
Adrien's baby

After leaving the house of Xiayong Shina reaches her college Where Aryan was waiting for her.

" Oh Shit... I am late again. He will definitely scold me again but my quota has already been completed because of Adrien and Xiao. SIGH. Today I don't want to fight with him so I must keep calm." Shina murmured.

( Don't forget your actual mission Shina. Don't forget your true identity. Don't forget the reason for which you are here. You are not here for getting graduation from this college but to reveal people and punish them who did that accident on that day but for now be chill and don't let anyone know about your true identity.) Shina thought.

" hey..." Shina said.

" you... you are..." Aryan was saying but shina interrupted him.

" I know... I know.. I am late again and I am really very very sorry for that.. actually some work came so I got late while doing that. I promise this will never happen again." Shina said while making cute expressions.

" Al.. alright . This time I am sparing you but not if this happened again then..." Aryan was saying and shina again interrupted him.

" This will never happen again and if happened then you can punish me as you wish. Come on I also know that you are very famous and busy star. Each minute is damn important for you so let's not waste our time here. Let's start. Soon we start soon we will finish." Shina said in cute manner while touching his face with her hand and Started moving to their class.

Aryan touched his face where Shina touched him and smiled.

" Hey! what are you doing there? Come fast busybody." Shina said.

" yeah! coming.." Aryan responded.

( What the... why the hell was I laughing. She touched my face and I didn't get angry infact I smiled. What the hell is wrong with me.) Aryan thought.

After few minutes they started studying. They studied for nearly three hours and it was evening now.

" okay.. so that's it for today.if you didn't understand anything then just let me know I can explain again." Shina asked.

" No need of this... I understood." Aryan replied.

" Good then... finally now we can leave." Shina said.

They both walked to the gate.

( WOW! I can't believe this we didn't fight today. it's really miraculous.) Shina thought.

Suddenly Adrien appeared there.

" hey gorgeous.. done with your tutions ? Let's go home if you are done." Adrien asked in his usual way.

" you... what are you doing here?" Shina asked in anger.

" what will I do here instead of taking my baby to home?X Adrien said playfully.

" Baby.. who the hell is your baby here?" Shina asked.

" oh come on baby ... Don't be like this. I know I should not say that things to you which I said on that day at my house. I apologize for that. I will neither force you nor say those kind of things to you baby. I swear. I am a good boy." Adrien said.

(what the fu*k is he saying. I wanna punch him right now.) Shina thought.

" oh.. hello.. mister what are you daydreaming about. I had already told you that I DON'T like you. Stay away from me." Shina said.

Suddenly Adrien noticed Aryan there.

" hey! my girlfriend's student why are you still standing here. Don't say me that you are also into her." Adrien said in serious Tone.

"Of course not... she is not my type. I was just waiting for my car." Aryan said.

" good then." Adrien said.

The car came and Aryan left for his house .

"oh come on darling... let's go I am getting hungry. Get in the car." Adrien said.

" Stop saying darling to me. I am not your darling and also I am not getting in the car do whatever you want." Shina said in irritated mood.

" do whatever I want.. LAUGH... you.. naughty.." Adrien said.

Adrien pick up Shina with his arms and lifted up.

" hey let me go." Shina said.

" what are you worrying about. I will never let you fall. you had seen my abs and muscles already so don't worry.i can even do squats wile lifting you by the way did you like my muscles?" Adrien asked playfully.

" SHUT UP" Shina shouted.

and then placed in car. He sat in the car and locked the doors.

" hey what are you going to do ... I told you I am not going with you anywhere. let me go." Shina shouted.

" baby.. I am Driving so please don't scream. I don't want to go to the hospital and to appear on newspapers headlines tomorrow. so please stop." Adrien said.

There in school Jaya ( Chu xia's assistant) saw everything and reported all this to Chu xia.

" That bitch... I will make her suffer for seducing my Adrien." Chu xia shouted in anger.

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