
The call

At Home

" Hey ! you are finally back... I was waiting for you. You didn't harm Adrien right ?" Xiayong asked in serious mood.

" Yeah, I am back... and don't you worry I didn't cause any trouble to Adrien. Luckily he is fine." Shina replied.

" Oh really, thank goodness.... I was really worried about your anger and impulsivness. I thought that you would had killed him if he gets on your nerves." Xiayong said.

" Luckily he won't." shina replied.

"Well... what happened between you two? what you talked about?"

" Hey! what do you mean?"

" I am just asking what was your conversation about?"

( Do you think I am a fool. I don't understand what do you mean by this xiayo. I am definitely not going to tell you what that disgusting man said to me.) Shina thought.

"Conversation... we didn't converse at all.... when I entered in his room... he was in his bathroom. I left his blazer in his room and left the place so we didn't even saw each other." shina said ( lied).

" oh... is that so.. I thought that you bo..." Xiayo was speaking suddenly her mom interrupted them.

" Xiayong, Shina ... Xiayong, Shina.... .. come down here fast." Mrs. Chu said.

" Coming... " shina and Xiayong said.

Shina and Xiayong came in hall quickly.

" what's wrong mom.. ?" Xiayong asked.

"Nothing my dear fairies. Shina I got a call of your mom dad. They are on line

come talk to them."

" Mom dad's call" Shina said while holding phone.

" Mom Dad" shina said. her eyes became watery.

" hello.... our dear princess."

" How are you doing mom.. dad? "

" we are doing good... we are so sorry to call you after such a long period of time."

"it's okay mom... it's.not your fault. I am doing great here. Mr and Mrs Chu treat.me as their own daughter and Xiayong always help and care me."

" that's very good. our precious daughter... you still have to hide for now... those people are still looking for you. you are our world. we don't want to lose our second daughter so please stay alert."

" don't worry mom dad... I am absolutely fit and fine and always alert."

( I promise you dad who ever killed my big sister I will ruin his life. I will give them pain thousand time more as a return.) shina thought.

" shina give phone to Xiayong. I need to talk to her for a moment."

" uhh... ok.."

Shina gave mobile to Xiayong.

" hello , uncle aunty."

" hello , Xiayong. you know why I want to talk to you right?"

" Of course uncle, I do know and you please don't stress yourself about it. I will take care of her."

" Thanks Xiayo.. but you know it's really very difficult job. shina is stubborn and impulsive. in her anger she can do anything. She was very close to her sister so I am afraid that she will take revenge from those people and you know that they are very powerful and also I don't wanna lose my last kid."

" I can understand uncle. Shina is very powerful and intelligent but you still worry for her. I promise you aunty uncle I will never let her get hurt."

" Thank you Xiayo"

After talking for a while she hang up the call.

" hey what were you discussing with my mom dad. You talk with them a lot. what happened?" Shina asked.

" Nothing.. they were just worried about you. They asked me to take care of you." Xiayong said ( lied) with a pleasent smile.

" Oh.. " shina said.

suddenly shina saw time on her watch.

" Oh no..... I am going late for tution... I don't want to get scold by Aryan again. I am gotta going. See you in cafe." Shina said hurriedly while running and finding her books.