. I hate cats." I chuckled lightly, he really was raised by wolves. I guess I probably shouldn't mention that my cat Shadow, was asleep on the bed at the moment. "What is so damn funny?"

"Nothing, I just guess I didn't fully believe that you were raised by wolves, until your cat comment." He sneered at me. "Look I apologize for allowing Compton to murder your mother, but hate him all you want. I am not the one who did it so you shouldn't bare a grudge against me. At least not until I've given you a just reason." He looked like he actually considered it for a moment, much to my surprise. "You may not have asked him to murder her directly, but you still let it happen. On top of that you didn't punish him. If you truly want my respect then maybe you should give me a damn reason to respect you. Punish him for his wrong doings and I will consider forgiving you. I can't forgive him. Not ever, and if we're being completely honest if given the chance I would probably shove a stake through his heart."

I was surprised by his words. I didn't peg him as the killer type. "Would you accept if I punish him tomorrow?" I honestly don't think I cared whether or not he actually forgave me, but it would make it easier on me if he was comfortable around me. Biting him would be difficult for both of us if he was repulsed by me. The thought of his blood made my teeth ache in my mouth, and my fangs threatened to escape. "What will you do to him?" He asked innocently.

"I'll rip his fangs out. It will take awhile, but they will grow back. It will just make the next few months uncomfortable, and he will be unable to feed from a living vessel, so he will just have to resort to the blood that the servants serve us with meals. Is that good enough for you?" He thought on it for a moment. "Yes, that is good, but allow me to come too." I tried not to show my amusement. He was a sadistic little kitten.

"Alright, fine, after that we will do something about your wardrobe, and that mess you call hair. Do the wolves in the mountains not own hairbrushes?" He scowled at me. "Yes, they own hairbrushes but I haven't had a haircut in awhile, I'm sorry do I not look pristine enough for your royal tastes?"

"It isn't that. I would just prefer my kitten be a pit more presentable. Plus I like to spoil my pets, so if you stay on my good side you will be living like royalty." He looked a bit stunned. "Odd. I wasn't aware you have a good side." He gave me a smirk. "Keep it up, and you may not see it." I smirked back at him. "Although I must admit, I haven't the faintest clue what you're going to choose for your wardrobe I haven't had a male pet before." He looked tired so I figured I would leave him be, it was only like two in the morning, we didn't have to be awake until nine. "Get some sleep kitten." I got up, and no sooner that I crawled in bed was he asleep once again.

Oliver's POV:

After, August woke me up I didn't have another nightmare. I just had a deep dreamless sleep. It was nice. I woke up to a delicious smell, of pancakes and....Bacon! I shot up looking around for where the sent was coming from. August was typing on his computer on his unnecessarily large bed, and right in front of my was a tray table holding a wonderful breakfast. I was a bit confused I didn't think pets, and servants ate like this. August must have sensed my confusion because he chimed in with. "Since you're my pet I am allowed to feed you what I want. So I thought maybe pancakes were a good thought."

"They are thank you." I haven't had anything besides meat main courses since... well ever. I mean we would have like other stuff too, but not in this amount. I started eating without haste. Although the metallic scent of blood was making me wanna eat slower. I looked around to see where it was coming from. My eyes landed on a crystal glass of crimson liquid held in Augusts' hand. Before he could lift it to his mouth the words slipped out of mine. "I wouldn't drink that, it's old." he looked at me confused.

"How would you know that?" He asked a bit questionably. "I know because if it were as fresh as your servants claim it is I wouldn't be able to smell it, but since you're a vampire you can't tell the difference because to you blood smells like blood whether it is fresh or not. But to me fresh blood doesn't have a smell, but old blood does." he looked at it shrugged and set it on the bedside table.

I finished my food and was tidying my eating area when a black cat jumped on the couch near me. I practically pole vaulted a few feet from the sofa. "Why the hell is that beast in here!?" August just laughed at my reaction. I wasn't kidding when I said I didn't like cats "That is my cat shadow. While you hate cats I love them. You're going to have to learn to tolerate him. He is my other pet after all." I scoffed loud. I could feel my pupils get smaller. If I were a wolf my teeth would be bared. I looked at it, and it's pompous behavior like I was lucky to breathe the same air. I stand by this, cats are assholes.

It hissed at me, and I glared back at it. "Yeah? Well I don't like you either!" August was trying to contain his laughter. "You do understand that you're yelling at a cat right?" He asked cocking his head to one side. "Yes, painfully aware that, that beast is what I am yelling at." I spat. An amused smile crossed Augusts' face. It was sort of nice. I haven't seen anything other that fake amusement, or genuine annoyance. He was quite attractive, if I were a woman he would be like eye candy. He had Onyx black wavy hair, and a chiseled jawline. His eyes were too entirely different shades of red. One was the normal vampire red, like blood. The other was a red wine color, almost a purple in a sense. He caught me staring, and flashed a smug smile. My cheeks flushed, and I looked away very fast trying to subdue my embarrassment.

