
chapter 2

"Did you read that right? You were happy when you came in... why the long face now?" he asked with a smirk.

"N-no, it's nothing... there's nothing like that... it's just that I don't like Aliya," she said, folding her arms across her chest.

"Yeah, so what... it's not like I'm in love with her either... it's not my thing anyway... I just think she'd make a good life partner," Arsal shrugged.

"Alright, let's get up... Bree baba is calling for you," she said and went outside.

They went to Ahmad Sahab's room where Amir Sahab was also present.

"Assalamu Alaikum, baba... when did you arrive from Dubai?" Samra greeted him and asked.

"Just arrived last night... have to go back in 2 days," he said, and she nodded.

"Arsal... I asked you to read some files for me yesterday... did you do it?" Ahmad Sahab asked, and Arsal looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Have I asked you some difficult question... speak up," Ahmad Sahab said in a serious tone.

"No, no, baba," he said, lowering his head.

"Arsal... you're becoming very careless... whatever work you're given, you don't do it... those were important files," Ahmad Sahab said in anger.

"... All this happens because of your darling," Arsal said, and Samra looked at him in shock.

"Mine?" she asked in shock.

"Yes, you... you always keep me busy with your tasks... yesterday, you even sent me to your friend's house... and then you wanted ice cream... tell to baba now " Arsal lied to them, and at last said to Samra who was still in shock...

"Y-yes... I asked," Samra said.

"Samra, this is too much... you always keep him busy with your work... from now on, let the driver handle your work... Arsal also has his own tasks now, you're not a child anymore," Amir Sahab said in an offensive tone.

"S-sorry, baba.. it won't happen again," she said with teary eyes and rushed outside.

"She always keeps him busy with her tasks... anyway, go and get me that file by tonight," Ahmad said to Amir first and then to Arsal... he also rushed outside and went to Samra's room...

"Samra, open the door... I am sorry... Samra..." Arsal knocked on the door but she didn't open.

"Sorry, Samra... open the door," Arsal said, but she didn't open.

Samra was not talking to him...

Arsal was taking a bath when suddenly the water finished... he shouted but no one listened to him... after some time, he washed his face and came out... he went to the terrace where the main water supply was... he saw Samra was closing the valve.

"So, you're the one who shut it off," he asked in anger.

"Yeah, so what... you didn't know, right?" she asked.

"Like you know everything," he asked like a stubborn woman... Samra shrugged and went downstairs... he followed her.

"I'm telling you... don't mess with me like this again, got it? Let's settle this like adults," Arsal said in irritation.

"Okay... you also close the valve now... leave me alone... and please don't talk to me," she said seriously.

"But why?" he asked.

"Because you have Aliya," she said and went to her room, leaving him bewildered at the door.

"Where did this Aliya suddenly come from?" he whispered to himself as he sat on the sofa.

"Now convince Madam too... Arsal, it seems like convincing women is your destiny," he said, taking a deep breath.

...She was making coffee for herself in the kitchen when Arsal came to talk to her.

"Samra, make a cup for me too," Arsal said casually.

"Allah has given you hands, right? Make it yourself... or better yet, have your beloved Aliya make it for you, she must make great coffee," she taunted him.

"I don't know... whether she makes good coffee or not... but I want coffee made by your hands," Arsal said, but she ignored him and continued her work.

"Samra, what's the problem... I am talking to you," Arsal said in irritation.

"Then don't... anyway, you're always busy because of me... so now you won't be, go and do your work freely," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yeah, so I did it to avoid dad's scolding at that time," he said quickly.

"Why do you always blame me... you know, after so many days, dad is coming... I have to wait for months to spend time with him... and because of you, as soon as he comes, he gets upset," she said, crying.

"Yeah, so you could have refused at that time... you also agreed to me," he said in his defense.

"You'll never understand, Arsal," she said sadly.

Mrs. Bena entered and saw them arguing...

"You two are fighting again... what's going on with you both these days?" Mrs. Bena asked.

"Nothing, auntie... it's my brain that got messed up and trusted him again," Samra said, taking her coffee to her room... Arsal looked at Mrs. Bena.

"What happened now?" Mrs. Bena asked.

"Nothing, mom.. my brain got messed up again... Samra can't spend time with uncle Amir... he hardly stays at home after Ifat's death... Samra doesn't get any time with him," Arsal said.

