

I have always had a crush on Chris and wished he would notice me,not just a crush I think I was in love with him.chris was my best friend Ann's senior brother and he was friends with my brother's.each time Ann comes over she always tells me how girls were always all over chris.who wouldn't be.he was effortlessly handsome and tall and each time she tells me about the girls over him I usually felt so jealous but why will I be jealous?am not even dating him it made me feel frustrated if only Chris would notice me!we grew up together and our family was close to each other what could possibly make him not to notice me.on a Thursday after school I and Ann went to my house but no one was home I changed my cloth and decided to follow Ann to her house I rather stay with her than alone at home while we were going I kept praying earnestly for Chris to be home and viola!he was home,he was the only one home his mom and brother probably went somewhere else I didn't care.i was so happy I couldn't hide the grin on my face I don't know if they noticed.ann went inside to change and that left me alone with Chris in the sitting room we were sitting across each other.it felt both awkward and nice for me awkward because we weren't saying anything and nice because I was in the same room with him.i kept praying for him to atleast ask me anything just anything when no word was coming out I brought out my phone to press."your phone is nice" I looked up to be sure he was talking to me,he said it again "your phone is nice". thank you I said smiling but in my head seriously of all things you could start a conversation with "my phone is nice"? But I could go with that.that was how Chris and I started a conversation I was laughing at some of his jokes he indeed was a sweet guy minutes later he asked for my number and just when I was about to ask for his just incase he forgets to call or chat me up I will be the one to call Ann just had to come out.a perfect time indeed!I haven't been that angry at Ann before but I just had to pretend to be cool and followed Ann to the kitchen so we could eat.i didn't really want to tell Ann how much I loved her brother atleast not yet I and ann were in the kitchen and she told me about the fight she was having with her boyfriend while my heart was still in the sitting room just those few moments I spent with Chris meant alot to me. "Are you even listening to me?jas!!"that was Ann trying to get my attention I got startled when she hit her hand on the kitchen counter I apologized to her and started giving her advice on what to do with her boyfriend I was a great counsellor.a lot of our friends always came to me for relationship advice but how ironic that I have never had a boyfriend.i have always had a crush on just one man, Chris ever since we were little and I still patiently waited for him.going home that evening I waited patiently for Chris to call he didn't call I kept staring at my phone expecting him to call he didn't call not even a text on my social media platform or even message.if desperation was a person that would be me.i desperately waited for his call even the next day I carried my phone everywhere so I wouldn't miss his call.when Ann was in school the first question I asked her was about Chris how he was and she made a joke "wowowo!you should be asking me if I have reconciled with my boyfriend,or is Chris your boyfriend?"I coughed at that no not at all!am I not allowed to show interest in my best friends family? I was just asking ok fine tell me how it went with your boyfriend.she started telling me but indeed all that was in my head was Chris. After school like usual Ann saw me to my house then after a while she left to hers I gave excuse to follow her I didn't want to run into Chris I might desperately tell him how I have been waiting for him to call and I will sound desperate.