
Chapter 1 (Prologue)

Among the 8 realms, there is a legend. Two lovers whose fate wraps around heaven. Heaven whose destiny binds the lives of millions. It all started when the day the Protea flower first bloomed throughout the 8 realms millions of years ago. One must not change destiny but if one attempts to, calamity will rise from the ashes of love and revenge.


The heavenly emperor has called for an audience today in the courtroom. The tint of the Golden and white courtroom creates a majestic light that is known to be the purest of heaven. The most glorious palace mortals can only dream of. Golden coffee tables are placed across from each other on each side of the big courtroom. Sitting among those tables are the gods and deities of heaven. Each with proud wisdom, virtue and strength. Among the gods and deity, a young lady in purple hanfu, complemented with a fan sat on the right side of the courtroom. Young and elegant she was, her beauty never cease to impress everyone. The big golden entrance gate opens and the sound of small whimper echoes. Two guards held firmly onto a young boy. The young boy who was believed to have caused the inauspicious sign in heaven. The inauspicious sign of the Protea flower blooming throughout the 8 realms, a prediction that God of fate has left behind in the hidden scrolls. That night the sky turned dark. No stars came out, only the sound of the mystic creature from the four pillars of heaven.

The gods and deity all sat in rows along the side of the aisle.

The guards drag the young boy across the aisle as the young boy tries to free himself from their grip. The two guards finally let go of his arms and he fell to his knees. Presented in front of Heavenly emperor and Heavenly Empress, his eyes show no sign of fear. Locking eye contact with the heavenly emperor.

The gods and deity all gave their attention to the boy kneeling in front of the heavenly emperor.

"High god Lin Xinyue! You had learned the forbidden 8 spells of heaven! You violated the laws of heaven. To have thought that such a mere young mortal would learn this skill. Those who have this skill will be killed with no remorse!" The heavenly emperor states.

Lin Xinyue did not respond, instead he had a blank stare. The gods and deity who are present today observed silently, especially the young lady in purple who watches in curiosity. It has been millions of years ago since someone have violated this law. It is the new generation of gods and deities, meaning they never witnessed anything like this before. Thousands of years that had passed since secrets were long forgotten and unpopular, the gods and deities hope to get away from the chaos of life.

"I, Lin Xinyue am just a human. You flatter me, your majesty. I am not a high god. Even though I became an immortal, I still consider myself human. Someone who actually care for the lives of millions that can be destroyed in your palms. I just want to cultivate to become an Immortal, what wrong is that?" Lin Xinyue bravely stood up straight and tall.

The heavenly empress glances at the heavenly emperor. Worriedly, she tries to speak up for him. She clenches her hand and hesitated to speak up. Biting her lips and glancing at the young boy, she opens her mouth and speaks, but the heavenly emperor beat her to it.

"You still won't admit your sins?! Do you not fear death?!" The heavenly emperor yells, causing the audience to remain quiet.

Lin Xinyue is unwavered and glances at the gods and deity that are present.

"I am not scared of death but I will decide whenever my time comes. I do not need you to decide for me." Lin Xinyue states, managing to maintain a straight face.

Whispers arise among the audience. The gods and deity are all surprised at Lin Xinyue's attitude towards the heavenly emperor. No one dares to disobey or talk back to the heavenly emperor. Not even the heavenly prince and princess.

"Change may not be pleasing, but calamity is insufferable. One wrong decision and demise can't be avoided. The horizon falls, and the sunrise paints the colorful skies and stretches to a new dawn. Protea flower has finally bloomed. How I've waited for this day" A voice broke the whispers of the gods and deity throughout the courtroom.

Everyone averted their attention to the unknown owner of the voice.

The heavenly emperor and empress look towards the entrance and the guards kneel down before the owner of the unknown voice.

"Master Juyan has arrived!" a guard announces.

Everyone are surprised by the sudden visit and bows down in respect at their seat. The young lady in purple bows quickly in full respect.

"Greetings master Juyan!" The unison of the gods and deity sent chills into Lin Xinyue. Master Juyan approaches the young boy and glances at the back of the young boy.

Heavenly emperor looks surprised and tries to calm down his anger.

"Master Juyan! You didn't tell me you were going to visit. I am sorry that you have to witness this scene" Heavenly Emperor apologize, sitting back down in his seat.

Master Juyan walk towards Lin Xinyue. Staring into the boys' eyes, the hues of the young boy radiates brightly. Juyan can see the Protea flower bloom inside of those eyes.

"I sense that the Protea flower had bloomed for the first time. When Guardian of fate and destiny died, she said the fate of heaven will change when Protea blooms. Today this young child arrived on the day Protea flower bloomed throughout Tianyan mountain. I sense that this child she was talking about." Master Juyan sighs deeply. A bit hesitant to say something, but knowing that he must let the heavenly emperor know, He sighs deeply.

"Lin Xinyue is the next eye of heaven." waiting for the heavenly emperor to process the news, Master Juyan stays silent.

Heavenly emperor rises from his seat.

"Th-this must be a joke! There has never been the eye of heaven before. This is the first time the eye of heaven has shows up!" Master Juyan raises his hand in the air, signaling for him to calm down. Heavenly emperor looks at him and sat back down.

"I saw the blooming of Protea inside him. He is the next Eye of heaven. You must not disobey the heavens. I will send him to Tianyan mountain. As for his punishment. It cannot be avoided. He will have a trial from the most painful sufferings of the mortal realm." Master Juyan reaches inside his hanfu sleeves for a scripture written on an old bamboo scroll, tied with a red string and decorated with golden flowers. Master Juyan unties the string and presented the scripture of heavens eye. The big Chinese characters were presented in front of the heavenly emperor.

The heavenly emperor is hesitant for a bit. He sighs and nods.

"I will entrust this to Master Juyan. I trust that you can give him a proper punishment"

Master Juyan withdraws the scripture and places it back inside his hanfu sleeves. He turns around and glances at Lin Xinyue before averting his attention to the gods and deities.

"To the gods and deities that witnessed this today. I ask that you keep what happened today to yourselves. If news goes out that the eyes of heaven have appeared, there would be those with evil intentions after the eyes of heaven" Looking at each other, the gods and deities all bow.

"We will heed to your command!" They reply in unison. The young lady in purple raises her head and stares curiously at the young boy.

What is this young boy's destiny?

I am excited to start writing my first novel revolving around ancient chinese anthology and mythology. These type of story really intrigue me because there is much more to the story than just dramas between people. I'm a begginer at writing so don't mind some grammar mistakes.

MiYaYa1213creators' thoughts