"Yeah, that's true... Amir hardly stays at home after Ifat's death... Samra doesn't get any time with him," Mrs. Bena said.

"Hmm... Mama should take her... she'll keep crying otherwise... you know how soft-hearted my girl is," Mrs. Bena said, pressing her lips, and he rolled his eyes.

"Hmm, I know... and this little soft-hearted girl has controlled everyone's hearts," he said and went outside...

He had been waiting for her for 2 hours... sitting in the lounge and using his phone... she opened her door and went to the kitchen... and made coffee.

"Why do you burn yourself by drinking so much coffee?" Mrs. Bena asked.

"Auntie, I have a headache... I'll rest for a while... don't send anyone to my room," she said after making coffee and went to her room without giving him a glance, who had been waiting for her...

And then rushed to her room.

"Uff, nothing can be done about these two," Mrs. Bena shook her head and went outside...

Samra was about to shut the door when Arsal forcefully entered.

"What's the matter, Arsal... I don't want to talk to you right now... get out of my room," Samra said in anger.

"Why don't you want to talk right now... I want to," Arsal said, grabbing her hand... the coffee in her hand spilled onto her hand.

"Aaaaaaa," she hissed in pain.

"Oh my God... I am so sorry, Sam... please, I'm so sorry," Arsal said, grabbing her hand and looking at her.

"Let go of my hand," she said angrily.

"It's not like it's the first time I've held it that you're making such a drama," he said, making a weird face, and she glared at him.

"Sit here... I'll go get some ointment," he said quickly.

"No... I'm fine... it's just a little burn... I'll be fine," Samra said, looking down.

"Samra... I'm sorry," he said.

"It's okay, Arsal...," Samra said with a smile.

"That's like my girl... come on, let's get up quickly... we're going out for ice cream," Arsal said and dragged her behind him without listening to her... Mrs. Bena looked at them and smiled.

"These two can never change... they fight and can't live without each other," she said with a smile...

They were sitting in the ice cream shop...

"What's this, Arsal... you won't let me change... look at how I look in trousers and a shirt, like a cartoon," Samra said, pouting.

"Don't call my friend a cartoon," Arsal said, glaring at her.

"I can call only you a cartoon," he said with a laugh, and she threw her spoon at him.

"Go away... I don't know why I even bother talking to you... you don't deserve to be with anyone with that face," Samra said, narrowing her eyes.

"Ohhh... Why not? Thousands of girls swoon over this face... it's your eyes that are faulty," Arsal said, making a pout.

"Yeah... like Aliya," she said, ignoring him... and after that, they went back home...

Arsal spent most of his time with Samra, and Aliya became jealous...

"Arsal baby... have you told anyone about us or not?" Aliya asked.

"I'll tell... first convince Sam... she'll approve, then we can talk further, right?" Arsal said, and she looked at him.

"What do you mean... that she has to approve... you don't love me, do you, darling?" Aliya asked in a dramatic tone.

"Yeah, I like you... but she has to talk to everyone first, right... and I already told you, if Samra rejects me, we'll go our separate ways... but I'm sure she'll accept you for my happiness," Arsal said with a smile.

"Hmm... Samra... you just wait until Arsal marries me... then I'll be the first one to remove you from his life," Aliya thought to herself...

At night, Arsal entered Samra's room.

"Sam, why do you always stay in your room?" Arsal said and sat on her bed.

"How many times have I told you not to come into my room without knock. And don't sit on my bed with your shoes on," she said angrily, and he grinned.

"My Samooo... you look so cute when you're angry with me," Arsal said, pinching her cheeks.

"Arsal... get out of my room... I'm doing something very important," Samra said, and her phone started ringing.

"Is this work more important to you than me?" Arsal asked.

"Yes, now come on, let's go," Samra said, and Arsal threw the pillow on the ground and stormed out in anger...

"What's gotten into him... he's crazy," Samra said.

"Allah is angry... I'm the one who goes crazy... I keep bothering him for no reason," Samra said and went to his room.

Arsal, open the door... I lost my temper because of that Samreen's daughter, which is why you got mad at me... sorry," she knocked on the door, but Arsal didn't respond.

"He might be on the terrace," she said and went to the terrace... Arsal was talking on the phone.

"Aliya... Sam is also changing... she's not the same as before," Arsal said, and tears welled up in Samra's eyes as she went downstairs...

