
Love,Lies & betrayal

Larissa Williams is a bright and bubbly girl who just got into college until she gets meets trevor who changes her life in so many ways Want to know how he does it Get into the novel and find out hehe

Sassyblexin2023 · perkotaan
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The weather was very bright today.

Larissa stood by her window and looked

outside smiling brightly and feeling excited about going to college.

Rissaaaaaaaaa, my sister screamed my name for the third time today while almost making my ears bleed.

I'm coming, I shouted back as I hurriedly put my phone in my bag and zipped it up before leaving my room and heading downstairs.

I was already on my way you know, there was no need to destroy my ear drums. Good morning by the way I said to her as I sat down to have breakfast.

Ouch!! I shouted as my sister hit me on the head with a pen and glared at me.

Who do you think you're speaking to in that tone young lady? She said as she put some toasts on my plate and poured me a glass of juice.

Thank you very much but I'm not a child anymore.

you don't have to serve me every time.

I'm in college now and I'm 21

so I'm an adult who can take care of herself, right dad. I said ignoring the glares my sister was giving me and faced my dad who was trying hard not to laugh at our banters this morning.

Yes you're right my sweet Larissa but your sister Tina only does that because she cares about you.

Now hurry up and finish your breakfast so you can get to college on time honey.

Okay Dad I said and ate the last piece of toast in my hand and drank my juice.

I'm ready now so let's go to college

I said to my dad who smiled at me and stood up walking towards the door along with me and Tina.

We got outside and entered the car,while my dad drove us to my college.

We arrived there in few minutes and then i got down to get my luggage from the booth.

I walked to my dad who was standing by his car door with teary eyes.

Dad!! no crying or else I won't come home for holidays, I said in a bid to stop him from shedding tears.

He smiled at me and drew me closer to himself hugging me.

My baby has grown up so fast, I heard him say while caressing my hair.

I'll miss you so much dad, I said while hugging him tightly and gesturing towards my sister to join the hug.

Which she did and then said alright you emotional lots

Time to go or else we're gonna be late for work. Dad you do know we have an important meeting today right?

Yes I do ma'am,urrgh you're always ruining the moment dad said grumpily. while i snickered at them going at each other like cats and dogs.

We'll talk later baby, Always Take care of yourself, stay safe and be good okay baby. We love you Dad said and kissed my forehead.

I nodded while saying that i will.

You too take care of yourself,Goodbye guys I love you too.

I told them as they got into the car and drove off.

I watched them leave and then turned to face the school building and sighed.

You'll be fine Larissa I said to myself and nodded my head.

Hehe Welcome to NYU Larissa

I said and walked towards the building happily.

This is my first time writing, how do you guys see it. should I continue.

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