

Hi my name is max am 17 years old. i fell in love when i was 16 years old, so I have been dating this girl for a year now.

Hi my name is Benita and I am Max's girl friend.we have been dating for a year now and we have never had any sexual relationship or pool in too a kiss, because max is against it he was like it's not right we are still teenagers who can barely feed all by our self.i got angry and broke up with him for some one else that day,

So the next day some of my friends and relatives from max class came too me and they were like are you sure you broke up with max and i said yes I did, they asked for a second time.and I said to them, are you girls hiding anything from me ? nothing they said but we saw max in class today he was so happy and joyful.so I became sad a little but I never mind because my new boyfriend took us out for chopping parties and cubing, my mom and dad never cared so i did what i like.So back to the story of max,

Like i said we have been dating for a year now and i never had any sexual relationship with her it's not like i never had emotions or thought of doing so but I knew i wasn't going to marry her because we were no Mach for each other and i wasn't the one who asks her out, she asks me out. So after she broke up with me. the next day i was in school happy, active and joyful i mean who would have thought she broke up with me so that day i was so so happy,i bomb in too this girl named favour.

favour was a brilliant and God fearing girl in my class, but a new student we bomb in too each other. that was the first time in my life i felt true love by my side and then we held hends for a long time I regained my self and said sorry, and then she asks a question are you this happy all the time. i couldn't say a word because l was lost in thought.and then finally I got back home greeted mom and dad in the sitting room and dad said too me son we are having a family visitor go get dress and come too the dine they will be here any time from now, so i went up stairs getting dressed up but i couldn't get favour the girl i bomb in too off my mind. so finally i got dressed up and came down stairs and fund favour the new girl in my school I bomb in too,in my house i was so shocked and my dad said son come,i came and greeted my uncle and unt. then my dad sed son here is your cousin favour, favour here is your cousin max, then she embraced me with a big smile and said hi max, i said hi too and left, went back up, too my room heart broken sad and worried, some minutes later some one nock's at my door,I said come in. then she came in and it was favour then she said i know you like me, but we are family i concluded and then we got along so well we started gisting like family's, we are. we talked about love and so many things, so they passed the night at my dad's house we prayed together that night and gave thanks to God.

So the next day we got too school and she introduced a friend of has too me, the girl held my hends and said hi max. i said hi too but i couldn't stop my self from saying too her you are so beautiful. thank you she said and i didn't know what came over me,i just tried too kiss her then she stop me and i sed am sorry , she said it's fine. then she gave me her contact and said call me when you get home i said i will and left. I got back home that day devastated I was trying too know way i tried too kiss her then i got a call on my phone and it was her the girl of my dreams angel, it was at then i knew even teenagers do have high blood pressure i did not give her my number but she was able too call me so i peekt her call and she was like hello, i sed hello too then she said why didn't you call that you are home. I said am sorry but can we meet she said where exactly. I said your house, so she gave me her house address and i drove too her house with my dad's car, i nockt on her door and she opened the door and welcomed me in with a hug,i greated her mom and dad and told them how much i love dear daughter. they asked me some questions and finally said angel is all we've got and she is not from a rich home like you so it will be nice of you too love and take good care of her, then they let us leave, and i took her too my dad's house we met mom and dad and they liked her so, so much because she was a nice, loving, kind and God fearing person so after meeting mom and dad we went up stairs at the balcony in my room. then i said to her where you angry, I tried too kiss you she said no i just tried too privent my self from falling in love so quick, i said to her I really love you. and it will be an honor too marry you.

So the next night we aad a small feast between my family, my cousin's family and angel's family, it was a small feast and that night i properly propose too angel too marry me, love me, and be the mother of my kids, then she said yes i will marry you, love you, and be the mother of your kids.we all celebrated and was happy for this.

Two years later we where already done with College and graduated with first class degree, i my self, favour my cousin, and angel my fiance . but unfortunately for my ex-girlfriend Benita she got pregnant and was expelled from college, and the worst part of it all was that she was disowned by her biological parents. so after we graduated from college i got a job, no i mean we all got a job ten times bigger than we expected, then i and angel decided too get married in two weeks time. so our wedding preparation started. and we were still at the shopping mall shopping with the whole family for the wedding, then I got a call from my ex-girlfriend Benita saying she is sorry and wants to see me she sent me the location of where she was. that she really wants to see me for an urgent talk she kept on pleading so I had no choice but to go see her. then I told my fiance and left. I drove out of the mall with my official car given to me by the company I worked for. on my way going, I felt so strange like she had a bad motive for me. but I didn't want to disappoint her because of all she has gone through. but still I kept on hearing this voice saying just park and wait for a while if you really want to get married to Angel. so I did pack and waited for a while after some minutes, I got there but she was already arrested by the police so I went to the police officers and asked why they arrested her. the police officers said day court her with a gun and she confessed that she was going to kill her ex-boyfriend Max and also kill herself. at this point I was so confused and I didn't know what to do or say, but my family had the news and came down to me quickly,

so we all drove back home that day and we were so happy that nobody died. so our wedding preparation continued we got all we needed for the wedding to hold and it was finally the day of our wedding we made the wedding vows to each other and was declared husband and wife in wealth in health in sickness and in troubles Amen.

The end of this story

Max was a teenager who was searching for true love and not sex, then he found favour but favour turns out to be his cousin. then favour introduced him to a friend of hers named Angel. angel turned out to be his match, and they got married and live in love till death.

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