From the next day, Arsal didn't talk to her... he was with Aliya... after their nikah, he distanced himself from her... and for the past two months, he spent most of his time with Aliya...

Samra was sitting alone when Ali came toward her.

"Samra, I need to talk to you," Ali said, and she looked at him questioningly.

"Arsal is so frank with Aliya... she's your best friend," Ali said.

"She's not my best friend anymore, Ali," she said with teary eyes.

"Samra, he can't go 10 minutes without you... if you don't eat with him at night, he can't sleep... he was obsessed with you," Ali said.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Samra asked.

"Because I know you love him... Samra, Aliya is not a good girl... she's only after Arsal's money... won't you save your best friend?" Ali said, and she nodded...

Arsal and Aliya were sitting on the ground...

"Arsal, where are you lost... I've been telling you for so long that I want to go shopping... and you're not even listening to me," Aliya said in anger.

"Hmm, babe, sorry," he said.

"What happened? What are you thinking?" she asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"It's Samra... I got angry at her for no reason again... even though it was my fault," Arsal said, and Aliya rolled her eyes.

"Arsal, why do you care about her so much... she's always fighting with you... it's better to get rid of her," Aliya said, and in the next minute, Arsal grabbed her hand tightly in anger.

"How dare you speak ill of her... she's Samra... my best friend... if she hadn't agreed, you wouldn't be sitting here with me today... so, remember it... if a single word against her comes out of your mouth again, I don't even know what I'll do to you," Arsal said in anger and was about to leave when she grabbed his hand.

"Arsal, sorry... I was just saying it... sorry, please... I was just saying that let's see if Samra comes to apologize to you today or not... even though it's your fault," Aliya said with a smile.

"What nonsense," Arsal asked in irritation.

"Arsal, it's a test of your friendship... how much you care about her... let's see if she comes to apologize to you today... I'll also believe that she's your best friend," Aliya said with a smirk.

"Okay, I can prove it to you... she was the best," Arsal said.

"Samra, I'll make sure to remove you from Arsal's life so that he realizes who is best for him," Aliya thought to herself...

Samra went toward Arsal and Aliya... she was finding them... Aliya's mouth was open in shock, and Arsal had a huge smile on his face...

"Arsal, let's go... I'm sorry... I'm getting bored without you," she said and looked at him, showing her teeth.

"What's with the monkey faces?" Samra said, and Arsal hugged her tightly...

"Thank you, thank you so much," Arsal said, and Samra separated from him...

"What happened?" she asked with a smile.

"Do you know Aliya said it's a test of our friendship if you'll come to apologize to me today or not... even though it's my fault," Arsal said with a smile.

"Arsal, our friendship isn't so weak that it needs tests or approvals from others... and Aliya... it's just a normal thing between us ... but one thing to remember... no one can break our friendship... except us," Samra said with a smirk.

"Lets go Arsal yr... I'm bored since morning," Samra said.

"Yeah, I've been bored since morning... nothing feels good," Arsal said, making a pout.

"But you were with Aliya... you should be happy," Samra said with a smirk.

"Arsal... go to hell," Aliya said and walked out from there...

"Haaa Arsal, go to hell... you've invited trouble," Samra said and ran from there.

"Samra's youuuuu... today you're not saved from me," Arsal said and ran behind her... they entered the canteen... Ali was also there... Samra was saving herself, running from one table to another...

"And he still claims he loves Aliya... I pray to Allah that Arsal realizes at the right time who is best for him," Ali said, looking at both of them.

"Ali, save me... Arsal, wait... I can't run anymore," Samra said and sat on the chair... Ali gave her water.

"Yeah, me too... but seriously, who says they're bored in front of their girlfriend, Samra?" Arsal glared at her.

"And who says they were bored since morning when they were with their girlfriend... when you were with Aliya," Samra said, and he rolled his eyes...

"Okay, enough now... I'm really hungry... I haven't eaten anything since morning," Samra said.

"And I've been telling you all this time," Arsal said.

"Did you apply for admission to the London school?" Arsal asked.

"Yeah... you did too," Ali told him...

"Do you know Aliya also applied? Hey, you witch... you've always applied with me since childhood... so, what's the problem now... how will I survive there without you?" Arsal said with a pout.

"Firstly, I used to apply with you because you were alone...," Samra said.

"Yeah, this time, Aliya will be there " samra said

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Kashaf_alvicreators' thoughts