
Love is like The Wind

Life as Raine knew it changed the night she showed up to the end of year school party! Just that morning Raine's life to her was where it was meant to be, amazing family, two best friends and a boyfriend whom she thinks she loves, however after entering that party she realised the boyfriend was not so amazing after all and the guy she ran into while running from her boyfriend seemed to be something else all together. As family secrets start to come out Raine's life as she knew it would never be the same again and will it be for the better or worst.

teri_allen · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Hot Ass Chapter Three

After finishing up with my friends, I decided to head home to clear my head and the only way clear my mile a minute brain, is heading to the only place I know, the space created for me and me alone, the place where I can be who I want, when I want, with no prying and no judgment!

Opening the shed door, that dad built for me as Seventeen birthday present. Is a place I can go too, so I could have some where I could paint until my heart contents, without any interruption, well it's not like anyone will disturb me these days as many have learnt to leave me be once I have a paint brush in my hand, everyone is running in different directions to escape me seeing and that them being scared too, as they will need to deal with my wrath, resulting in even scaring myself with the way I react too. For example my dad closed his business for a weekend and went

away while I panted his work shop. I quote " I would rather lose money

than hear you scream honey" mother always said I had a temper for as

long as she could remember.

As I hit the volume up on one of me favorite bands Lady A and go to

expressing all the pent up anger, disappointment and pure sadness inside of me.

The following day as the I walked through the early morning street's, as I take in the morning warmth, with the birds singing there morning song I make my way towards the old shop mechanic shop my father use to owned. I though about the year that had past, how a relationship came and went, with another school year over, and only one more year to go, before I'm off to university to study art history as a major. Luckily I can still be close to home when I attend. I started to think why is being seventeen seems so hard! I know it's not really, but man it sure can feel like it. I know life can throw so many path's our, we just have to make sure we pick the right! Which mum says it's OK from time to time to take the wrong path and life has a way to steer us back to the right one, however I'm also realness and knows not everyone gets that chance or wants it. As of right now, I feel like I'm sitting at a crossroad not sure where my life is heading, but no matter what I chose or what decision I make, in the end it will be one of many life experience.

Then all of a sudden life experience or whatever I was thinking about went completely blank as standing before me, is the most stunning male specimen know to man and I mean man, not a high school boy, but a man, all over 6ft of him, with his jeans tightening as he is bends over and did I mention with no shirt as well, washing the most adorable dog I've every seen, along with the most intoxicated little girls laugh I've ever heard.

Uncle! "Benny just splashed water all over my dress" she tried sounding sad, but you could see pure joy displayed all over her face.

I don't know what it is about this man! that just wants me to wish I was Benny right now, so I could have his hands all over me, rubbing me down, applying soft little kisses to my nose. Oh my God Raine, get a grip, your here to do a job and leave.

While off in my own little world, I realised the little girl had stopped washing the dog, and gripped her uncles hand asking who I was and why does she have a funny look on her face. oh God please no drool hanging from my mouth.

"Hi". hi that's all I can manage is hi, OMG Raine wake the hell up, and what is it with this guy that makes you so tonged tied.

" Raine, hello earth to Raine".

All of a sudden a strong muscular hand was in front of my face, was clicking it's fingers oh what fine fingers they were, strong, long that could do wonderful pleasurably things in the privacy of ones bedroom! all of sudden I was snapped out of my dream of heading to the bedroom with this amazing man, with the same words as before.

"Hello Raine are are you ok, do you need to sit down, do I need to call your parents. Here come into the shade and take a seat" as taking me by the elbow and directing me to a shady part of the yard to sit down on a log under a tree, he sweepers sweet words to the little girl "honey bear can you please pass me the bottle of water there please".

Quickly snapping out of it, and coming to my senors I finely realise that he most likely thinks i am an complete dead brain of child, who cant seemed to walk straight or form two words around him. Oh how I wish I could turn run for the hills, better why don't I just become a nun so I never have to see this guy again.

Oh sorry , umm yeah I'm here, I was so focus about the job on hand and thinking should I just touch up the art work that is already there or should I just wipe it clean and start on something fresh as, I painted it when I was ten. That I didn't see that bee that was flying around me until the last minute and froze as I'm shit scared of them and whenever I hear or see one I tend to freeze, have no Idea why I do it and being seventeen I should be over that fear by now. Raven just smiled and giving me a look like I don't quite believe you, but I will leave it there for now. "Here you go uncle".

With that the bottle of water was pressed against my lips to take a drink. I say thank you, while reaching up to grasp the bottle out of his hands our hands slightly touch and boom everything felt different, my entire insides felt like they were on fire, air couldn't escape my lungs and why did I fell like I wanted to rip this man top off and hump him like a dog. At the same times his nostrils flare up and what seems to me he was holding everything back not to jump me there and then right in front of prying eyes and his niece. All of a sudden between clench teeth he "Honey bear can you please go find daddy for me as its time to feed Benny and he will need to help you with it" okay uncle. With that the little girl was skipping off to find her daddy, while I was being dragged off towards the side of the house, to what seemed like a tiny shed. Fear started to sink in, along with need, needing this man to sink his teeth into me and make me his.

Wait! as I try to dig my heels into the ground to try to stop being dragged into the unknown with this man. Where are you taking me, please.....

The next minute I was thrown over his shoulder and carried into darkness.

well there, third chapter done.

Oh what will be in hold for Raine and what are the feeling she is feeling.

Drop a comment and let me know!

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