"Here kitten, you will have to wear my clothes until we get you some new clothes later. We are meeting the tailor in about an hour after I punish Compton, and then after the tailor we are getting that mop on your head cut. Take these, and go take a shower." He handed me some grey sweatpants and a plain black fitted t-shirt. I was happy I got to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom it was beautiful, the shower had waterfall heads all the way through it, and it practically took up an entire wall. I got in, and the water was actually hot. It felt so nice to wash off the grime from yesterday. I hadn't had a hot shower since the summer when the days get hot enough to heat our water reserves. It was refreshing.

When I emerged from the shower August couldn't contain his amusement. I guess he over estimated his clothes ability to fit me. He was at least Six three if not Six four, and I was five ten. I was toned, but not nearly as muscular as he was. He was muscular not to the point of where I was gross but he was jacked nonetheless. But his clothes were huge on me. I had to cuff my pants like some dumbass. What can you do? I dealt with what I had. Right now the anticipation was killing me, I couldn't wait to watch Compton's fangs get ripped from his skull! "Okay enough of the laughing at me, and on with the torture."

He stopped laughing, and instructed me to follow him. When we arrived to the room where it would happen, it looked like a dungeon. Granted it was in the basement of a castle so I guess it kind of was. The iron bars, and concrete, and shackles really set the mood. We walked through a hall of empty, and occupied cells. I could tell that death was a normal occurrence down there. It smelled of old blood, burning flesh, and corpses. It was making me nauseous. This was kind of ruining my excitement. We arrived at a cell where Compton was chained to a chair. On the table next to him was a clamp, and just like that I forgot all about the rancid smell, and my excitement returned.

August grabbed the clamps, and walked over to Compton looking apologetic. Compton nodded in understanding. "Wait-..." I stopped him as he was about to grab Compton's fang with the clamp. August looked like he was relieved to not have to de-fang his friend. "Let me do it." August's jaw dropped, and he looked dumbfounded. "Are you sure you can handle it?" He looked at me still a bit in disbelief. "He killed my mom, hell yeah I can handle it!" August smirked a bit at my enthusiasm, and handed me the clamp. I walked over, and just soaked in the sight of him chained like the bitch he was.

"Open up sweetheart, this will only hurt more if you squirm." I gave him my best genuine smile at his current state. I grabbed the clamp, and gripped his fang with it. I was not going to be merciful, I was going to pull it nice and slow. I started ripping super slow, and you could hear the tearing. Finally I pulled forward hard enough that it released, and came out of his mouth. He screamed at the top of his lungs. A deafening cry of agony. I don't usually wish pain on people, but his sounded like music to my ears. Blood was pooling from the hole where his ivory fang once was. He continuously spit out blood trying desperately not to choke on it. Eventually his magic vampire powers healed the wound causing the bleeding to stop. Much to my dismay. I couldn't even contain my smile at his anguish.

August was cringing probably imagining what it would feel like. Much like I would whenever one of the wolves would get hit in the groin during training. After I pulled the other one out, Compton looked so defeated. I wanted to kill him, but I know that I couldn't. Feeling moderately satisfied I turned around to a very astounded August. "I didn't know that you liked to torture people." He said.

"Generally I don't, but I make an exception for murderers." He snickered at my response. "Okay, now can we go take care of the oversized clothes dilemma?" He chuckled "Yes, kitten we can." He led me back out of that depressing dungeon, and up to the twelfth floor, and into a large room with mannequins littered around it. A stout old looking vampire was in the room. He was wearing a monocle. I didn't think it was possible for vampires to age past twenty six, but then again he didn't strike me as a pureblood. He must have been turned. I thought that the royals were strict with keeping their vampire staff pureblooded? Ah, well.

He examined me, probably trying to imagine my flavor. Ew. He measured me, and wrote down my measurements before returning over to us. "What kind of clothing would you like made, my prince?" He sounded as if he were a heavy smoker before he was turned. Most vampires retained a velvety seductive voice, them being sexual creatures by nature and all. "I am not the one who has to wear them, so ask Oliver. Just make sure that somewhere in there you add a three piece suit for special occasions" He gave him a puzzled look. I would assume because most of the masters picked out their pets clothing, or made them walk around naked. I was glad he was letting me stay fully clothed. "What would you like to wear child?" He asked in his gravely voice. "I would like mostly fitted tee shirts, and sweat pants, although you could throw in some dress shirts, and slacks as well."

August looked pleased with my answer. "Make sure you have a bathing suit made." August made him write that down. "Alright. Any athletic wear?" I thought on it for a moment. "Actually yeah, I run a lot." I said a nervous smile crossing my face. I can't imagine the bill that this was summing up. "What type of underwear?" I shrugged. "Boxers?" I didn't really mean the question mark I put on the end but what else did he want? "Okay so your order is reading. One three piece suit. One pair of swimming trunks. Fifteen assorted tee shirts, and twelve pairs of sweatpants. Six button down dress shirts, and nine pairs of slacks. Three athletic stretch muscle shirts, and three pairs of athletic stretch shorts. One pair of dress shoes, and one pair of tennis shoes, and a few packs of boxer briefs underwear all custom made. Does that sound enough?" I was dumbfounded. That is going to be expensive. I looked to August who didn't even bat an eyelash.

"That will do for now, I will call you back here if I need anything else. Although would you add a black titanium industrial bar to that, and make sure the clasps are diamonds." Woah. shit. I didn't even realize he saw that I had an industrial bar piercing over all of my hair. My long ginger mane covered my ears, he must have been perceptive. I have had the same surgical steel bar since I got it pierced at fourteen. "Okay so your total rings up to..." He calculated on his pad. I awaited in anticipation of the cost, especially after he added diamonds to the equation. "$9,576.86"

My mouth was now hanging open. "What the living hell!? Do not pay for all of that!" August just laughed. I looked at him sideways trying to imagine on what planet was nearly ten thousand dollars was funny. "Well I can only imagine that most of it is the diamonds for your earring. That is actually a lot less that I was expecting." What the fuck? I knew he was a prince but money doesn't just magically appear. "That is entirely too much money to spend on a pet that you probably won't even have for a year!"

"Do not assume that I am just going to end you without reasoning. If you don't give me reason to kill you then I won't have to." The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. "S-sorry, I just assumed that I wouldn't make it to twenty." He scoffed and shot me a gimme a break look. We dropped the subject fairly quickly as he paid the man, and we exited ascending to the tenth floor where apparently these royal bloodsuckers have their own salon. We walked in and their was the smell of rubbing alcohol, and a blonde vampire getting her nails done in the back.

A younger man with a French accent walked over to us, and gasped when he saw my hair. They all had neatly kempt hair in this place, but this was the usual for the packhouse, so I failed to see a problem. He grabbed my hand, and put me in a chair with a cape over my neck. He crawled onto my lap and placed his hands on the side of my head. Okay so he may have been gay... "Andre, you're scaring my pet." He looked up at August, and slid off of my lap. Grabbing the scissors and razor he got to chopping...

When he was done I hardly recognized myself. My hair had never been so short. He left it long-ish on top and stacked it on the sides, and back. You could freely see my face, and ears. This left my piercing on display, and I hate to say it but I actually liked it. "You work wonderfully Andre." Andre put his stuff away, and as August tried to take out his credit card Andre pushed it down. "You know that isn't the payment I want Prince." He said his accent making it a bit difficult to understand. I was trying to catch onto what he meant, until August grabbed Andre's tie, and crashed his lips onto Andre's.

What. the. hell? He pulled away, and Andre thanked him for his payment. My cheeks couldn't be redder. We walked out into the hallway, and started to head back up to his room. "You look a little flush Oliver are you alright?" I was fine I just didn't know that he was in that kind of relationship with the barber. "I am fine, I just didn't know that you were with the barber." He shook his head as we entered the elevator. "I am not. He just prefers that as his payment ever since we hooked up a few year ago."

"I don't think I was aware of your orientation." The elevator opened and we stepped out, and made our way to August's room. "Is that a problem for you?" He asked warning apparent in his voice. "No, no I have no problem, it's just. You seem so straight." He chuckled lowly "Okay then, on a different note I have to attend dinner with my family it is something we do every night. I will take you eventually, but I would prefer my father not find out about you yet. So you stay here, feel free to do whatever you please, just don't touch my computer, or documents. I will bring you back some dinner when I return. He opened the door with his thumbprint, and sent me inside.

I sat down on my couch, bed thing, and flopped backward. Well today was eventful. I stared at the ceiling. I forgot to thank him for today. I guess I'll do that when he gets back. I wonder what his family is like? Will they try to kill me? In that moment with all he had done for me today. I almost forgot he was a vampire, and that he owned me. I mean I missed my family already, but I'm sure most of the pack members were relieved I was gone. Was this really all that bad?